2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI predict that Clinton won't need California to clinch the nomination
Once she goes into the Acela corridor she will pick up enough delegates to reach the magic number.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)I heard a stat today that 7% of Hillary supporters wont vote Bernie in GE but 35% Bernie supporters wont vote Hillary in the GE.
With this level of selfishness and insanity, can she heal enough of the bad blood to avoid the potential world wide catastrophe that could result?
(30,439 posts)onehandle
(51,122 posts)So 'PUMA' probably doesn't apply to them. Technically.
(30,439 posts)NorthCarolina
(11,197 posts)they are actually what you might call more traditional Democrats. You know, the type that existed before the DLC routed them from the party in their jaunt to the political right for financial favors?
(51,122 posts)Risking a Donald Trump Presidency would be the ultimate act of PUMAism.
(11,197 posts)attempting to shove an unpalatable establishment candidate down our throats in an election year where one of the most salient points is disgust over a corrupt campaign finance system that the Clintons are awash in.
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)No "liberal" or "traditional Democrat" for that matter sits this election out considering the SC and all the other reasons.
Call yourselves what you want, but I know a duck when I see a duck.
(11,197 posts)conscience of the party?
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)oppose total annihilation.
In my lifetime we wont see the kind of progress Bernie wants, I am a Bernie voter and I acknowledge this.
This has nothing to do with what Bernie or Hillary can or cannot accomplish.
This argument doesn't make sense anymore, I am arguing with people who would sit this election out and I dont consider those people part of any solution, only part of the problem.
(11,197 posts)eom
Jackie Wilson Said
(4,176 posts)Better we elect Bernie so at least we are acknowledging the problems, agreed.
But what you want to do, what Bernie wants to do, what I want to do, is not possible in our current construct.
Capitalism, corporations, Wall Street, money and most of all greed is the basis of our society.
To think we can continue with our economic system AND at the same time eliminate money in politics, is wrong thinking.
Wont happen until we change the very basis of who we are.
Still voting for Bernie, though.
(24,411 posts)I'm not surprised.
Why would anyone be surprised?
Give me one example--from a macro level OR a micro level--of the Clinton camp building any sort of bridge to Sanders supporters.
I see nothing but vitriol, mocking and snide behavior from Hillary supporters on the Internet. And from a macro level--I see Bill Clinton with his bullhorn mucking up the Mass elections, as well all kinds of voter-suppression tactics and dirty games--from state to state to state. Including my own state.
I understand that authoritarians don't appreciate it when people don't fall in line and follow orders.
But really...there's really no evidence of positive behavior, words, deeds or overtures from either side, that would lead anybody to think that a Kumbaya moment is...right around the corner!
Based on what I witnessed at my own County Convention two weeks ago--I truly think that Hillary has written off Sanders supporters. After 11 hours of being at that convention, and after Clinton supporters joined Sanders supporters in the room--people were jumping up on the stage, grabbing the microphone and yelling, "Liars!" and unleashing tirades against each other. Sanders supporters called for the resignation of the Polk County Chair. The head of the rules committee (a Clinton supporter and delegate) has since resigned. People were flipping each other off, screaming, "Cheaters!" I left early and decided I'd had enough and while walking on the sidewalk a Clinton supporter started yelling at me and another Sanders supporter who was probably in her 70's. The Clinton supporter told me, "You are ripping our party apart!". I walked away, and I'm sorry to say that I left that poor elderly woman to deal with the 25-year old Clinton supporter who was yelling at her. 11 hours. I was worn down.
Many people don't get or are in denial about what is happening in our party. I've seen it firsthand. I've come to the conclusion that the Hillary brass who were in charge at our County Convention purposely pitted us all against each other. I truly don't think the Hillary upper brass don't care about unity, at all. Not from what I witnessed.
This is why I think that HRC will chose a Republican or Independent (Bloomberg) as her running mate. I think she's completely written off the left. She doesn't care. Bill Clinton knew that Sanders supporters were upset when he mucked up those MA polling places. We tried to have him arrested. But he went ahead and did it again in other states. I mean...they aren't even pretending anymore.
These numbers don't surprise me, in the least. In fact, if this voter disenfranchisement and suppression continues, I would expect those numbers to rise.
All we do is fight on DU. Does anyone seriously think this is fixable? I don't. But then again, I had to sit in a room with 1,000 people screaming at each other in some kind of Lord of the Flies freak show. That tends to affect a person.
(28,791 posts)What's the bet?
(38,613 posts)artyteacher
(598 posts)She'll still add delegates.
(69,386 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)The sooner the better! (For obvious reasons, OTHER than Hillary being our nominee.)