FLA Candidate Contrast: Ledbetter Mature Responsive, Burgess Immature, Phony and Not to be Trusted!
Should anyone expect Danny Burgess to actually answer ANY questions either about his positions on important issues or concerning his hyper-inflated resume upon which he stakes his candidacy? Why of course not! Why would the next "young gun" Republican Shill for Corporate America ala the American Legislative Exchange Council, have to answer any questions about ANYTHING?
Danny Burgess is taking $MONEY$ from all sorts of insider benefactors, most prominent in his case is the CA$H he has taken indicating his willingness to "Play Ball" as a legislator with Duke Energy, formerly Progress Energy. Danny... Thou doth protest too much! LOL!!!
Danny "Age is JUST a Number" Burgess of course cannot respond to questions about his outrageous claims concerning his personal history because those claims are as hollow as they are ludicrous, and in the case of his carefully planned military experience, insulting to those who actually have put their lives on the line for their country. Sounds as if Danny is a Lindsey Graham wannabe.
In fact, young Danny is hesitant to even give you a straight answer as to what he had for breakfast, much less answer questions concerning his campaign finance situation! Ya gotta like his wife running interference for him...
Compare the two candidates here as you watch this video. Danny MUST run away because he is bright enough to understand that he will dissemble himself by merely answering reasonable questions about his "advertised" personal history which to the discerning eye is all show and entirely without foundation...
Danny Burgess, just a kid willing to say and do ANYTHING... in order to move forward in his chosen "profession" as a "CAREER POLITICIAN" no matter what he says in the Tribune...