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I am finding that things like sitting by hurts my tailbone. When I hit my funnybone it hurts more than it used to. Hell hitting any bone hurts more. Except for the shins they hurt no matter what your weight is.
My hip hurts when I sleep now because my bed was hard to make it last longer and be durable with my weight.I had enough fat to cushion it.
Not anymore. Have to save up and get a thick memory foam mattress cover topper thingy.
I had no idea how much it hurts when you carry less weight around. However I can sprint the 22 stairs to get to my apartment is much easier,no more huffing and puffing.
There are things you never expected when you have significant weight loss.

Haggard Celine
(17,083 posts)Seriously, though, did you lose weight on purpose or was it unexpected? If you lost it without trying, consider getting checked out by your doctor. Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of health problems.
(13,004 posts)When I got diagnosed with diabeties. So I lost it.
However with the skin emptied of fat left me looking like I am melting.
(53,673 posts)get off any meds you were on.
As for loose skin, exercise can often help with that, and maybe with the pain as well as muscle replaces the fat you've lost. Strength training is the most helpful exercise for that.
(13,004 posts)Because emotionally
I'm not ready to go off them yet.
Ocelot II
(122,689 posts)I lost a lot of weight (intentionally) since the pandemic started, and now I look pretty good with clothes on but worse than ever with them off. Not that anyone is looking, but my whole body looks like an old burlap bag.

(6,488 posts)It is wild!
Its been a few years and my skin is still all wrinkly.
Oh well, I am old. And grateful to be alive and faxed and boosted and in relatively good health.
Alice Kramden
(2,492 posts)And in my case my joints are less painful, especially my knees
Fla Dem
(26,217 posts)Yes, without the added padding your bones do take a bit of abuse. But Im sure the benefits outweigh some black and blues. 😊
(53,673 posts)Speaking from experience...
Totally Tunsie
(10,885 posts)Sorry to hear of the hurt though, but I think you're on to something here. I also lost weight and find that my right hip hurts when trying to sleep, and I now like a small pillow between my knees if sleeping on my side. I was chalking it up to arthritis, however. Hmmmm.
One thought for you: Those memory foam mattresses can become very warm when you've been on them for a bit. If you don't like being a warm/hot sleeper, keep this in mind.
(38,651 posts)I used to have left hip pain, off and on. In bed I would toss and turn, trying to get into a spot where it didn't hurt. I think it was just a joint inflammation. It comes and goes.
Then I bought an adjustable bed and figured out that just pushing the button for up or down, even ever so slightly, ended the pain.
Cool! Who would ever think a person could just push a button and end pain?
(19,927 posts)Sorry for the dark humor, I could not resist!
Good one!
(19,927 posts)Don't forget to tip the wait staff.
(34,189 posts)I have that and have trouble sleeping on my side when it acts up. The doctor recommended sleeping with a pillow between my knees but I am such a restless sleeper the pillow just gets in the way.
The problem is that while walking is good for my back, it exacerbates the bursitis in my hips. I'm supposed to get physical therapy for the hips but have not been able to schedule it due to all the work we're having done around the farm.
(13,004 posts)In my hip before. It was
so bad I was dragging
My leg into the doctors 0ffice.
He gave me a shot in the most painful area.
He told me not to get up for 6 minutes.
Than I stood up and it was gone. I could walk and everything and the pain went pouf. I dunno what he had in that needle. I was blown away and that one time shot
has worked for years.
(34,195 posts)
Response to left-of-center2012 (Reply #7)
I_UndergroundPanther This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,004 posts)Strict at first.
Now not as strict.
It definately is helping my diabeties.
Walk briskly with rave music to keep pace fast.
(19,927 posts)my sugar kept going up. I went on 100 or carbs, very strict, and got the sugar down, and lost weight too. Thank God my daughter got me clothes for Christmas. Everything was falling off. My friend is 80 and leads a Silver Sneaker chair exercise class 2 times a week. I've been attending via Zoom, because of Covid. She doesn't use the chair much, and never gets tired. Good workout. She is an amazing woman!
Ocelot II
(122,689 posts)Kept the carb intake low, eventually went from a size 18 to an 8 - 10. It works.
(34,195 posts)
(15,359 posts)WheelWalker
(9,281 posts)fat and happy - lean and mean.
(19,927 posts)
(27,087 posts)that sitting hurts.
