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10 illuminating books about North Korea
Posted by Timothy R. Smith on April 5, 2013 at 9:39 am
Over the past several weeks, North Korea and the United States have been posturing in a sinister military checkers match. The U.S. has deployed nuclear submarines and B-2 bombers to South Korea, and news surfaced that the Pentagon will send a mobile land-based missile defense system to Guam. North Korea is a little-known country, isolated, secretive and volatile. But the literature covering it is rich. Here are 10 books fiction and nonfiction that shine light on it:
The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters, by B.R. Myers. North Korea shouldnt be considered a communist regime, argues Myers, a professor of international relations at Dongseo University in South Korea. Rather, the regime is more akin to the fascist monarchy of Imperial Japan preceding World War II. Japan occupied the Korean peninsula from 1910 to 1945. North Korea, like Imperial Japan, has a racist, ultra-nationalist ideology, a dynastic succession and a cult of personality that portrays the supreme leader as a god-like but maternal figure with a beaming, warm smile.
Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, by Herbert Bix. Myerss book is best accompanied by Herbert Bixs Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of the Emperor Hirohito, who oversaw Japans aggressive military expansion and reckless thrust into World War II. The similarities between Hirohito and the Kim family, especially the propaganda campaign, are striking. Hirohito was a meek leader who did little to oppose military expansion. Has the Kim family succumbed to beguiling generals who might be the prime movers for the Norths persistent aggression?
Escape from Camp 14: One Mans Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West, by Blaine Harden. As many as 200,000 people fester in North Koreas extensive network of concentration camps. One of them was Shin Dong-hyuk. He was born and grew up in a gulag. Punished for the sins of his parents, who were also imprisoned, his was a childhood full of hunger, abuse and torture. Both his mother and brother were executed after he informed on them. In 2005, he made a daring escape from the gulag and traveled hundreds of miles north to China, a remarkable feat since he had never head of money, did not own a map and knew nothing of the surrounding countryside. Blaine Harden, a former Tokyo bureau chief for The Post, tells Shins harrowing story.
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea, by Barbara Demick. Much of the literature on North Korea focuses on the Kim family and the tumultuous relationship between North and South. Not so in Demicks book. A former Seoul bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, she focuses on six average North Koreans as they struggle to survive a brutal famine that lasted from 1996 to 1999. Each had his or her faith in the Kim family severely rattled.
The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future, by Victor Cha. Cha was the director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council from 2004 to 2007. The Impossible State offers a comprehensive account of the geopolitics between North, South and the United States from a key insider. It offers a sweeping analysis of the Norths nuclear capability.
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty, by Bradley K. Martin. A longtime reporter who has focused on Asia, Martin offers a sweeping historical account of the Kim regime. The book describes the rise of Kim Il-sung after World War II, his close relationship with the Soviet Union and later the severe mismanagement of his son, Kim Jong-il. The broadest take away: U.S. policy against the North doesnt work, the regime wont easily fall, and a second Korean war is entirely possible. Unlike other books, Martin manages to paint Kim Jong-il in very human terms, a brutal tyrant with a charming and generous side.
The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History, by Don Oberdorfer. This 1997 book by a long-time Washington Post foreign correspondent who served as the papers Northeast Asia bureau chief, examines the tumultuous relationship between the two Koreas and the United Statess diplomatic role since the Korean War.
Architectural and Cultural Guide Pyongyang, by Philipp Meuser. This two-volume guide, edited by German architect Philipp Meuser, is less a travelogue and more a testament to how the ruling regime uses architecture to depict the subservience of the people to the state. Take the statues of Kim Il-sung: Gargantuan, they dwarf the people. Meuser also examines architecture as a motif of the systems failure. Meuser calls Pyongyang the worlds best preserved open-air museum of socialist architecture.
The Orphan Masters Son, by Adam Johnson. The hero of this novel is Pak Jun Do, the son of a man who leads a work camp for orphans. Before long, the state recognizes Jun Dos courage and transforms him into a tunnel fighter. He later becomes a sea-going kidnapper who nabs unsuspecting Japanese and brings them to Pyongyang. All the while, he seeks his mother, a Japanese singer who was kidnapped and brought to Pyongyang for the pleasure of the regime.
The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the North Korean Gulag, by Chol-hwan Kang. In 1977, Chol-hwan Kangs grandfather was
charged with treason, and his entire family was sentenced to a labor camp. Kang was 9 at the time. For the next 10 years he
performed manual labor, hauling logs and burying corpses. The family was eventually released, and Kang defected.
I have read: The Two Koreas, The Aquariums of Pyongyang, and The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History, and Nothing to Envy
I still want to read: Escape from Camp 14, The Cleanest Race, Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty
All of these book are great to learn about North Korea and North Korean refugees.

(10,044 posts)(2012) by Victor Cha.
Also, in going thru the list, saw another fiction about Korea (read all of James Church novels) and ordered that one too. I don't know how many of the others the library has, but I like that I was able to get a recent book.
Rogue Warrior/Dictator's Ransom)2008) by Richard Marcinko (this is a serial type character - Rogue Warrior - and the books are about different troubled areas.. I like fiction about areas that are of special interest to me.
I am going to put a link for this in General Discussion. A lot of folks there might be interested.
Thanks for taking the time to list the books....
(22,000 posts)It's important to get the word out about these books as they have so much information about the struggles of North Korea. I always feel like there are not enough people getting involved to try to do something to help them.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)I read the book, Nothing to Envy, a few years back and it made a big impression on me. It is about ordinary people living in North Korea and how the policies of the government affected their lives. Some of it was heartbreaking. It was well written, not boring, a good read and I recommended it to my reading friends. My sister read it and it made a big impression on her. too.
(22,000 posts)People who read them books need to know before starting that they will be graphic and describe somethings that are horrid. I heard that a fundraiser was being done to try to make the book into a movie.
(10,039 posts)It's like a holocaust book basically...
(22,000 posts)You can go on Google Map and basically find the camp and see the buildings from a satellite. One has to ask themselves if we were able to see the concentration camps in Germany prior to the start of WWII would we have done more earlier? Granted I know that Germany didn't have a nuclear device like North Korea does, but both have (had) deranged leaders.