2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forum**** Who won the debate? ****
137 votes, 2 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Bernie. | |
120 (88%) |
Hillary. | |
15 (11%) |
Democrats. | |
0 (0%) |
Republicans. | |
0 (0%) |
Britney Spears. | |
2 (1%) |
2 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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Disclaimer: This is an Internet poll |

(72,790 posts)Both were awful.
(28,749 posts)bigwillq
(72,790 posts)I wanted to throw things at the TV. lol
(30,348 posts)They usually have Sanders ahead by thousands.
(28,749 posts)
(22,457 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)We show up where it really matters, at the voting booth.
(22,457 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)It's fun to rattle the cage.
(22,457 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)
(22,457 posts)
(12,530 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)and drive people to the polls instead of calling a four block walk "being disenfranchised"
(22,457 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)Everyone seems to think that the minutiae of their lives is fascinating. People post selfies of almost every minute of their lives. Where they went, what they ate, etc.
This may come as a surprise to them, but no one's life is that fascinating that we need to know every nuance of their daily activities.
People have become a bore. TMI is not in their vocabulary.
(1,511 posts)Are they being too loud with their rock and rolls for you? Why couldn't they be like or generations from the good old days?
(30,348 posts)I just can't stand the constant dependency on phones. People spend way too much time on them while ignoring the actual world. I don't give a fig about anyone's daily activities, including my own. I don't think that my every day life is so fascinating to have to preserve it for posterity. Of course there are events and times when it's fun to read about other people's days. When they travel and upload pics, when someone gets married or has a baby, etc. Things that are momentous and of actual interest.
(1,511 posts)That you are on a computer complaining about kids on their portable devices that can use anywhere and not just at home? The generation back hates computers, just likes TVs. GO work at a national park, you will find those kids your are stereotyping there, or turn on the TV and see them 27000 strong at a rally. Our come to our state, we have the best national and state parks in the US, our trails are filled with people of all ages hiking. Your grass will grow just fine while you are enjoying the view from the glaciers on Rainier, and if you want to check your email ask one of the hundreds of "youths" out here to borrow their phone.
(3,660 posts)Silver_Witch
(1,820 posts)

(1,511 posts)Why is the Hillary crowd attacking youth? Will they outlaw kids?
(47,209 posts)the needle to "bring on the revolution" so far this primary. That is on them. People read the demographics on voting patterns. Sucks that they are not showing up, but people are going got notice and start counting them out.
(1,511 posts)Hillary has won states with 73% turn out, Bernie is at 95%. He is hurt by one low score from Utah where they switched to a caucus because the state did not fund them this year. The DNC decided not to do mail in ballots or the like to save its money for the general election instead. Bernie had a high of 202% turn out in Michigan. Hillary had a low of 51% in Mississippi and a high of 97% in Florida. Hillary can brag all she wants about popular vote leads, but in truth most states have closed primary or hybrid systems. So she won the popular vote in a rigged game that disenfranchised 45% or the electorate (of which the remaining are 26% republican). I wish Bernie would have mentioned the statics in the debates other than just giving them a shout out.
(47,209 posts)no one had close to the sats you have claimed- no one ever has in the USA!!
(1,511 posts)These are all done compared to the finalized vote tallies with 2008.
(47,209 posts)voters too. Not sure where you got your numbers, but they are not referring to registered voters.
(1,511 posts)Michigan was 594398 in 2008
Today it was 1,205,552 in 2016
I can go down the list if you like, Bernie won 7 states that topped 2008 turn out.
Edit: updated other post to reflect 2008
(47,209 posts)I need to see a link, but nope- turnout has not increased for Dems this year.
(1,511 posts)http://www.ktva.com/alaska-democrats-choose-sanders-in-caucus-record-turnout-reported-997/
Hows that? All ones that Bernie won with higher turnout than 2008. He won the rest by 80% or greater exculding Utah which is an outlier based on they swapped to an underfunded caucus with no mail in option.
It is easy enough to find... you can use thegreenpapers and run the numbers
P.S. if you want record low...
Mississippi had the lowest and it may have set a record...Hillary also won by the largest margin.
(47,209 posts)And expected turnout in MN. I know he did okay in NH and Maine, LOL. But no- the elections have had really decreased turnouts- elections, like the one that is supposed to give SBS a mandate?
Record turnout at last night's legislative dinner! <--- HA HA HA HA, A FB post about a dinner, CUTE.
(1,511 posts)I will leave it in, since it is kind of funny. Idaho was record for both, but that was the article I could find. If you use thegreenpapers or one of many others you can do the math, just take a bit to hunt for each state.
(47,209 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)The main deciding factor has been the south has been really low (excluding Florida, as it was actually 97). It also may be up as they go along in the election, and the less restrictions, Arizona may have been hurt since in one place alone they tossed a majority of 200,000 ballots for being independents (I believe that was what they said in their hearing). That being said the next states may all be crazy high...excluding the closed primary since DNC registration is at a record low in the US...so statistically that would limit what the max turnout could even be.
