2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHave you ever wanted very much to respond to a nasty anti-Sanders post
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by tammywammy (a host of the 2016 Postmortem forum).
only to discover it was posted in the DU members-only Hillary Clinton country club that blackballed you? They post the most incendiary, taunting things knowing they can't be responded to.

Jester Messiah
(4,711 posts)Just trash that group.
Lizzie Poppet
(10,164 posts)They're expensive, you know...
(42 posts)democrats behaving like republicans and the site allows it, make you wonder.
(21,286 posts)But if this is the silly little game they care to play let them play it.
Feel The Bern ! Sanders 2016 !
#BernieOrBust ...
(2,550 posts)It should subside in 13 days or so.
(14,255 posts)Actually, if Hillary is the nominee, there won't be many people here at all, I think. Personally, I cannot support a Third Way warmonger, so whatever DU decides is moot - I won't be here.
(10,462 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)They truly serve zero purpose other than to incite.
Note to jury: The op is one hundred percent negative about other duers.
(1,884 posts)No need to go the DU members-only Hillary Clinton country club to read it.
raging moderate
(4,543 posts)I only got blackballed there because I forgot which OP was which. Ever since, I leave them strictly alone. I don't want to be anyplace where I'm not wanted. There are plenty of other things to read on DU.
(1,134 posts)still_one
(97,481 posts)Except most of the hate is not coming from the Clinton supporters
Nice distortion of things
I was banned from the Sander's group for suggesting that whether Hillary or Bernie were President, they would need a Democratic congress
This is just another hypocritical OP
Hillary supporters do not spam web sites or FB pages of groups or people that endorse Bernie, that has been predominant behavior of one subset of supporters
PP, NARAL, John Lewis, Al Franken, etc etc etc
(30,481 posts)BootinUp
(49,337 posts)Clinton supporters, that is why you see people post opinions there. On the other hand nasty anti-Clinton stuff and anti-Clinton supporter stuff survives. Like this:
Survey Shows the Hillary Clinton Supporters are More Racist Than Sanders Supporters
Dr Hobbitstein
(6,568 posts)Where any of them NOT anti-HRC or anti-HRC supporters?
Not many.
(1,438 posts)and never respond to anything lest I get blocked from both.
Your observations could have been made about either one.
(30,481 posts)highprincipleswork
(3,111 posts)djean111
(14,255 posts)
(16,214 posts)But I'm not like that anyway. I'm a Clinton supporter, but I've never felt the need to join a forum that isn't open to all members.
I also try very hard not to get caught up in the anger that runs rampant during the primary season. I read GD-P sometimes, but stay out of the fray. I don't use the arguments in GD-P to inform my decision, so while it's all fascinating to read a lot of the anger here is wasted on people like me.
It may be good to step back and breathe and not let any of this get to you. The Democratic tent is a big one. Not all of us agree, but that doesn't make me mad- it just makes me happy that we can all exist together despite differences.
(17,661 posts)
Renew Deal
(83,541 posts)trudyco
(1,258 posts)I prefer discussing with people who can have coherent replies.
Some people are new to politics and overly excitable, some are Hero Worshipers.
Some are not even real.
This has been an especially difficult Primary because Hillary is such a flawed candidate for many and the problems we face as a country and world are huuuuge.
I'd focus on those who agree with you here. I think the Progressive movement has some real momentum this time. There's a lot of positive things to do and say. But if it gets to be too much, Jack Pine Radicals is a very thoughtful place.
(3,146 posts)However, when I check DU on my phone, I'm not signed in as Ned_Devine, so I see everything. That's when I can see what they post in that forum. It's nauseating. It's like a big circle jerk of bullies. The funny thing is, they're probably the saddest people in the real world. The internet gives them a sense of strength and worth.
(21,286 posts)Exactly that. You cannot even respond so the bullies win! Good show there bullies! !