Chuck Woolery, Game Show Host Behind 'Love Connection' and More, Dies at 83
Source: Variety
Chuck Woolery, the veteran game show host who gained fame as the original emcee behind Wheel of Fortune and later as the face of the popular syndicated dating show Love Connection, has died. He was 83.
The news was first reported on the social media site X by Woolerys friend Mark Young, who noted that it is with a broken heart that I tell you that my dear brother @chuckwoolery has just passed away. Life will not be the same without him, RIP brother.
The website TMZ confirmed the news, reporting that Woolery died in his Texas home after having trouble breathing.
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(107,813 posts)
Response to The Grand Illuminist (Original post)
hlthe2b This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,293 posts)Maybe it was covid. The magat was a covid denier. Buhbye.
(24,633 posts)He has sucked for 4 decades (or more)
(7,294 posts)It's always just gob-smacking how stupid trumpers are
(48 posts)Good Bye one less rotten POS in the world. Feel for his family but nothing for him.
The Grand Illuminist
(1,746 posts)They are just as guilty.
(183 posts)he was an asshole.
marble falls
(63,206 posts)... donut shop on Saturdays.
He was always polite and friendly. He would listen to opposing views. He was not a deep thinker or the sharpest tool in the shed. I always felt he was influenced by those he was hanging with at the moment.
Once after he and several RWers were pontificating on how awful liberals and Democrats were to GWB's college student cut up daughters, I talked to him alone and reminded him of just one joke about Chelsea Clinton and one about Amy Carter. And he admitted cracks about the Bush girls were never anywhere near as nasty.
I felt he was reacting to crowd he was in, he was a performer - albeit one with few original ideas of his own.
I liked him, but he was not a person I would go to for political advice or cogent opinion on anything past the weather or polite general conversation. He at least let me speak my mind and let me finish and I never heard him get personal in his comments.
He was genial, friendly and outgoing. And probably couldn't finish a crossword.
(1,670 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 24, 2024, 11:47 AM - Edit history (1)
(409 posts)marble falls
(63,206 posts)... I'd never have voted for him or asked him who to vote for. But he was an uncomplicated gentleman who treated me with respect and never, ever got nasty, talked shit about anyone. He was never loud or mean or drunk. He kept whatever specifics of his politics to himself. And other than I knew he was Republican, he never argued or yelled about it.
How well did you know him?
Interestingly enough, the Fred Willard quotes you mis-attributed to Chuck Woolery were things that Chuck might have said in life innoculous and polite.
Wiz Imp
(3,649 posts)There are plenty of signs out there that he was anything but a good person. Just because you were ok with him, don't you dare try to tell me that I'm wrong in my assessment. To me he was a scumbag and my opinion is every bit as valid as yours.
marble falls
(63,206 posts)... treated people. I'll take my direct observation over 15+ years over your second and third hand incomplete, context free slurs any day.
Feel free to hate anyone you want, but don't pretend in this case it's based on anything other than that he was a Republican. What crimes has he committed? What office did he run for? What candidate did he campaign for?
Like I said, I'd never have asked him who to vote for and he never ever volunteered a candidate for me to consider.
(28,964 posts)I didn't really have any thoughts about him either way, but I was appalled by some of the comments here.
marble falls
(63,206 posts)... politics. I never heard anything over the line out of his mouth, even if he was sitting in the R Bar with a bunch drunk MAGA types trying to impress a TV gameshow host with their hate speech. BTW: he was a fairly light drinker. His bourbon rx would last an hour. Maybe there was a second one after dinner.
(7,293 posts)Until it hit his family. Typical for a magat. So here I am. Dancing, dancing, dancing.
marble falls
(63,206 posts)On July 12, 2020, Woolery tweeted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), doctors, the media, and Democratic Party were lying about the COVID-19 pandemic. Then-president Donald Trump retweeted Woolery's claims.[26][27] The following day, Woolery tweeted that his son had tested positive for the virus and that the "COVID-19 pandemic is real". His Twitter account was later made private before later being made public again.[28][29]

A lot of liberals have expressed doubts about the vaxx, too. Personally I'll take every one I get offered over at the VA. Haven't missed one yet. Because a lot of people are hinky about vaxxing.
(7,293 posts)My DNA has not changed and I have never contracted covid. I have been exposed and in close contact several times as a nurse, but never tested positive. The only draw back from the shot was a sore arm for a day or two. I got covid, shingles, flu, pneumonia and soon to get the RSV shot. I want them all because I don't want to die early, drowning in my own body fluids. I trust science.
(1,645 posts)That is what made him so good on shows like Wheel of Fortune and why Pat Sajak was so lousy. Sajak isn't an extrovert, and it showed.
(19,634 posts)As he used to say while flashing the appropriate number of fingers.
It shouldn't be hard to believe I seldom watched his genre of "entertainment", but he had a good full life to complete his circle,
Wiz Imp
(3,649 posts)He was the original host of Wheel Of Fortune but left before it became really popular. Love Connection was one of the absolute worst shows ever on //television and he also hosted Scrabble - one of the dumbest game shows ever. a show that had absolutely no connection to the game it was named after.