(47,209 posts)northernsouthern
(1,511 posts)It is amazing that almost all of our states are a variety of closed, I think I am luck I have always registered as a Dem, so I never noticed the problem.
(30,348 posts)
(1,511 posts)...that are tech savvy and energized are Bernie supporters, HRC supporters are the ones telling them they need an ap installed on their blackberry to watch to see if the maid is stealing while they are out of the house at the gala.
(718 posts)
Major Hogwash
(17,656 posts)

(9 posts)Souless, they are
(1,511 posts)They may own several of us at their homes. Our party has become Upstairs Downstairs.
(12,655 posts)this is what i saw when i tested it with a second vote attempt
Thank you, we have already counted your vote.
Total Votes: 7,746
(1,511 posts)But on the plus side they will finally get off your lawn.
(30,348 posts)
(1,511 posts)totodeinhere
(13,507 posts)Is there something wrong with that? Young people are our future and I for one am proud that Bernie attracts so much support from that demographic.
(30,348 posts)It just means that a lot of supporters of one candidate ran to click on them. They don't prove that people are going to vote for that candidate over his/her opponent. How many online polls has Sanders won by a country mile in states that Hillary won handily? That's why I say that they mean nothing. Personally, I can't be bothered with them.
(9,463 posts)...put you on ignore. Buh-bye!
(28,749 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)As if I give a darn if someone who I will never meet in my life puts me on ignore like a petulant child. I don't even recognize that poster. I have never put anyone on ignore. I have also never alerted on anyone. I don't like censorship. I also don't like cowards who place people on ignore, rather than confront them.
(11,996 posts)Major Hogwash
(17,656 posts)Makes for a more interesting night.
(5,636 posts)... it's basically a Sanders campaign forum, and I think the moderation reflects that.
(28,749 posts)Lots of folks say they do, but then they vote in the poll... Sooooooo.
(47,803 posts)More even handed than most
(28,749 posts)But even I have my moments.
George II
(67,782 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)Not for real discourse. This board is so lopsided in favor of one candidate that it's fun to see people become befuddled when you disagree with them.
(22,457 posts)Me like her less every day.
(47,803 posts)Each had good moments and some not so good moments
(47,209 posts)thought they both pivoted too much.
(8,178 posts)of course!
(5,252 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)But I couldn't hear them?
Sounded like the word "attorney" or "journey" but I couldn't quite place it.
George II
(67,782 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)Also remember as a Clinton supporter I've made it onto a few ignore lists so some are missing the poll.
(8,178 posts)So I voted for Britany. It was the best choice given that the poll is rigged by the majority.
(559 posts)I gotta say, Hillary looked a little different. Just, there's a vibe I got from her that something's up. But idk, this will be interesting in the next 4 days.
(28,749 posts)RepubliCON-Watch
(559 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)and I just can't blame her.
(28,749 posts)Both of them had that vibe tonight, they both think they are the better candidate, they both think they can make change happen, they both are annoyed that they haven't won yet.
(559 posts)Beacool
(30,348 posts)The Sanders camp (I just heard Jeff Weaver on CNN make the point you made) is delusional if they think that super delegates will nominate Sanders even if Hillary is ahead in pledged delegates and the popular vote. It's not going to happen. They can try to sell that meme all they want, but it's not going to play out the way they want it to play. First of all, those super delegates support Hillary already. They would only switch to Sanders, like they switched to Obama in 2008, if he was ahead in pledged delegates. They will not subvert the will of the people.
(559 posts)I still think even if Bernie passes Hillary in the delegate count, both candidates will do everything possible to contest and lobby superdelegates to vote for them. It'll be a nail-bitter, should be fun and scary!
(30,348 posts)If he were to somehow be ahead in pledged delegates, then he would be the nominee.
(8,541 posts)Hillary seemed on the defense after the first few questions.
(14,177 posts)I think Dana Bash won. I wish she moderated the whole thing. She kept after both candidates even though they were completely ignoring her at times. I do think Bernie gave better answers than Hillary, I have no idea if it's gonna help him so I can't say he won a whole lot.
(28,749 posts)EndElectoral
(4,213 posts)BeyondGeography
(40,149 posts)They both scored points, in the preaching to the converted manner.
(60,212 posts)n/t
(31,700 posts)And Alaska's, and Hawaii's, and Vermont's, and Utah's, and Democrats Abroad's.
(41,187 posts)jillan
(39,451 posts)XemaSab
(60,212 posts)Her supporters allege that Bernie can't really explain his positions, but tonight made it clear that she's the one with no depth.
Bernie's positions come from decades of thoughtful consideration.
Her positions come from the bottom of Mark Penn's morning teacup.
(34,602 posts)They were too loud and distracting. I don't know who won, but based on the pundits, maybe it was a draw.
