2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumBarbara Boxer & Hillary
Listening to Barbara Boxer's insane rant in the face of overwhelming boo's - and I believe a moderator who kept trying to get her off the stage (they should have had a hook) - one thing stands out. Her comment: "She cares about us."
You know what? Hillary Clinton doesn't care about me. She doesn't care about you. And this attempt to turn her into some kind of Mother Goddess is laughable. She cares about one person only. So stop saying she cares about US. She doesn't.

(19,877 posts)Anyone who questions Bernie becomes an enemy. Not a good tactic.
(6,896 posts)CoffeeCat
(24,411 posts)but she took to the podium and from the first word--began admonishing and lecturing Bernie supporters.
Barbara Boxer was more than welcome to give a pro-Hillary speech. That's what happens at Conventions. Supporters discuss and leverage the candidates they support.
Boxer, from the first word--decided to lecture put Bernie supporters on the defensive. This was not the appropriate venue for a smackdown of half of the people in the room--who were Bernie delegates.
All supporters in that room are delegates that each candidate has earned.
I just attended our County and District Conventions. I can't imagine anyone doing this. It's completely out of line. Our room would have erupted too. It's understood at Conventions that supporters of both candidates are there to work together on the platform and get through the process. Everyone treads very lightly out of respect for the process.
Barbara Boxer took to the microphone and did the opposite.
Doesn't mean that she's a horrible person, or that she's the enemy. But her actions were wrong.
(10,493 posts)I don't have the YouTube link, but here is the link on Twitter. It was a very inspiring & energizing speech for any democrat.
(5,400 posts)Thanks for making it.
(1,009 posts)exagerated sense of privledge, an out of control ego, and lack of self control.
Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)When she tried to say that if Bernie supporters booed her admonishing "now, now kids" lecture, they were really booing Bernie because Bernie is her friend, I flipped off the screen.
She's certainly not acted like Bernie's friend during this primary. She's called him grumpy and jumped, wrong-headedly, into the "qualifications" fray when any thinking person could see that was media manipulation.
With friends like her, who needs enemies?
Response to JaneyVee (Reply #1)
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(6,896 posts)rather than hiring one of the engineers?
(1,976 posts)frylock
(34,825 posts)This is a case in point.
(6,719 posts)Mother Goddess as Mother Goose!
(23,664 posts)And I don't care much for her new BFF Boxer either at this point.
Hare Krishna
(58 posts)Tony Rodham married Barbara Boxer's daughter.
(13,466 posts)-none
(1,884 posts)Opps, never mind.
(26,582 posts)snort
(2,334 posts)Must just be me.
(28,749 posts)
Sky Masterson
(5,240 posts)She even has it printed on her signs.
It doesn't say She's with "US".
(10,493 posts)Incrementalism speaks to the 1%, change speaks to 99%.
(1,134 posts)the peasants/serfs/indentured servants need a Mom or a "Consuela" to CARE about us? I want a president who wants to reinvent a dismal, dying, fractured system - someone like FDR for the 21st century. I think Bernie could be it, or at the very least engage US in the work needed. I don't need a Mom or a Consuela thanks.
Kip Humphrey
(4,753 posts)Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)
(4,518 posts)Merryland
(1,134 posts)bigtree
(91,075 posts)Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)grossproffit
(5,591 posts)Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)She only accomplished driving the wedge further by starting her speech admonishing Bernie supporters.
The only horns I saw were those honking to get her "now now children" missive off the stage before she could further split the party.
Response to Merryland (Original post)
Mesee This message was self-deleted by its author.
(42 posts)Boxer's daughter Nicole married Hillary's brother Tony. They are related.
Ferd Berfel
(3,687 posts)When Boxer says "Us" she's not talking about the poor, middle-class - people like most of us here. She's talking about about her 1% buddies, Wall Street, the corporate elite. They use these Orwellian twists all the time.
(1,134 posts)annavictorious
(934 posts)She was my senator. My husband is one of those FDNY 9/11 first responders who everybody celebrated and then forgot.
After months of working on the pile and at the dump, he became sick, but not the right kind of sick to qualify for the medical programs that were in place.
Because of then Senator Clinton's efforts, my husband has medical monitoring and care at one of the best hospitals in NY. His $800 a month prescription bill were reduced to $60 a month because Hillary Clinton persuaded pharmaceutical giants to provide medication at cost to first responders in the program.
People in NY who were unsure about Hillary when she first ran, overwhelmingly supported her for her second term because of the work she did to improve the lives of regular people.
People like you make me spitting mad. My husband is still alive, he has better quality of life, and my family isn't bankrupt because of Hillary Clinton's efforts. You have no idea what you're talking about.
(1,134 posts)annavictorious
(934 posts)How magnanimously dismissive of you.
I'll say it a different way. People like you make me sick. Your abstractions don't trump my reality.
(1,134 posts)I am a Bernie supporter who is genuinely appreciative of the efforts of those brave souls who salvaged New York from the ruins of 9-11 and people like your spouse. They deserve every bit of health care & support this nation can give. If Hillary Clinton's help made his recovery possible, she did a good thing.
(934 posts)and if you meant "no text", I'm sorry that I misinterpreted. I meant no offense, and I'm sorry I preemptively put you into the "people who make me sick" category.
It was the "USA, USA" Republicans who kicked first responders to the curb after all the faux patriotism died down. They make me sick.
