2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI propose a DU campaign............
Let's not cut off our noses to spite our faces, mmkay?
(23,720 posts)Darb
(2,807 posts)Trump? Cruz? Rubio?
I think that we could use some perspective.
(23,720 posts)I understand that. And I will keep my nose, irrespective of the eventual nominee.
Spare the Nose!!!
(16,286 posts)that often does not go over well here
you are better off posting stuff like this
(2,807 posts)I am proposing that we encourage people to vote FOR our candidates, not rail against the other. Seems logical and novel.
(2,872 posts)Tierra_y_Libertad
(50,414 posts)Darb
(2,807 posts)It looks nice.
Spare the Nose!!!!!!!
(50,414 posts)By picking candidates for which there is little or no nose holding required.
(2,807 posts)sounds suspiciously like cutting it off. Your call.
Spare the Nose!!!!!!
(50,414 posts)I'm just not wasting my vote on another moderate.
(2,807 posts)saying that a vote can be wasted adds some kind of peripheral value to it that can be interpreted in many ways. Here's another, that's not wasting it, it is being cast (or not cast) in TRumps favor.
(23,720 posts)And it's not going to matter who keeps their noses and who doesn't.
(2,807 posts)of cutting ones nose off to spite their face.
(23,720 posts)And your girl is the candidate of negativity.
Remember "No! We can't"
(2,807 posts)I think there is a vast chasm between Hillary and The Donald.
It's OK, you don't have to be a member of the Spare the Nose Club.
(23,720 posts)The only difference I can see, is that Hillary is better at hiding her bigotry by pandering to those she'll hurt the most.
(2,807 posts)How many noses do you have?
(23,720 posts)And it doesn't seem to matter to you how it's won. So spare me your lecture about noses- mine still resides on my face where it belongs and not between someone's cheeks.
(2,807 posts)I relent.
(23,720 posts)I guess you're not above it all after all.
(2,807 posts)Peace out.
(50,414 posts)I won't vote for a republican or a moderate.
0-0 = 0
I always vote.
0 + 1 = 1
Trump or Hillary won't get my vote because I won't waste it on them.
Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost. John Quincy Adams
(2,807 posts)cutting ones nose off to spite their face. You are equating Trump and Hillary which is less than smart.
I get it, you are not in the Spare the Nose campaign. No big, it's not for everybody.
(50,414 posts)There is no "spite" involved. I just don't want Trump or Hillary to be president because I think neither of them are fit to hold public office.
(2,807 posts)Making the best of it.
I will vote for Bernie by the way, no problem. I do not think that it is over either. He needs a second wind though.
(23,720 posts)Positive? Cause in my opinion at the very least- you've gotten it out of the drawer.
(2,807 posts)and enthusiastically propose that others do the same.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Darb
(2,807 posts)Getting some clever replies. I'm more worried about other walls.
Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)Darb
(2,807 posts)I get it. I don't want to get all "into" it, though. It is complicated, I wish everyone could respect each others reasoning and promote their candidate without poisoning the well.
(9,522 posts)People need to stop voting for Hillary and vote for the candidate of change, Bernie sanders!
(9,610 posts)Darb
(2,807 posts)If Bernie wins I'm all in.
Spare the Nose!!!!!!!!
(16,916 posts)Till we pick a candidate, mmkay?
(2,807 posts)we act like idiots, then we are cutting off our noses to spite our faces.
No problem.
(72,790 posts)But I want to enjoy Primary Wars for as long as I can. It makes DU so much fun!
(35,015 posts)I guess you're trying to be funny, it's not.
(2,807 posts)Be positive about your candidate and don't be "all in".
I will say it again for the hundredth time, I will gladly vote for Bernie because ........Trump? Do you feel like that in any way?
Discouraging people from voting for the Democratic candidate is a bad idea, irrespective of who it is.
(35,015 posts)Hillary is corrupt, Trump is even more corrupt, and I'll be forced to vote for the lesser of two evils.
Not a pleasant scenario for me. My disappointment with the rightward lurch of the Democratic Party only adds to the unpleasantness.
(2,807 posts)Because you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. It's ok.
(35,015 posts)Give me some time, I may end up joining, or else I'll be nose-less.
(3,660 posts)Darb
(2,807 posts)Does Trump espouse a lot of your principles?
It's Ok, not everyone wants to be a member.
(3,660 posts)They ignore the truth and then just expect you to as well.
I do ignore some stuff, but
(34,845 posts)[hr][font color="blue"][center]You have to play the game to find out why you're playing the game. -Existenz[/center][/font][hr]
(35,015 posts)randome
(34,845 posts)[hr][font color="blue"][center]You have to play the game to find out why you're playing the game. -Existenz[/center][/font][hr]
Maybe it's the constant damn drumbeat to go along?
(2,807 posts)and not to discourage others from voting for the Democratic nominee in the fall by trashing the person that you do not prefer.
It is not over, but 4 more months of some of the stuff I am seeing here will definitely not help keep a crazy pube from the highest office in the land.
This is, after all, the DEMOCRATIC Underground.