Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumHILLARY CLINTON GROUP: Feelin' the burn
When the primaries started, I thought, "Interesting contest! Debates on issues!"
It is now March 31, and thanks to the amazingly obnoxious (and noxious) posturing of Bernie's supporters, I have gone from "Wow, we have two great candidates! I think Hillary is awesome, but I like Bernie, too" to "When is the old guy going back to Vermont?"
I have yet to hear from a Bernie supporter who can say more than one sentence in favor of his/her chosen candidate before the bashing of Hillary begins. She is a PLUTOCRAT! She is a CORPORATIST! She is mean, unethical, a liar. She is going to be indicted!!!! She hates puppies and kittens. (I made that last one up, but I expect I'll hear that next week.) I feel like I'm listening to right-wing radio hosts, not fellow progressive Democrats.
It is especially upsetting given the absolute loony tunes who are the potential Republican nominees. This country barely survived 8 years of GWB and Cheney, so we want their policies on steroids? Really? Antonin Scalia wasn't a lousy enough Supreme Court justice? You want three more like that so you will have NO rights left at all just so you can be ideologically pure in your support of Bernie? You want the social safety net turned into block grants? The ACA repealed? Just because as a Bernie supporter you think there is NO difference between Hillary and a Republican?
The Bernie campaign has taught me that going nasty and negative and spreading lies about the opponent is SO not the way to go in primary. It is counterproductive. I know it has really turned me off big time.
(19,460 posts)All the nasty phone calls and emails not only went unheard, the supers have reaffirmed their commitment to Hillary.
(72,350 posts)Sanders folks but no dise. Just hits on Hillary post after post. thread after thread. What was I thinking!! they change the subject, post snark. name call. on and on. WHAT WAS I THINKING!
... I have gone from "Wow, we have two great candidates! I think Hillary is awesome, but I like Bernie, too" to "When is the old guy going back to Vermont?"
(15,475 posts)But the day is fast approaching, I fear.
(29 posts)A man with values which are apreciated any where on this globe. A man,who cares about the wellbeing of everybody in the states and beond.A man who puts the needs and cares of all people ahead of his own.Aman with noble convictions,fiscally, economicably,and in foreign policies
A man. Who has been on the front and right side of this fiasco,we call politics every single time.
He has not gone nasty.but in these times,if somebody tells the truth and nothing but the trues,it is called nasty.
(15,475 posts)perhaps can be given the benefit of the doubt. BUT you are posting in the HRC Group.
This group is for supporters of Hillary Clinton. If you are not an HRC supporter and are only interested in snarking about what we say here, there is literally every other group on DU where you can hold sway unchallenged.
Please either go away or abide by the rules of this group.
(1,045 posts)when they register, but couldn't be bothered to even skim the language before posting.
(7,475 posts)Last edited Fri Apr 1, 2016, 08:19 AM - Edit history (1)
message deleted
(93,969 posts)My iPad mini throws in so many typos all by itself that I finally had to turn off the autocorrect function or go mad, and even so I have to proofread carefully.
I have to admit I miss snarking "Spell Check is your friend!"
(15,475 posts)Perhaps they really think that no one notices?
How do i find the different groups.also i have been on du since forever.but never posted much may be you know me under chaco dundee.
(6,551 posts)In the upper left column labeled topics, click on 'Democrats.' Then, click on 'Bernie Sanders.' You'll be in the Sanders support group. Another forum in 'General Discussion: Primaries' listed under the 'Main' heading. Most of the posters in that forum support Sanders.
(93,969 posts)radical noodle
(8,175 posts)He's masterful at it and of course his cult believes everything he says or implies. No matter how much I liked him before, I can no longer stand to look at him.
His hatred of all things Hillary and his inability to talk about anything other than economic issues convinces me he is not presidential material.
(1,545 posts)I don't think you're getting accepted.
(6,551 posts)I respect your views, but this is a support group for Hillary Clinton. If you're here to support her campaign, you're very welcome here. But otherwise, please move on to a forum like the Bernie Sanders group where you can support your candidate freely and enthusiastically in the spirit of that group.
(303,780 posts)and Hillary who are appreciated around the Planet.
Study up!
(8,883 posts)DemonGoddess
(4,949 posts)Having equal respect for the candidates, all of whom had something to offer (before it was winnowed to just two). I supported Hillary from the time of her announcement, but was open to listening to everyone else.
As this primary season has dragged on, I have become more and more disenchanted with Sanders, to the point of active dislike. In recent weeks, the first thing that really actively made me angry that he is even running, was his open admission of running as a Dem for use of our party resources. Not because he wants to help this party. That's obvious with how much fund raising he doesn't do for down ballot. After all, why should he? He's not a real Dem.
Last night, his interview on Rachel Maddow's show simply sealed it for me. He made the appropriate noise of outrage about Trump's comments, and IMMEDIATELY went to his stump. Women's issues are not important to him. After all, they pale in comparison to his stump. Making women's issues, particularly the RIGHT TO CHOOSE, a distant second to his "wallstreetoligarchy1%freebie" bullshit. He made that ABUNDANTLY clear last night.
liberal N proud
(60,869 posts)I compare the GD-P forum to Free Republic, another place I don't want to go.
(10,990 posts)The others are nowhere near her league including Sanders.