Ryan thrust into central Republican role
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by muriel_volestrangler (a host of the Latest Breaking News forum).
Source: Financial Times
Paul Ryan lost his bid for the vice-presidency, but the conservative congressman from Wisconsin returned to Washington as a potential game-changer in the tense negotiations over the fiscal cliff.
John Boehner is his partys chief negotiator in talks between Republicans and Barack Obama in the White House over a budget deal. But Mr Ryans public support or rejection of any compromise reached by Mr Boehner and the president will be key to a deal passing muster with rank and file members.
Mr Ryan has maintained his influence among the conservative base of Republicans in the House, many of whom view defeat in the presidential election as a consequence of the Republican ticket not being conservative enough.
I think he is probably the most powerful person you havent heard anything from, says Chris Krueger, an analyst at Guggenheim Securities.
(may be behind a paywall)
Read more: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/51e9d7a6-3a4b-11e2-a32f-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz2DfyyeCla
I posted the following in the ft.com comments section:
Ryan's "solution" to the "cliff" is to throw granny off it.

(24,906 posts)The Detroit Tigers announced they will win the World Series next year by relying on Prince Fielder's base-stealing abilitiy.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)lexw
(804 posts)JusticeForAll
(1,222 posts)Yo_Mama_Been_Loggin
(118,539 posts)Now go away.
(102,992 posts)This is an analysis article, looking at Ryan's general position, and speculation about what he might do, or the stances he might take. It would be better in Politics 2012, or GD. Thanks for your understanding.