After losing all his game show jobs, He's been hawking gold scams for years.
marble falls
(63,206 posts)... but I think that was part of his appeal. I wish I were the same failure he was in game shows in all my endeavors! He made quite a haul losing all those jobs.
What Is Chuck Woolerys Net Worth?
Woolery had a net worth that ranged between $10 million and $15 million, according to multiple outlets, including Celebrity Net Worth.
What Does Net Worth Mean?
A celebritys net worth is measured based on their personal assets minus their liabilities, per Bankrate. A persons assets can include their home(s), vehicle(s), stocks, bonds and other personal items. The way their net worth is calculated is by adding up their assets and subtracting what they owe.
Charles Herbert Woolery (March 16, 1941 November 23, 2024) was an American game show host, talk show host, actor, and musician. He had long-running tenures hosting several game shows. Woolery was the original host of the original daytime Wheel of Fortune (19751981), the original incarnation of Love Connection (19831994), Scrabble (19841990, and during a brief revival in 1993), Greed on Fox from 1999 to 2000, and Lingo on Game Show Network from 2002 to 2007. Woolery's musical career includes several advertising jingles, a top-40 pop hit with the psychedelic pop duo The Avant-Garde, and a number of country music releases.
Not exactly the record of someone trying to keep hearth and home together.
Wiz Imp
(3,649 posts)Steven Seagal made a ton of money as an actor yet he couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. Gwyneth Paltrow is widely considered one of the worst actresses working today even though she has had multiple "successful" movies and even won an Oscar (widely considered one of the worst Oscar winners ever.
I stand by my characterization of Chuck Woolery as a terrible game show host and a terrible person.
marble falls
(63,206 posts)... thought he had what it took to get people to watch and get them to respond to advertising.
Fuck Steven Seagal, and Gwynyth Paltrow. Putting Woolery into their same category is one hell of a stretch.
Both Seagal and Paltrow are well documented jerks and criminals. Name one scandal associated with Woolery.
Woolery was such a crappy games how host how? That he made millions at it and his employers made hundreds of millions? There was no one else on this planet for those networks/production companies/networks to hire so they settled for the worst?
Having never been a fan of game shows (other than the Joan Rivers/Paul Linde Hollywood Squares), I leave the expertise to judge the quality of a game show host in your capable hands. I just wish I was half the failure at anything as you think he was as TV game show host.
You're welcome to your opinion. But I actually knew the guy. I've also known some real buttholes, too. Like the brothers who started Gateway Computers. Had five or six years of interaction to actually know what jerks they were. Trump level butt holes.
(432 posts)Just sayin
(2,102 posts)How about them Lions?
(9,401 posts)I hope he'll receive all of the Karma in which is due him. Just think of the people he very likely influenced (on his right-wing podcast) who undoubtably received false information and lies who listened to him and God only knows how that effected others...
(892 posts)believe that MEN like you are few and far between. Your daughters are SO lucky to have a loving daddy. I also wanted to wish you a belated "HAPPY THANKSGIVING, DEAD BIRD or INDIGENOUS PEOPLE'S ". ( Whatever you celebrate). I married a man like you, (he's American Bohemian Czech) & my mom and maternal grandmother PRAYED that I would find a good man. His TWIN brother called him a "lying sociopath", his wife, my Aunt Mae HATED him , (from the time she first met him), so did my maternal Grandfather, Aunt, his older sister and most of my cousins on his side. In fact, when most people met him at first, they thought he was suave, nice debonair, etc BUT he could only hold that masque in place for a short time before he showed his true face.Was married AT LEAST 6 times, (w/an exception of 1, they were asian women STRAIGHT from China who bounced as soon as they got their green cards), stalked Mom BOTH times she divorced him. I just admire men like you & truly wish that the population of planet Earth increase good upstanding men that love their families, perhaps there'd be fewer psychopaths & messed up people. BTW, my name is Melody and I just might phone you around Christmas.
Again, thank you for being the archetype for loving, caring & human dads. Not necessarily perfect all the time but your heart's in the right place. Oh yeah, are you on the West Coast? Got a feeling you're not but hope springs eternal!
Earth Bound Misfit
(3,562 posts)
(4,046 posts)More please!!!!
(20,840 posts)Response to The Grand Illuminist (Original post)
LudwigPastorius This message was self-deleted by its author.
(35,599 posts)On July 12, 2020, Woolery tweeted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), doctors, the media, and Democratic Party were lying about the COVID-19 pandemic. Then-president Donald Trump retweeted Woolery's claims.[26][27] The following day, Woolery tweeted that his son had tested positive for the virus and that the "COVID-19 pandemic is real". His Twitter account was later made private before later being made public again.[28][29]
Blue Owl
(55,246 posts)Jilly_in_VA
(11,514 posts)Who's that? Who cares?
(12,559 posts)It is warm where he is headed.
(1,645 posts)He was good-looking, he was personable, he had a good sense of humor, and he put the contestants at ease. As a host he was everything Pat Sajak wasn't. Sajak has all the personality and charisma of a wet dishrag. I basically quit watching Wheel of Fortune when Woolery left.
RIP, Chuck.
Chili Pepper
(125 posts)But in this case I cant