2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTrying to Cram Hillary Annointed Crap Down Our Throats Made U.S. Puke
We shall not point, direct fingers, to those profuse posts, full of much hubris, for the better part of 2015, barking about how anyone who wasn't a die hard for Hillary, couldn't call themselves a real progressive. To the contrary, empirically, against all things logical, Democratic and Progressive, and the main stream powers that be, DWS included, have all failed - miserably -
in trying to cram that crap down our throats.![]()
Even now, there are those (absurdly) claiming that Senator Elizabeth Warren is going to announce herself as supporting HRC. [font color=white]......................[/font] Really!

Yours truly has been fighting tyranny, cronyism and corruption, for 15 years now, as a profession (unpaid to boot). Over and over again, moi has cried foul about how (former) U.S. Attorney General's are bending over backwards, to give Wall Street slaps on the wrist, for doing organized crimes.
I'm just sayin.......
and sayin.............
[font color=white].............................[/font] and S A Y I N..........................
Yet, our own progressives, for the sake of her highnerous, keep telling me to lay down, shut up and be quiet; because, from near the beginning of Senator Sanders announcing, I've been saying (and praying) that out salvation is a Sanders/Warren ticket.
And FB actually froze when our Group started to go viral 1Million by Plus 1 Bernie Sanders for President -
Good things is, our group was blessed with meeting journo H.A. Goodman, who has been boldly touting Bernie from the beginning.
Along those same lines of weird happenstances there's been the hugely disingenuous banter that Senator Elizabeth Warren shouldn't run (because HRC diehards knew damn well, Warren would have spanked that ass). All that gobbledygook about we need her {Warren} in the Senate, because she can serve U.S. better there...
made me want to puke!

Very pathetic state of affairs to hold to the premise of the fact that (a potential replacement of POTUS should, G-d forbid, anything untoward and/or accidental occur) the number 2 person in our country isn't as important, as valid, or even worth a Senator.
How good a grade would a summa cum laude probable get, as a Harvard Law School graduate, with a thesis that proffered the premise of, given the choice to be No. 2 in the nation, or 1 of 100 (with much of the rest of the remaining 99, being lame or worse)....that the to be graduate would argue to be Senator?
Have we all been so repetitively, verbally, slammed by babbling bull chit, by Faux and Clinton News Networks - that this Is IT?
It is axiomatic that - if you are not one of the people who has been pointing out Hillary's powers that be tried to forced feed U.S., then, chances are - you were part of the force feeding brigade.
That's OKAY - we forgive you.

Shai'it'lry is Bern'd so bad, the toast is beyond being edible. Just this week Chelsea had to reduce $2600 per dinner plate, to $60; and her mom couldn't even fill a room, in Iowa, that holds 1000 ppl (see pic above and this link - HERE).
Meanwhile, Senator Sanders is beating Obama's record for number of donations and crowds.
[center] [font size=5] Time now, to join the winning team - And[/font] [font size=5 color=navy] FEEL THE BERN[/font][/center]
All the arrogant banter, heretofore, of the issue that "if Hillary wins, will Sanders followers vote for her", now comes full circle. HRC is not our gal, and you are going to see that logic, in complete candor, come Iowa and New Hampshire. Even Hillary's major donors are now reaching out to Bernie (tepidly).....
What are you going to do?
As for me, I'm the guy who is suing Mitt Romney for Racketeering, along with Goldman Sachs, Bain Capital, and their "Brown Bag King of New York", attorney, Paul Traub.
They have done over 100 felonies and brag about, including abducting my daughter and trying to kill Robert Alber.
Who do you think will give me a better chance, of ending 15 years of organized crimes and corruption.
[font color=white]...................[/font]Really!
[font size=4 color=white]...................[/font]Puuuuhhhhhhhllllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee[/font][br][br]
[font size=4 color=navy] FEELING THE BERN[/font] [font size=4] - Fanning the [font color=burnt]Flames[/font] -[font size=4] Against Manifest Injustice[/font][br][hr][br][/font]
Change is as real as you make it.
[br]just sayin..........
9 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
I will vote for Bernie | |
2 (22%) |
Only Senator Sanders and/or Warren would dare take on Sachs, Mitt & Bain | |
0 (0%) |
Wall Street's Holder touting support for Hillary, says it all | |
0 (0%) |
One can beat City Hall, without Wall Street backing, and Bernie Sanders proves it | |
0 (0%) |
Laser finally has a chance, to nail Wall Street frauds | |
0 (0%) |
All of the Above | |
7 (78%) |
Laser is tazed.... | |
0 (0%) |
0 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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(42,862 posts)
(7,805 posts)you need to see somebody
Metric System
(6,048 posts)MeNMyVolt
(1,095 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)It's a work of art.
(7,805 posts)In 3, 2, 1 - days
(41,600 posts)Supporters, so prepare for an onslaught of anti Goodman hits - even though he's a huge Bernie supporter. He's just not good enough. His articles are over-the-top hyperbole not backed up with "facts", yet article, after article after article from the CORRUPT Corporate Owned MSM, also full of over-the-top hyperbole, not backed up by facts, are perfectly acceptable here. Personally, I like and read H.A. Goodman. He's at least trying to get the man who could be one of our greatest presidents EVER elected. I'm glad he supports your FB Group!
Good luck and thank you for all you're doing to help elect Bernie!
(7,805 posts)Unity is the key....
(7,805 posts)
(7,805 posts)and all miss hubris high-n-mighty could accomplish, with her GSachs JP dollars
was a statistical tie - against an easy to beat guy