Democratic Rep. Says Clarence Thomas Should Resign Over Wife Ginni's Conduct
Source: HuffPo
Rep. Bill Pascrell said Thomas has poisoned the High Court by hearing Jan. 6 cases even though his wife was involved in efforts to overturn the election.
Marita Vlachou
Jun 17, 2022, 11:16 AM EDT
Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) has called on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign following more reports of his wifes efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
Over the last few years, we have become numb to bad acts by powerful actors, but Clarence and Ginni Thomas have participated in one of the worst breaches of trust ever seen in our court system, Pascrell said in a statement Thursday, referring to efforts to keep then-President Donald Trump in power despite his loss to Joe Biden.
And while she was doing all this, her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas, was hearing litigation relating to the 2020 election, Pascrell said, calling Thomas a corrupt jurist who has poisoned the High Court.
Clarence Thomas should have dignity and final respect for our democracy and resign, Pascrell concluded.
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(6,358 posts)Ocelot II
(122,792 posts)You can be damn sure that all the demanding in the world won't make Clarence budge an inch. In fact, it will just make him dig in harder and be an even bigger fascist ass than he already is.
(8,116 posts)MacKasey
(1,303 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,098 posts)There is no way of knowing how much time they have together before Ginni gets whisked to jail.

(19,099 posts)Is his opinion on record, or would it be invalidated?
Ocelot II
(122,792 posts)bringthePaine
(1,806 posts)Bmoboy
(438 posts)Dred Scott decision - African-Americans could not be citizens and slavery could not be prohibited in the US.
(23,829 posts)LoisB
(9,355 posts)believe that this "person" replaced Justice Thurgood Marshall.
C Moon
(12,685 posts)They are only there for the good of the gop.
Backseat Driver
(4,649 posts)I think they both did some MyPillow talkin' in their sleep, LOL!
(1,867 posts)"Should" is dead and buried along with "shame".
(47,447 posts)Seeking Serenity
(3,112 posts)Martin68
(24,906 posts)He should resign.
(41,180 posts)BWdem4life
(2,504 posts)Ford_Prefect
(8,264 posts)a Conservative Republican, to a man of his personal abilities and achievements, to a superior human being, to a Supreme Court Justice, nor to someone who has thus far beaten the system.
Another reason he won't is that once he did he would be subject to possible prosecution, a condition he no doubt fears in his heart of hearts.
For those who mistakenly assume he has any sense of honor regarding his position let me assure you in no uncertain terms that he is every bit as arrogant and irrationally disdainful of such a concept as TFG.
(27,333 posts)niyad
(122,010 posts)AntiFascist
(13,015 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(118,392 posts)But conservatives don't believe in ethics. Those are for little people.