Hillary didn't get the UFA (FDNY union) endorsement the first time she ran because of all the negative stories about her. (My husband was a union delegate.) The UFA wound up not endorsing anyone for senate in 2000.
When Hillary ran for reelection, it was a different story in NY. She had worked hard for all her constituents. I can understand disliking her, disagreeing with her, and preferring her opponent, but I don't get the demonization. I find it grossly unfair.
We live in a pretty Republican area (Long Island), and my husband wears a Hillary button everywhere he goes. I know he's itching for a fight, and I pity the person who takes him on.
(696 posts)You owe an apology
(1,134 posts)Thanks Jennylynn - It never occurred to me the poster was offended by my n/t & took it to mean "nice try" - I guess I didn't read closely enough. I'm not offended or hurt, though, and feeling a lot more hopeful today.
(934 posts)"nice try". That's why my blood boiled. Sorry.
(1,134 posts)No problem - I can see why the n/t would be misinterpreted & make your blood boil. I love being civilized & no offense taken. Your spouse is brave indeed.
(5,591 posts)
(696 posts)After NV. I'm not feeling so hot today but I'm glad you are.
Ps, stick to eom. Everyone knows what that means. I think.
(1,134 posts)grossproffit
(5,591 posts)
(2,125 posts)No, Barb, we're booing the rigged system. What is it with HRC and her surrogates? "you're
going to hell." or "you're not serious about Sanders, you're chasing boys." or my favorite of
them all "a vote for Bernie is a vote for Trump."
Blah blah blah. A vote for Bernie is a vote for Democracy not oligarchy, not fascism.
(11,197 posts)How in the world did she ever happen upon that conclusion? That was not the take-away I got from watching the clip. Not even close. Is she seriously that disconnected from reality, or was she simply being too cute by half?
(2,125 posts)She might have thought if she said that they'd stop booing. In HRC world up is down, a loss
is a win, if you're not voting for HRC you're voting for Trump.
They have nothing to sell so they resort to these ridiculous false analogies and other fallacies.
I'm so glad they kept booing because she was do her best "eat-you peas-or-else" routine.
(11,197 posts)juvenile in her tactic though, in a "I know you are but what am I" sort of way. Not very becoming of a Senator I wouldn't think.
(2,125 posts)It went over like a lead balloon. She just wants her grandson running through the
WH corridors. HRC supporters at her level have so much to gain with an HRC win
they don't give a damn how much we lose in the process.
(11,197 posts)"HRC supporters at her level have so much to gain with an HRC win they don't give a damn how much we lose in the process"
(1,134 posts)You're right. And when they see that alluring dream of access slip-sliding away it must be driving them crazy!
(11,546 posts)yeah, that's someone who "cares". Oh, but sometimes she laughs it off after she berates them.
(3,133 posts)H2O Man
(76,159 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Good for her.
(21,328 posts)Also, once you're throwing Barbara Boxer under the bus your list of allies is starting to grow very thin. Who exactly is going to be on your side when this is all said and done? It isn't the people. It isn't the long-standing advocates for progressive causes like Boxer. Who the hell is left?
(1,134 posts)Well, it's too late for my rabies shots. Should I bark like Hillary did in that one bizarre clip? (used, I might add, by Donald Trump in a TV ad & undoubtedly to resurface in the general)
Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)We're all human and we all make mistakes.
I am a mother. I have to sometimes correct bad behavior my children display. It doesn't mean I'm throwing my kids under any bus, it means that I'm displeased with an action, not their whole being. And I don't hate Barbara Boxer. I just don't agree with either her choice of candidate or the way she behaved yesterday.
Boxer acted poorly on that stage. She has believed the media lies that all Bernie supporters are neophyte Millennials who don't understand the process or the consequences and talked down to half the crowd as if they were stupid. She deserved the boos she received for her bad behavior. And boos were the right choice since she's a bit too old to be sent to the corner.
(20,885 posts)I expected she would perform better in a situation like this.
NewImproved Deal
(534 posts)This unpleasant woman is in it for herself...
Response to NewImproved Deal (Reply #54)
cyberpj This message was self-deleted by its author.
NewImproved Deal
(534 posts)
Response to NewImproved Deal (Reply #69)
cyberpj This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,160 posts)
NewImproved Deal
(534 posts)Another "New" Democrat and Pro-Clinton Machine radio host...
(3,160 posts)Strange times.
NewImproved Deal
(534 posts)DookDook
(166 posts)But I have been enjoying all the music I'm listening to now that I've turned off the talk radio.
(39,215 posts)together two of the worst policies they could find to destroy us when they passed welfare reform and tough on crime bills in the 90s. NOTHING has changed.
(12 posts)Sen. Barbara Boxer was once family through marriage when Boxer's daughter married Clinton's brother, and her grandson is Clinton's nephew.
I'd say, more than a little conflict of interest here! Oh, you want a link?
(12,685 posts)Every biography of Hillary Clinton talks about her goodness, her high-mindedness, her rock-solid dedication to principle. Reading those books, I couldn't imagine what they meant, since Hillary is as much of a shape-shifter and a compromiser as any other politician.
When I saw her in person, however, it all made sense. It was at a Clinton Foundation event, as you mention. Everyone took their turn on the stage, praising everyone else, in the highest and most gracious forms you can imagine. There was an almost intoxicating sense in the room of the goodness and virtue of everyone present, with Hillary herself anchoring the swirl. It must be hard for someone who wasn't there to believe, but these people seemed to regard her with an idealism that was almost cult-like.