Foreign Affairs
Related: About this forumRegistering for the draft
It is my understanding that young people still have to sign up for selective service. Maybe on the form you have to tell who you voted for or if you did not vote. You vote for pro war assholes, you go first. You are too busy to vote, don't want to get involved in politics, you go next.

(24,243 posts)was just asking me about this. When youre the one who could potentially lose your life on the whim of a dangerous asshole, its smart to think about these things. Hes got his head on straight as far as politics go. When he was in middle school he started a petition to stop little shits from wearing MAGA gear on school grounds. Unfortunately it wasnt successful...but to him it didnt matter. He felt the petition was a win because the MAGAts would show themselves and reasonable kids would know who to avoid in high school.
(24,796 posts). within 30 days) must register. If and when a draft ever occurs again, they then can file an objection on conscious grounds or they are disabled, at that time.
Again, for a 15 year old, you got a pretty smart kid, on top of his game...
(115,905 posts)No registration, no driver's license.
If a draft occurs, file for multiple reasons at the same time, and the local board will review them over by one. Don't file an objection on one grounds, assuming you can filled on others if that one gets denied. Figure out everything you can file on and file all at the same time. They've only 1 chance to file.
(10,617 posts)GOP does not care. Stuffing their pockets with other's children's lives. Under God's coat tails.
(24,243 posts)