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Related: Culture Forums, Support ForumsAny Season Ticket holders out there?
For any Pro or College sports teams?
Me? I hold Miami Dolphins tickets. Love them and the perks that come with them, too.

(12,132 posts)that he was planning to buy season tickets to the Cowboys. I hope he can. No idea how much that is but it would be cool to have an in when I visit Dallas.
If I won the lottery I'd buy Cowboys and FSU season tickets and worry about logistics later.
(63,402 posts)I know some teams charge them.
(3,068 posts)Awsi Dooger
(14,565 posts)Unbeaten but not fully legitimate. I'll take it.
I'm from Miami and my dad bought Dolphins season tickets for the family beginning in 1972. I attended every game that season, still remember almost every detail, and absolutely cherish it. Yes, I root for the final unbeaten to fall. It is the highlight of every season.
While I'm still a Dolphins fan it isn't remotely the same as those years. I felt insulted by the Marino era and the pantyhose passing reliance. Then they abandoned the wondrous Orange Bowl for a sterile dump in an irrelevant location. I despise that stadium and always will, no matter how many laughable patches they apply. The most recent slap was changing to the motion sickness logo a few years ago. Nobody slants the mascot in the opposite direction as the natural curvature of the helmet, so it didn't surprise me that Mike Dee and Steven Ross were dense enough to try it. There is no chance I would ever buy or own a piece of Dolphins merchandise with that motion sickness logo.
Until recently I attended one Dolphins game per year, if a ticket became available for 25 bucks or thereabouts. Otherwise it's not worth it.
I was rooting for Hurricane Irma to leave everybody and everything else alone, but rubble that stadium completely.
(10,406 posts)It's been 20 years since they've been any good though.
(6,348 posts)Football has collapsed this year, but will be back. And basketball National Champs and runner up the last two years.
(68,996 posts)Seattle Opera, Tacoma Opera, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and Pacific Opera (Victoria, B.C.)
But sports? Nah...
(103,375 posts)Well they get partial plans for both and then we get cheap seats for the games where we don't have tickets. It's pretty sweet.
(47,126 posts)I go to about 25 games per season.
Wounded Bear
(61,191 posts)but I got to see 2005, their greatest season of that era. They're better now.
(620 posts)Started with season tickets the year after I graduated and glad I did. The perks really grow over time.
(3,068 posts)I've been to the training center and got to walk around and get pics with the cheerleaders. During the London game, I was invited to the stadium for a buffet and free drinks while we watched the game in the 72 club. Got an open house at the stadium tomorrow night during the Thursday Night game. Throw all that in and the price of the tickets is very economical.
(48,692 posts)We also have a 19-month old baby boy. I go to more than a fair amount of games.
It's pretty cool.
(4,492 posts)They split a partial package. The perks were pretty good and included playoff and WS games.
I got to go to several games that way.
(16,922 posts)Absurdly good seats, premium parking. She gets tons of perks. Discounts, gift card for concessions, couple Early admissions...she has bought them for years.
Wonderful seeing tons of baseball. Downside there are days u are not in the mood but u have these tickets...
Wonderful thing the place has a roof that closes so u Don't get rained on... downside.. Summer days under the sun.. really hot
I enjoy the games but truth be told, I would enjoy sitting in a room with her watching paint dry
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)I get to see all the games - just a day after they were played.
(4,518 posts)Thor_MN
(11,843 posts)Share the 4 with 3 other former coworkers. The tickets actually belong to a now retired former coworker who can't transfer owership to us, because that is not allowed. He can resell the tickets to us, but he can't transfer ownership.
Decent seats, getting closer would cost more money and a larger, non-voluntary "donation" to the athletic fund. The "donation" is partially tax-deductible. Few perks, if any, that I am aware of. If we moved closer in, to higher priced tickets, there are options to get parking passes. By now, I think we know where all of the closest free/low cost parking is. One of the guys parks much further away and hops the light rail for a couple of bucks, I may have to explore that this year.
(4,851 posts)Not a good year!