The latest: Democrats, led by Schumer, have confirmed 80 of Biden's judicial nominations
Source: Washington Post
The Senate on Monday confirmed Judge Salvador Mendoza to sit on the 9th Circuit Court, making him not only the first Latino judge to serve in the Eastern District of Washington, but also the 80th judicial nominee confirmed during the Biden administration.
Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) says that more judges have been confirmed under Biden than were confirmed at this point in the Trump, Obama and George W. Bush administrations.
Its something we Democrats are very proud of, because the impact of these judges will last for years, if not decades, Schumer said on the Senate floor. And we are by no means done.
Mendoza, the child of Mexican immigrant farmworkers, was confirmed by a vote of 46-40.
Schumer said that the Senate will now move on to the nomination of Arianna J. Freeman to serve as a judge on the 3rd Circuit. Freeman, he said, will be the fourth circuit judge nominee the Senate will consider since the beginning of this work period, which started a week ago.
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That's the entire article in the fast-moving breaking news snippet page on WaPo. No more in the link.

(11,011 posts)Evolve Dammit
(19,943 posts)Tumbulu
(6,489 posts)OK, here is a link to the article- but in total 226 Judges. But nearly as many Appeals Court Judges as President Obama, in half the time. And of course 3 Supreme Court Justices.
(54,580 posts)Last edited Mon Sep 12, 2022, 11:48 PM - Edit history (1)
It will take us YEARS, maybe decades, to even out the bench, let alone attain a progressive majority on the bench that reflects the values of the American people.
That's why we must expand the Supreme Court.
(13,913 posts)During the Con's reign of terror. We must hold the Senate & apppoint more good judges.
(27,349 posts)Unlikely to happen though as most of them other than Thomas are young and seem pretty fit but hey I can dream.
(22,850 posts)I can just hear St. Peter:
"So, Mr. Thomas, here's a list of your earthly misdeeds - and pay attention! This isn't one of your Supreme Court hearings you know."
(6,115 posts)Then McConnell pulled his bullshit.
If any of them were going to die, I'd pick Alito first, the hatemongering misogynist, and then Thomas second.