(9 posts)If Hillary is so great, why does she lean so much on cheap establishment booster chairs? Softball questions. Talk time favortism. She usurp's and parrots Bernie's platform and then tries to pass it off for hers. Assuming the average joe's memory bottoms out by the end of the day. It's insulting. If he's not a serious threat, then why does she have to stoop so low? Her actions belie the media's propaganda push.
The media tries to spin her platform rip-offs positively: Sanders is impacting politics. Now be content, sit down, and vote for fed ex. I mean Hillary. Sorry. Confusing logo. But Bernie supporters know that Hillary has one single priority/loyalty: self aggrandizement. She has.NO INTEREST in more tham getting elected, and advancing her career in world politics. Whatever needs to be said to get what she wants, let it be said (passive voice intentional). Wag the Dog: the Clintons' memoirs.
She's trying to fast forward onto phase iii, unite the party.
Bad news. If Bernie doesn't win the primary, I WILL NOT HESITATE TO WRITE HIM IN. This presidential election is a once in a lifetime opp to vote for a candidate whose values promise progress. Meaningful progress.
How will he get the job done? That question is framed too narrowly to be meaningful. Bernie is looking to get THINGS STARTED, and its UP TO US to get it done. By calibrating our values. Paying attention to our political process. Discoursing on our society, pros, cons, and unknowns. Promting open dialogue. Voting. With purpose. Reviving a golden age of civilization. By collectively participating in our political process. Watching the watchmen. Checks and balances. Because when the cat is away, the mice will play. And the rats on the hill have been gnawing away at and exploiting every national resource available to them. Including us. And they wont stop until we send them our message. Loud and clear.
Its time to wake up. And make demands. The worst they can do is say no. . . So let's make them say it. Over. And over. . .
Write in ur decision, and vote out all incumbants.
(45,851 posts)
(9 posts)I'm so over the media not accurately covering events. Important events. It's pathetic. And harmful to our political process.
Politico is a joke. Huffington is fickle. The Wash post/nyt are gas-lighty. CNN is balls deep in Hillary. The bbc and economist treat bernie like a novelty.
If the only way we can ferret out the truth is through collective collaboration, then sign me up bc i know my shit.
As a middle-aged professional, minority woman, im appalled by how callously the media pigeon holes and reports "loyalties" by age, race, and gender.
We're not fucking trading cards, we're people.
(45,851 posts)I agree with you, we are not trading cards.
(9 posts)An effective Democracy relies on fair and responsible news reporting. We dont have that in the US. So we have to work harder to educate ourselves. Watch the debate. The entire thing. Dont rely on the highlights. The reel for Hillary is much thicker than Bernie's from which to clip out her highlights.
Hillary got more talking time. Hands down. With Bernie, CNN allowed him to talk only in response to direct questions. Hillary, on the other hand, they allowed her to speak when she wanted to respond to Bernie's statements regarding her record, as well as to direct questions. And re tge headline "they were shouting at each other" . . .
Umm. . . . Hillary was minutes over her talking time. Rambling. Over Wolfy's multiple requests that she stop. After 3 minutes of waiting, Bernie flatly chimed in bc it was his turn. Wolfy, expressing his loyalty, stoked the scale of emotion by reprimanding "them both" instead of just Hillary. Pathetic. CNN= Clinton News Network.
No joke.
Ultimately we lose. Bc our media is unconscionably irresponsible.
Good people have always had to work harder and smarter to get anywhere. So brace urselves. Bc this revolution will not be televised.
(1,054 posts)Hillarians' ignore lists. He probably is on a lot of Bernie posters' ignore lists.
That means the Hillary posters are seeing this thread and a lot of Bernie posters are not.
And that the support for Hillary is being over-stated in this poll.
Good. I have far more faith in Democratic underground now. Most of us reject the Corrupt .01 percent in our government.
(9 posts)Thanks for the tip
snowy owl
(2,145 posts)That what it is coming down to. Bernie hit a home run but if people didn't want to hear it, they won't and at this point in NY, they've made up their minds. So, Hillary didn't hurt herself and Bernie was a shining example of what he believes for those who believe with him. Emotion vs. intellect.
Since I'm an issues person who votes intellectually, I'll vote Bernie. But really it is a tie.
(9,617 posts)[font style="font-family:'Georgia','Baskerville Old Face','Helvetica',fantasy;" size=4 color=#009999]She is not even from NEW YORK!!!
The winner of the debate was obviously none other than:
[font size=6] Lady Gaga!!![/font][/font][/center]
(28,749 posts)IamMab
(1,359 posts)Response to IamMab (Reply #104)
.99center This message was self-deleted by its author.
(68 posts)and I assume from the comments here that Sanders does better in the second half. I really find it frustrating when politicians do not answer the question, which happened three times in a row early on.
Any debate, any politician - very important, please remember it is a debate, not a rally, not a speech. Throw in as many other points and jabs as you can squeeze in, but make sure you answer the question!, we do notice. High marks to Dana Bash.
They both scored, but so far Clinton's way ahead.