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(8,053 posts)You all and your owners are in collusion with the thugs to make sure Obama is a one term president. That's how.
When Issa can go on Meet the Press and lie his ass off and cherry pick the facts and David Gregory lets him get away with it, that's how. It's because you all have shut down your investigative units because you are so freakin' afraid of losing access that you don't want to ruffle any feathers when it's your job to ruffle the feathers of politicians and those in power.
The fact that the only viewpoint you all care about is the conservatard viewpoint.
It cannot be dismissed that this got legs from the shoddy reporting work of CBS and their news management, who, by the way, should be tendering their resignations Now. Today. This minute., who did not do anything close to due diligence when it came to reporting the whole truth about what is going on.
The fact that it is legal in Arizona for someone over the age of 18 to buy as many weapons as their budget can manage and then go sell those guns to anyone they choose without having to file paperwork with the state at. all and then that person can go sell those guns to whomever, and so on and so on til they wind up killing American agents in this drug/turf war is the problem. The prosecutors won't try anything because the laws are swiss cheese. It's pointless because of how weak the laws are. And all of that is Obama's fault?
Walter Cronkite must be spinning in his grave. IT's complete bullshit--and it's especially bullshit, Chris, for you to have the temerity to sit up there and ask how it could be done when you know got damb well how you all freakin' missed this.
this is about the committee wanting Holder and the Obama administration to turn over documents which relate to an ongoing investigation, knowing that that shit doesn't happen.
dag! It takes some kind of nerve to lead off a show with that question.
(10,519 posts)How about investigating how many of the top NRA brass own significant shares of the gun manufacturers? I bet you will find its close to 100%!