Related: About this forumSnow White and the Huntsman: The Fairest Feminist of Them All
What's that mirror talking about? No one is fairer than Charlize Theron. Unless we're talking inner beautywhich is exactly what this movie is about.
The underlying message of Snow White and the Huntsman, the darkly re-imagined, thrilling new spin on the classic fairy tale, is that focus on and insecurity over ones physical appeal to men is poison to a womans soul. Thats hardly a news flashfeminists and good mothers have been preaching this for ages, but movies, with their emphasis on genetic lottery winners, tend to steadily undermine the message even when supposedly celebrating it. Whens the last time you thought the wicked stepmother or evil queen could defeat the heroine within the shallow auspices of a beauty contest? This Snow White, albeit 10 minutes too long and loaded with the standard action sequences of 21st century summer, feels excitingly progressive because it actually represents the victory of inner beauty. Not to cast aspersions on the loveliness of Kristen Stewart, but I believeor hopethats the result of an intentionally bold move by first-time director Rupert Sanders in terms of casting his two female leads.
The impossibly beautifuland youthfulCharlize Theron plays the wicked stepmother and sorceress, Queen Ravenna, who appears first in the guise of a victim, supposed chattel of a rogue (magical) army invading the kingdom of Snow Whites widowed father, King Magnus (Noah Huntley). She quickly suckers him into marrying her. Beauty is her power and her curseshe seethes with resentment for the male response to her glory and offs the poor fool before consummation. Little Snow is tossed into a tower prison. About 10 years later, when Snow Whiteplayed by Kristen Stewart, hair dyed black, lips stained red, skin as pale as a Cullenscomes of age, Ravennas magic mirror dares to tell her Snow White is the fairest of them all. Ravenna will have to kill Snow and consume her heart in order to reclaim her title.
(READ: TIME talks to the HuntsmanChris Hemsworth)
Mirror, mirror, who is your manufacturer and where might they process returns? Theron glows even when Ravennas magical powers are waning and shes allegedly looking haggard. Dressed by costume designer Coleen Atwood in fantastically over-the-top numbers worthy of the best days of Alexander McQueen, Theron is a goddess, a breathtaking piece of human perfection. You can see why a judgmental mirror would tell Mirror, Mirrors wicked stepmother Julia Roberts that lovely young Lily Collins, as rose-like and Disney-beautiful as they come, had the edge. But the mirror in Snow White and the Huntsman is addressing something deeper than pillowy lips and even features. What makes Stewarts Snow White fairer is what is inside her, humanity, empathy and character. Snows mother wished for a child (seen in prologue) to mimic a rose she found blooming in winterits beauty, but more than anything, its strength, a description never mentioned in Grimm. Which is the essence of Snow White and the Huntsmans Snow, who leaps into raw sewage, then a churning sea and plunges into an enchanted forest to escape and rally her people with the passionate cry, Who will be my brother?
The men Snow encounters, with the exception of Ravennas freakily coiffed brother (Sam Spruell), who has a pervy interest in her, and the worlds worst Louise Brooks hairdo, arent immediately dazzled by the girl. The Huntsman (Thors Chris Hemsworth), a hunk nursing the heartbreak of his wifes death, agrees to help her, but is largely unimpressed. He slices off the bottom of Snows dress, fashioning her a more travel-worthy tunic and when she looks taken aback, sneers, Dont flatter yourself. Its only when he sees the curious connection she has with a troll that the Huntsman starts to regard her as anything but a hapless girl. In another nod to a more modern heroine, their attraction builds slowly (especially considering Hemsworth could have chemistry with a potted plant).
Read more: http://entertainment.time.com/2012/05/31/step-monster-snow-white-and-the-huntsman/#ixzz1wewW5KpT

Johnny Rico
(1,438 posts)Here's a take on it from issue #100 of "Fables", with Snow White lecturing Mrs. Spratt (the wife of Jack Spratt):
Snow White continues in the next panel, "But one thing no one can get away with is being both ugly and mean."
(135,060 posts)and strange in a way since no one here really knows what one looks like....so being ugly here is truly about judging one's posts and deeds.
Johnny Rico
(1,438 posts)It has won numerous awards.
Justina For Justice
(94 posts)Thanks for posting this, maddezmom. Sounds like a ground-breaking film.
(24,544 posts)Thanks for posting that! Although I have never EVER gotten the breathless exclamations of beauty surrounding Charlize Theron (and this writer's gushings are even more breathless than usual), this still sounds like an interesting story.
(34,258 posts)I'm going to watch very closely. Less for the 'beauty' aspect and more for the disassociative/mind numbing symbolism.