White House Threatens Veto Of House Food Stamps Bill
Last edited Thu Sep 19, 2013, 05:26 PM - Edit history (3)
Source: TPM
The Obama administration issued Wednesday a veto threat against a House Republican bill that would cut food stamps by nearly $40 billion over 10 years.
"These cuts would affect a broad array of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet, including working families with children, senior citizens, veterans, and adults who are still looking for work," the administration said in an official policy statement. "Slashing (foods tamps) also weakens our nations farm and rural economies."
The Congressional Budget Office estimated that up to 3.8 million would lose their benefits under the bill. A House floor vote is expected Thursday.
Read more: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/white-house-threatens-veto-of-house-food-stamps-bill
White House vows to veto Republican bill to cut food stamps
Just voted on
House passes GOP plan for deep cuts in food stamps
The House approved a Republican plan Thursday to cut food stamps by $39 billion during the next decade, setting up a showdown with Democrats over the program used by nearly 48 million low-income Americans.
The House voted 217-210 for the bill that cuts nearly twice as much from food stamps as a bill the House rejected in June. It is also far more than a Senate measure passed earlier this year that would trim about $4.5 billion in spending. The bill failed to draw the support of a single Democrat, many of whom have said the steep cuts would erode a key safety net depended on by families with children, seniors, veterans and people looking for work.
Fifteen Republicans also voted against the bill.
Sen.Bernie Sanders now talking to Ed about bringing this to the Senate
He will fight to make sure it doesn't go through.

(47,205 posts)Do you people see this? White House Threatens Veto Of House Food Stamps Bill.
(29,503 posts)is like a day without sunrise, seems like sometimes. He could cure cancer, and people here would criticize him for neglecting all those with acne.
(30,020 posts)vetoing such a mean-spirited Repuke bill.
Beyond donating to and working for his campaign, I voted for PBO three times, primary included.
I like the guy, personally, and beyond that, I believe in always giving credit where credit is due.
(3,300 posts)
(39,215 posts)stamps! Tell them no as long as they continue down this road and in the meantime call your reps and sens.
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)And who the fuck is "you people?"
(47,953 posts)SharonAnn
(13,934 posts)agriculture subsidies and cut the poor off from Food Stamps.
(14,255 posts)don't really get that part.
Tigress DEM
(7,887 posts)Mr.Bill
(24,906 posts)which is a large employer in most towns. It's a great economic stimulus and jobs program that helps people in need. Win win win.
(10,417 posts)on food stamps,1.79 is added to gdp
great return on investment!!!!
(1,881 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)1ProudAtheist
(346 posts)BO will cave to repuke demands. He has become a spineless wimp instead of a progressive leader.
(8,579 posts)go out and work to elect a progressive candidate
(346 posts)The real candidate in 2008, our next POTUS, Hillary Clinton. Now, she HAS a spine.
As for BO, he has disappointed all true progressives from day one when he failed to prosecute the former administration for War Crimes. It has been just one broken promise after another since then.
(34,582 posts)that is funny.
(346 posts)Hillary and Bill despise the Bushes. And Hillary would have had no problem whipping a congress with a super majority into passing a REAL healthcare Bill. And we definitely would not have this sequester, and probably not be having to deal with the baggers and the orange boner either. Hillary is one woman that you NEVER want to cross. Wait and see.
(3,300 posts)Never.
(161,583 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)Obama proposed public option while campaigning (then folded on when nut cutting time came around)
(346 posts)In 1993? That was when Hillary had HER plan..........and by no means did she ever propose handing over the keys to the kingdom to private healthcare insurance companies. Those are the culprits that brought us here, they surely will no get us out of this quagmire. Single Payer is the only true solution. And she certainly wouldn't have given away all of the marbles like BO did "buy" votes from his own party. Negotiating with the likes of Sestak was reprehensible.
Hillary is a very strong personality while BO is a weakling who is willing to deal away everything just to remain friends with his foes. He has been a big joke when you look at the bottom line..........take the stimulus package for instance. He agreed to something about one third of what was necessary, and gave half of that away in tax cuts. BO has been a very weak president no matter how much anyone likes him.......just weak.
(34,582 posts)and one that Hillary never supported. Where the hell have you been?
(28,552 posts)... he sure hangs out with them a lot.
I agree that HRC would not have been substantially different than Obama. The sad thing is, I would have expected it from HRC but I did not see it coming from him.
Leaving the food stamp program alone is a no-brainer. He needs to not threaten, just say "I WILL VETO THIS BILL AS WRITTEN", period, and do so if it reaches his desk. It's really not an issue that needs a lot of thought or nuance.
