2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumEveryone understands the purpose of the State Department's report on Hillary's email server, right?
The State Department is on Hillary's side. In fact, the State Department is Hillary's side. The State Department is controlled pretty directly (not as directly as the DoJ but more directly than the FBI) by Obama, and Obama is on Hillary's side.
The State Department report and especially the timing of the report would not happen without a reason.
The only reason for State Department report and for the timing of the report is to get out ahead of the FBI recommendation. Whatever you think of the State Department report, you can bet that the FBI recommendation is on its heels and the State Department report will offer a better spin than wherever can be spun out of the forthcoming FBI recommendation.
Buckle up.

(35,015 posts)It's unfortunate but true; however the SD report isn't exactly glowing. Will be interesting to see what the FBI has to say.
(1,438 posts)Seems like a Republican hope. Why are Berners on board with that?
(25,816 posts)It seems to be a rare commodity these days.
(3,089 posts)unlike other SOS who used private e-mails. She didn't conduct official business, and her server was never hacked. Attempts were made to hack her server but did not succeed...evidently her server was safer than those of the State Department which were hacked.
Unless some thin criminal shows up in the FBI investigation we can just move on...
(18,115 posts)But what you said is a garbled mess. A pile of parroted catch phrases you've been fed and regurgitated at once.
(25,816 posts)She did conduct official business, on emails that Putin has seen. It was Russian intelligence that gave Guccifer his lead.
You know, the guy arrested for hacking her computer. Her server was not safe. Look up Datto and the Platte River
Network. They sored her emails in a cloud. All of their employees has access to the emails, and none of them has any security
clearance. It's a monstrous fuck-up on an epic scale. She should never be allowed to have a security clearance again,
which would mean--not presidential.
(5,811 posts)you must agree with us on the meaning of the report or you don't understand it. i read the entire unclassified OIG report and found it fascinating. To me it's a study in how organizations really work which why foreseeable shit happens in large bureaucracies.
Anyone who's ever held a job understands the broader issues here which were addressed in the OIG recommendations.
(491 posts)Just today, the State Department REFUSED TO SAY THE SERVER WAS NOT HACKED.
(744 posts)I think they would allow for just about anything to happen to Hillary if it got her out of the way.
(1,438 posts)by any means possible.
(16,916 posts)Why is any honest person not?
(17,196 posts)should want her taken down. If she's not guilty - I'm ok with that.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)The report isn't good. Especially the refusal to cooperate by HRC and her staff.
What can they claim as a reason other than the FBI investigation, which they've claimed was only a security review?
I think she's got some real trouble and this is just the first shoe to drop
(10,122 posts)DebDoo
(319 posts)Garrett78
(10,721 posts)It'll get fixed and everyone will move on.
(319 posts)Garrett78
(10,721 posts)But the problem will get fixed and everyone will move on. It's not going to do the kind of damage to Clinton that many are wishing it will do.
(33,224 posts)morningfog
(18,115 posts)The laws were updated, she knew it. She intentionally skirted them.
(113,952 posts)Even when Colin Powell came out and said it shortly after the 'scandal' broke. Corpmedia did a collective yawn and continued to act as stenographers for the GOP.
(35,015 posts)when asked why you did something you knew was probably not the best choice? Didn't work out so well.
That's exactly what this report aims to do, by pointing out there were systemic problems in the State Department for decades, but bottom line - Hillary was SoS and in charge of the SD (as she loves to boast about). There were policies and procedures in place during her tenure and she violated them.
If I willfully went against the policies and procedures of my place of employment I'd be fired.
The report is trying to absolve Hillary of personal responsibility. I hope the FBI sees it differently.
(2,227 posts)yodermon
(6,151 posts)NWCorona
(8,541 posts)Will definitely work against her.
(29,537 posts)more comprehensive. And she went waaay beyond what the others did, in practice, as well.
(113,952 posts)Please proceed, though.
(60,094 posts)and ability to act as an internal watch dog. First, it is significant that the SD filled the IG slot, that had been vacant for 5 years. Second when it was clear that this could be a problem, Kerry asked him to do a full study.
Here is Linick's statement to the SFRC when he had confirmation hearings. http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Linick%20SFRC.pdf
In fact, I see absolutely nothing in the report that I had not already known from the various accounts. It is true that those depending just on media matters might being seeing things that they hadn't seen before - other than as spun as not true.
I have no idea if they are trying to get ahead of the FBI report. The last I read was that they had suspended their investigation to let the FBI proceed unimpeded. That, might suggest that the FBI did what they needed to do, allowed the SD IG to continue - and they did and now have issued their report.
I would not be surprised if the FBI report is pretty close to this -- which was pretty close to the March 2015 NYT article, which was blasted here and by media matters and the rest of the Brock outlets.
I suspect that this will not lead to a Clinton indictment, but it does remain as a negative that emphasizes her unwillingness to allow oversight because of her quest for privacy.
(113,952 posts)quest to undermine them with other Democrats.
(84,711 posts)I thought it interesting, though, that they didn't release this report as part of the "Friday News Dump" where it wouldn't have gotten as much MSM coverage.