I am very glad about the loss. I'd weighed too much for far too long and I'm now back to a normal BMI, down from the early numbers of obese. In my case, my appetite simply went away about a year and a half ago, and I found it very easy to eat very little. It's been wonderful to buy new, smaller clothes.
One sad and disturbing thing about so many of us being overweight, is that overweight has been normalized, and we've forgotten what a normal weight looks like.
(38,651 posts)I find that if I want my appetite to go away, I just drink ginger tea. It kills my appetite.
I'm so busy now that I forget to eat. Fortunately I love to cook, so there's always something healthy in the frig to go for. I just never think about it until I realize I'm ravenously hungry.
If I didn't plan regular vegetable cooking sessions, though, I would probably be having chips or heading to McDonalds for a quick fix.
(27,087 posts)I did not do anything specific to kill my appetite. It just went away. Weird, I know. I spent most of my life with a famously large appetite. As a child, a skinny thing, I was known for being able to eat second and third and even fourth helpings at meals.
Growing up, I didn't always have enough food. Went hungry fairly often. When I was in 10th grade, I had a Saturday babysitting job I'd gotten through my high school. I watched two little girls, age 7 and 9 or thereabouts. The parents, who were public school teachers, had themselves a Saturday job at a local plant nursery. I was paid the approximate equivalent of $25.00, a decent pay at the time. Most days, when the mom of the family was driving me home, I'd ask her to stop at a local grocery store so I could buy food for my family. We were really poor. Mom was an RN, and back then (the early 1960s) RNs were not paid very well. She'd left our abusive, alcoholic father and moved us to another part of the country to start a new life. As a nurse, she knew she could get work anywhere, even if it didn't offer a lot of economic stability. So spending my babysitting money on groceries made sense. I couldn't begin to imagine spending it simply on myself.
I learned to cook early on. I was the third of six children, and especially once Mom was working full time, I needed to be able to fix meals for us. No one would ever take me for a gourmet cook. But I do like my own cooking. Especially in the pandemic, I've gotten good at fixing something, especially various soups, and then freezing individual portions for later use. Right now I have about three weeks worth of meals in my freezer. The best part is that my food costs have dropped exponentially, especially compared to pre-Covid when I ate out a lot, and didn't always make things to freeze for later.
Oh, and I can't imagine forgetting to eat.
(13,004 posts)Sometimes it lasts a few days,sometimes it lasts months. So I have an awful time trying to figure out what I want to eat,because nothing looks good.
George II
(67,782 posts) most people. I guess it was from being stressed with the worry of getting sick.
Anyway, like you my tailbone and butt really started hurting. And my elbows and forearms started hurting from sitting, too. I had to use a pillow on my chair. I even found myself getting the equivalent of bed sores.
I should say that I started at 140 pounds @ 5'-10", so I was skinny before that happened.
(5,890 posts)The only significant life change I've made is more probiotic foods (natto and kefir every day); I still eat a lot of not-great foods and yet am frequently ravenous. I don't know if it's the probiotics, or I've just hit the right age for some massive change, but if I can eat a pint of Häagen-Dazs every day and still lose twenty pounds, I'm okay with whatever.
My joints have been riddled with arthritis for years, so I think I'm in less pain for the weight loss, but I probably won't be sprinting anywhere ever again.
(38,651 posts)14 and 17 above.
(6,488 posts)I took off a lot of weight four years ago and have kept it off.
But I finally had to buy a softer mattress. As I experienced similar issues.
For a few years a mattress pad helped, but I was finally able to actually buy a new mattress.
I dont buy many things, the original lasted me 25 years and the pad did help for about two. They have good prices on mattress pads at Costco. I preferred latex to memory foam ( because I live in a super hot climate and the latex keeps me a bit cooler) and was able to get a softer one online.
The softer mattress has really helped.
Also I found these little wool seat covers to put on my wooden chairs. That also helped.
Good luck! Good work!
(1,064 posts)I am also on a weight loss quest. Counting calories and staying withing 1200 to 1400 cal. everyday for the last three months. It takes a lot of willpower. I was starting to look like I was 7 months pregnant and at the age of 65 that is not a good thing. I think I'm down at least 20 pounds now. I need to get well below 200 lbs in order to fulfill my goal to do my first skydive this spring.
(13,004 posts)My diet at 240 lbs.
Now I weigh 198 lbs
Pant size 44 to pant size 36