2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumWhy the HELL does CNN
think their pontificating panelists are more important to hear than Bernie Sanders giving an awesome speech?

(51,122 posts)
(18,115 posts)onehandle
(51,122 posts)morningfog
(18,115 posts)Hillary lost again and will lose more. If she does secure the majority of pledged delegates, it will be with a string of losses.
(13,340 posts)Doesn't matter.
(12,958 posts)Fickle, this so called Democracy we have
(13,340 posts)AgingAmerican
(12,958 posts)In 2008
(13,340 posts)it was a narrow win, and, of course, does not consider caucus states that do not have a popular vote count and favored Obama heavily.
(12,958 posts)beaglelover
(4,188 posts)He's closing the gap man!!!
(55,745 posts)CNN doesn't want America to hear what Bernie has to say. Undemocratic in the extreme.
(14,157 posts)n/t
(28,749 posts)Armstead
(47,803 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)Yes I agree the primary system is flawed but guess what a lot of people have voted, and this is the outcome.
(47,803 posts)I know it's unlikely, but who knows if all their statements that Clinton is the already nominee has prevented Sanders from actually getting margins that could have more significantly eaten into her lead to really make it a horserace?
There is a self-fulfilling prophecy effect. To be honest, if I were in an upcoming or very recently voting state (and wasn't such a Sanders fanatic) and preferred him, I might stay home listening to all their spin. Why bother since he's already lost? Or maybe cast a Clinton vote just to be on the winning "side.'
Since the early sweep of the South, the media has done its utmost to portray Clinton as the defacto winner. (And you combine that to the blackout on Bernie in the last fall when she was already treated as the defacto nominee before a single vote had been cast.)
(154,021 posts)the primary is not my main concern, It never has been, we never count.
I will still cast my vote, pretending it maters, in a democracy that is a bunch of magic tricks.
Did I mention I do not consider it a legitimate election? There is a danger when that starts to become wide spread. But I am stubborn, so will pretend to vote.
But what you speak off, is very true, and there are many systemic issues with this "democracy" of ours.
(696 posts)Nothing else matters!
(70,596 posts)anotherproletariat
(1,446 posts)goes way down. Remember when all they could talk about was Ben Carson? Then suddenly it was obvious he was no longer a player, and it was if he never existed. The MSM has shifted their horserace to the Trump-Clinton contest.
(10,336 posts)MFM008
(20,035 posts)its all window dressng?
As Sanders campaign winds down.
Skid Rogue
(711 posts)and the horse race is over. Sorry.
(2,227 posts)Sparkly
(24,468 posts)
(524 posts)Cali_Democrat
(30,439 posts)Most people didn't swoon when a bird landed on his podium.
(54,770 posts)VOX
(22,976 posts)Unfortunately for this country, it is as CBS CEO Les Moonves said of the excessive Trump coverage: "It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS."
That's how insane things are.
(6,592 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,713 posts)The corporate media conglomerates are corrupted by inherent conflicts of interest on multiple levels and no longer mesh with the best interests of the American People as a whole.
Thanks for the thread, Merryland.