I was also aware that Comey requested the SD IG to be suspended so that FBI could proceed. Hard to know though whether releasing the SD IG report and allowing the MSM to talk about it for a few days is a way of softening the public for worse to follow or nothing to do with the FBI. The FBI requested her Private Server and copies plus the Clinton Foundation's server for the time she was SOS and if there's evidence of Clinton Foundation (CGI) correspondence between Hillary on that server it would make things more complicated. Also Brian had Set up the Server for Clinton Foundation and then transferred it over to Hillary's address when she became SOS. Bill had an e-mail address on the server. At least that's what I've read.
snip from you....
(12,685 posts)made many people question every government official.
(17,196 posts)amborin
(16,631 posts)Waiting For Everyman
(9,385 posts)This will be a tsunami of a mess, and it is not containable.
The thing to remember is, all of this is of her own doing. It is entirely self-inflicted. She CHOSE to do this, no one forced her to and there was no good reason to do it. There is no one to blame this on but herself.
The crazily poor judgement is once again on display.
In the same way, we have no need to commit a self-inflicted wound ourselves, by conditioning our political chances on hers.
(15,547 posts)Of course he is just kidding.
(15,547 posts)At this point I see no indication Hillary might leave even if she is indicted. She does not seem willing to jump ship going for broke.
(51,567 posts)And the fact it's being dropped just before a holiday weekend is ominous.
(22,666 posts)I read previously that the rules changed after she became SoS and they were unclear to begin with and likely other SoSs also violated them.
(11,996 posts)"Secretary Clinton: By Secretary Clintons tenure, the Departments guidance was considerably
more detailed and more sophisticated. Beginning in late 2005 and continuing through 2011, the
Department revised the FAM and issued various memoranda specifically discussing the
obligation to use Department systems in most circumstances and identifying the risks of not
doing so. Secretary Clintons cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of
these more comprehensive directives."
Secretary Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business using the personal email
account on her private server extensively, as illustrated by the 55,000 pages of material making
up the approximately 30,000 emails she provided to the Department in December 2014.
Throughout Secretary Clintons tenure, the FAM stated that normal day-to-day operations
should be conducted on an authorized AIS,147 yet OIG found no evidence that the Secretary
requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email
account on her private server. According to the current CIO and Assistant Secretary for
Diplomatic Security, Secretary Clinton had an obligation to discuss using her personal email
account to conduct official business with their offices, who in turn would have attempted to
provide her with approved and secured means that met her business needs. However, according
to these officials, DS and IRM did notand would notapprove her exclusive reliance on a
personal email account to conduct Department business, because of the restrictions in the FAM
and the security risks in doing so.
During Secretary Clintons tenure, the FAM also instructed employees that they were expected
to use approved, secure methods to transmit SBU information and that, if they needed to
transmit SBU information outside the Departments OpenNet network on a regular basis to nonDepartmental
addresses, they should request a solution from IRM.148 However, OIG found no
evidence that Secretary Clinton ever contacted IRM to request such a solution, despite the fact
that emails exchanged on her personal account regularly contained information marked as SBU.
Similarly, the FAM contained provisions requiring employees who process SBU information on
their own devices to ensure that appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards
are maintained to protect the confidentiality and integrity of records and to ensure encryption
of SBU information with products certified by NIST.149 With regard to encryption, Secretary
Clintons website states that robust protections were put in place and additional upgrades and
techniques employed over time as they became available, including consulting and employing
third party experts.150 Although this report does not address the safety or security of her
system, DS and IRM reported to OIG that Secretary Clinton never demonstrated to them that her
private server or mobile device met minimum information security requirements specified by
FISMA and the FAM. "
(12,296 posts).... and then it's investigations, committees and impeachment hearings, all day, every day, for however long she sits at 1600.
Do we really want to subject the entire country to that? 3 or 4 more years of completely paralyzed government?
Can the country AFFORD that?
(3,533 posts)of Hills aides testimonies in the civil case.
(1,209 posts)become necessary to wash Hillary's hands and face from this story and get her the nomination and blessing of the Sanders voters. It isn't going to work for me. I don't care about the email thing at all except as another reflection of Hillary's Nixon like paranoia.
(15,850 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)win the presidency. The Oligarchy wants their close friend Hillary to win and are using Trump to bludgeon us into voting for her.
(12,685 posts)that was in Clinton's favor. A leopard does not change its spots. The State Dept has continuously had her back.
(491 posts)I think this is the good news for Hillary and the bad news will be along shortly.
Attorney in Texas
(3,373 posts)mmonk
(52,589 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)Attorney in Texas
(3,373 posts)It is also not improper for the State Department report to assess its own conduct in a way that might be less critical than an independent criminal investigation. Keep in mind that the State Department (not Hillary) is the defendant in much of the FOIA civil litigation. The State Department has a direct interest in this issue.
The content of the State Department report should be understood in this ongoing FOIA litigation context.
The timing of the State Department report is a different matter, and it is the timing that is especially noteworthy.
(491 posts)Last edited Wed May 25, 2016, 02:59 PM - Edit history (1)
Not supposed to come out today....
