(Jewish Group) How a socialist Valentine's Day mixer turned into a messy debate over Zionism
When the New York chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America colloquially known as the DSA announced a Valentines Day themed mixer, things immediately went off the rails. The event, called Thots and Trots, was set for the night before Valentines Day, at a Brooklyn music venue called Silo.
The predictable part of the drama, which popped off instantly, involved criticism of the organizers for using a sometimes-pejorative term about women in the event title thot is slang that stands for that hoe over there, but is also often used as an ironic endearment. The less-predictable part came next: Silo, many people said, was a Zionist Israeli venue.
The latter complaint is rooted in an article from New York Jewish Week in which the clubs founder, Alex Neuhasen, talks about Tel Aviv nightlife as one of the inspirations for the venues late-night hours.
In Tel Aviv, they all get dinner with their family and everyone hangs out at 10 or 11, and then you hang out before the club until 2 or 3, and then you go to the club, Neuhausen said in the article. They keep super-late hours. You turn the entire night into an experience. We want to do that.
But it does set the standard for who is a "good Jew".