(5,610 posts)Flatulo
(5,005 posts)1ProudAtheist
(346 posts)Campaign. Several times as I recall.
(5,005 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)former9thward
(33,424 posts)Look forward to reading those links....
(37,326 posts)Sunlei
(22,651 posts)attacks so vicious by Rs (before the D primary)even included some Rs (IMO) voting against Mrs. Clinton so to have Mr. Obama win the primary. IMO again- because Rs thought Mr. Obama was much less electable.
Rs were Rs mistaken and I think them for helping Pres. O rise to the top of the heap. and us Ds are stronger because we got both of them!
(306,869 posts)1ProudAtheist
(346 posts)A president with a spine.
(37,748 posts)I would prefer posters cite objective sources for their claims.
Guess we can't have everything...
(34,582 posts)Zombie PUMA. Sure has all the Hillary zeal and an Obama hatred mixed with a heavy dose of delusion that we expect from those type.
(306,869 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)the more I think I am right. Hillary is god- yes. Obama is bad- yes. Accuse Obama of being the exact thing Hillary is while claiming Hillary isnt like that- yes. When you go to the zoo and smell that god awful urine smell you smell when you approach the area that the big cats are in- yes. PUMA
(34,582 posts)she just was a member of the Walmart board of directors to gain something or other
(39,541 posts)snappyturtle
(14,656 posts)gopiscrap
(24,294 posts)not have food insecurity!
(27,332 posts)JohninPA
(54 posts)The "work" comment?
Are you suggesting that the 20 hour days I "worked" for months on end under hostile conditions were not considered work in your eyes? The appropriate response would be thank you for your service.
(27,332 posts)or will they only try to apply it say to everyone who can work except those in the military who are receiving assistance in order to try and keep the military vote in their pocket.
(12,882 posts)
(306,869 posts)"White House vows to veto Republican bill to cut food stamps"
Which is more to the point.
(29,503 posts)Enthusiastic K&R
(306,869 posts)Vanje
(9,766 posts)Please, Veto the ever-loving-shit out of ANY bill that limits food stamps.
(3,813 posts)it will never clear the Senate. will it?
what am I missing here ....
(4,815 posts)as you stated "it will never clear the Senate"
(8,515 posts)Demeter
(85,373 posts)Or he can find out what living on food stamps is like THIS time around.
(22,651 posts)"These cuts would affect a broad array of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet, including working families with children, senior citizens, veterans, and adults who are still looking for work,"
for example- 80% of persons living in 'name county' will be cut off if this bill passes. 70% of persons living in 'name large assisted living facility' will be cut off if this bill passes.
(18,124 posts)bred by a money grubbing system that favors the very few over the unfortunate many. Disgusting and cruel people with the teahadists urging them on and on to lower depths. Yeah, USA,USA! my ass.
(6,335 posts)Although I think it's important to keep up the pressure on Congress on this - let them know that taking food out of the mouths of babes and seniors, not to mention working families, veterans, etc etc is NOT supported by the people.
Nor am I going to fall all over myself that POTUS says he'll do what we should be able to simply expect him to do - stand up for what's right and just.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)It's wonderful to see our President acknowledging poverty and acting on it.
(12,151 posts)Divine Discontent
(21,056 posts)and die! And those sick GOP bastards show their 'holiness' by saying it's a person's own fault they're struggling. They are an affront to decency.
(4,490 posts)Shouldn't even make it to his desk.
(45,850 posts)my state Minnesota has similar requirements which were suspended from 2009-9/30/2013, they will be going back into effect as of 10/1/'2013, here it's called a 'sanction' and if you are deemed as non-compliant with work program requirements you lose all of your SNAP benefits and a portion of your cash benefits too, this is for I believe 1-3 months unless your found non-compliant again then it's for good , this applies to all public assistance programs for non-disabled adults and families
(7,838 posts)I want to see action!
(10,007 posts)and encouraged to follow through on his threat.
(18,829 posts)because they know that none of these measures will ever pass the Senate and president.
Therefore they can propose absolutely any insane thing the extremists want without fear because they know it will never become law.
If any of these things did become law they could be in trouble but they won't.
It's all a stupid game to grab votes from imbeciles with no intention of ever governing the nation.
(16,149 posts)Beacool
(30,346 posts)Go to hell, bastards!!! Do you also enjoy slapping small children and kicking dogs?
Uncle Joe
(60,597 posts)Thanks for the thread, cal.