Edit: I guess not that big a deal, was supposed to be released tomorrow. Thought maybe it was due out in a few weeks.
(1,166 posts)It's pretty interesting.
(491 posts)Poor guy looked like he wanted to run....
(5,400 posts)PRESIDENT: You think, you think we want to, want to go this route now? And the--let it hang out, so to speak?
DEAN: Well, it's, it isn't really that--
HALDEMAN: It's a limited hang out.
DEAN: It's a limited hang out.
EHRLICHMAN: It's a modified limited hang out.
PRESIDENT: Well, it's only the questions of the thing hanging out publicly or privately.
(6,282 posts)Vote2016
(1,198 posts)JoePhilly
(27,787 posts)panader0
(25,816 posts)She was horrible to him in their primary, she went behind his back to include Blumenthal
in her shenanigans, she avoided having an IG while she was SoS, and when Obama
appointed one she refused to cooperate, even though four other past SoS's did.
Nah, I really don't think Obama likes HRC.
(29,537 posts)years and he didn't notice the address nor did any of his staff notice or tell him... Reflects poorly on his control and leadership. And now with what's been coming out about her arms sales and other deals with Clinton Foundation donors... It all reflects poorly on him.
I'm willing to bet there's been some yelling with Michelle behind closed doors. At least Michelle would've been yelling.
(6,979 posts)Sorry.
Most email programs don't actually show the email address when you type in a name that's in your contact list (and I assume that the SoS is in POTUS' contact list). You get their name...that's it.
So the fact that someone interacting with HRC via email didn't see her personal domain vs. a "state.gov" address shouldn't be surprising. Has nothing to do with his control or leadership. It's just where the technology is today.
(29,537 posts)issue.
I do still think it reflects poorly on Obama that she was so rogue with the rules, as much as I don't like that.
(6,979 posts)...I did see an interesting article somewhere this morning referencing the 2006 incident where the WH "lost" over 5 million emails related to the AG's (Gonzales) firing of some number (8-10???) District Attorneys. The key point of the article is that the revelation came on a Wednesday, when the WH informed Congress of their inability to respond to a request because the emails were "no longer available through no fault of any specific individual or individuals". By Sunday, the topic was not even covered by any of the Sunday shows.
My point in connecting these two is that somehow, we as Democrats seem to expect more from our Presidents and, as a result, they lose favor quicker. Nobody was surprised that W and his crowd erased 5 million or more from the WH server emails so it wasn't news. But we let the right wing whip us up into a frenzy about the topic of their choice and we seem to never learn the lesson that their game is all about divide and conquer. As long as we're in the HRC vs. Bernie game...they can do/say whatever the heck they want and along the way, further consolidate their disastrous control over the state houses, state legislatures, and congress.
Does HRCs use of a private server reflect badly on either her or BHO ? Sure - among those that expect perfection in every aspect of the role. By year 6 of W's term, most of us didn't think he could drop a hammer and hit the ground so what's the issue with a few/five million emails. I'm still with Bernie on this topic from one of the early debates..."Enough with the damn emails!".

(28,876 posts)..to foreign governments via Hillary's server and there is proof of this.
It must be that bad for this to be the good news.
My God.
(491 posts)I'll repost what I've said about this:
The Chinese absolutely no doubt in my mind read everything she did in real time. Here's the scenario.
About 1 month into her SOS service she travels to China.
Her server lacks encryption at this time. Anyone watching her traffic could see everything she sent and received (probably her password as well).
She used her unsecure blackberry while traveling in China.
Do you think the Chinese monitor phone traffic? Do you think they saw everything? Do you think they noticed her server? Do you think they have competent hackers? They didn't even need a server that lacked encryption, I'm sure they had no trouble getting into a Microsoft server that was poorly setup.
Bottom line, Chinese read everything she did the entire time she was SOS guaranteed.
(26,290 posts)she could not have made it easier for them.
(2,096 posts)If this is the "good" report (and I agree with your reasoning) things may go from bad to worse very quickly. However, I will be surprised if she is indicted. After all, President Obama and our Justice Dept. let torturers get away with their crimes.
(9,314 posts)except for the last paragraph which totally cleared her of everything. That was senseless since they could not cover anything truly important.
The State Department could not look at or comment on anything classified. The FBI instructed the State Department on that. So the meat of the investigation was not available, and the only thing the State Department could consume was small potatoes.
On another note when people kept pointing out the similarity between what Hillary did and Colin Powell, the distinction drawn by those who commented was that Powell did not have his own server. So yes he did send emails from a personal account, but we do not know on what server the email was located.
Just when one thinks they have seen just about everything, there is this:
On still another note, I saw an article which said the Socilitor General reported 6 billion dollars has been lost relating to State Department contracts:
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.
The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Departments contract actions, according to the report.
The alert, originally sent on March 20 and just released this week, warns that the missing contracting funds could expose the department to substantial financial losses.
The report centered on State Department contracts worth more than $6 billion in which contract files were incomplete or could not be located at all, according to the alert.
What more can one say?
Response to Attorney in Texas (Original post)
silvershadow This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,655 posts)with him gone, they can pick a replacement