2016 Postmortem
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This message was self-deleted by its author (MohRokTah) on Fri Jul 1, 2016, 03:32 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(4,387 posts)MohRokTah
(15,429 posts)kthnxbye
...here's a CNN link:
(15,429 posts)Not breathless reporting on air with CNN.
Thanks for playing
(4,387 posts)NWCorona
(8,541 posts)TCJ70
(4,387 posts)...as for the video they're looking for. This story is from 2004...come on. YouTube didn't even exist until 2005.
Maru Kitteh
(29,585 posts)?
(8,541 posts)Reid along with Clinton and other Democrats thought it was important enough to write a letter asking him recuse himself.
(58,785 posts)yesterday's news and only to those who read newspapers.
It should have been such a major scandal that even the many millions who only watch evening news and don't listen to half of the little scraps between commercials should have known about it.
(8,541 posts)It should have been much bigger.
(58,785 posts)remembering. He was on the court for years afterward, and people were "outraged" that President Obama didn't attend his funeral. Of course he didn't. I wonder what he knows.
(8,541 posts)I actually actually agree with you on that.
Maru Kitteh
(29,585 posts)I'll save you time. It didn't matter.
If that didn't matter, then chatting about grandkids for a couple minutes is a HUGE NOTHINGBURGER.
Nobody will remember or give a shit about this in less than a week or so.
(8,541 posts)I'm a Loretta supporter but this isn't a nothingburger.
(1,901 posts)despite the deep impropriety of Cheney's actions, and the admitted lack of anything with Clinton.
It would seem that the point was missed by both of you guys.
(8,541 posts)From the op, "Not a peep from the media. "
That has been proven false. If you want to debate the level of coverage that's a different story.
(1,901 posts)made, you still don't seem to get it.
That "different story" was the point, you and your friend missed it. Despite it being made quite clear. You have to read all the words, not just pick out a few.
Try again for comprehension of the whole argument and you'll understand why you missed the point.
(4,387 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)Please proceed.
(4,387 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)don't actually know what it is.
Keep going! You're doing an excellent job of showing that you don't quite know what's going on.
By the way, you do realize that the person you lost an argument to asked you to provide video of the type of coverage referred to right?
3rd time telling you, but please, go on with various print articles that don't make the case you're trying to make. It's amusing.
(4,387 posts)...like this: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/4554682/ns/politics/t/scalia-wont-stand-aside-cheney-energy-case/#.V3a-ZZA8Kh8
As for video, this story is 12 years old. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to find what they're asking for. Therefore, the best I can do is show that it was more than a peep and carried by multiple news outlets.
(9,359 posts)To move the goalposts after they were shown to have a false narrative.
(1,901 posts)I'm sorry what are you attacking the poster's motives for? The narrative that's false is that the guy posting links which miss the point was 'defeating' someone whose point they still don't understand.
Even after it's been explained the false narrative belongs to the guy slinging links, the goal posts were not moved, that's also a false narrative.
The whole point of the OP was that the media's narrative on this nothingburger is vastly different from the way that actual violations are covered. Sorry you all missed the point, but pretending your misunderstanding is a "false narrative" that you're destroying by proving the point was missed really doesn't make your case.
Response to MohRokTah (Original post)
Post removed
(14,249 posts)and she is so helpless and spineless that she can't say no to an encounter that is supposedly so outrageously improper, we have bigger problems than the fact that Bill Clinton had a friendly chat with the Attorney General.
(18,115 posts)EffieBlack
(14,249 posts)Good to know the next time I want to have a chat with her . . .
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)Chance meetings where the former president waits on the tarmac isn't a little far fetched.
Bill planned it, she was likely trying not to be rude.
(1,901 posts)he'd know, it's pretty likely that he was being polite by going up to say hello himself.
It's weird how one must contort oneself to come up with anything scandal worthy here, and the determination to keep doing so.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)for her plane to arrive.
Maru Kitteh
(29,585 posts)That's cool.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)It's not like that information is made public.
(1,901 posts)You think that the secret service don't know whose planes are on the same tarmac as they are when they're all there at the same time?
You're starting from a false premise, that it was planned and not a casual thing that happens often.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)A social meeting between people who actually know each other that wasn't so private and wasn't so long, is "scandal" now?
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)synergie
(1,901 posts)confused on terms, with your determination to see wrongdoing and plotting where none exists.
Tarmac is what the surface the planes land on is called, and when humans seek to meet outside of the planes, it's on the tarmac.
So, to put it all together for you.
His plane was awaiting departure, and they were notified that her plane was coming in, he decided to be polite and do what he's known to have down many times (which is not uncommon), and say hello to a person he knew.
No plotting, no previous arrangements, no Bill stalking the 100+degree heat to ambush her.
It's sad the amount of energy spent on trying to make this into something it's so clearly not. The MSM is doing it's level best to create something and failing miserably, despite the help given by those who wish to misconstrue pretty much anything and everything when a Clinton is involved.
The reason that this is criticized so much is due to the sheer frequency of such antics. They fail each time, yet that stops no one. It's the boy who cries wolf.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)Just the appearance of wrong doing
(1,901 posts)tavernier
(13,408 posts)I don't believe that for a minute.
She has never been accused of a hint of scandal, and she clearly stated that their conversation was purely generic, grandkids and the weather, etc. It was already reported that the temperature was 109 on the Tarmac, so they moved indoors for their visit.
I'm sure that there is nothing the Clintons can do that isn't perceived as clandestine by republicans and some dems, but good grief, what do you think Bill did in that room? Threaten her? Romance her? Make her a deal she couldn't refuse?
(135,425 posts)even for a smooth talker such as himself, given that her husband was in the room!
Sometimes, a friendly hello is just that--a friendly hello. DC is like small ship at sea--everyone is on the crew, everyone knows each other, and they interact. Some people interact in more friendly ways than others, and that is usually driven by party lines, familiarity, personal friendships or simply having mutual friends (and Barack Obama is one hell of a mutual friend).
I do think the conspiracy theorists waiting for a New Fitzmas are going to be disappointed. Ms. Lynch has already said she has, all along, planned to abide by the recommendations she receives--that she never had any intent to intervene in any manner or fashion. That kind of ruins the "fun" for the wingnuts chomping at the bit re: this matter.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)Why was he wandering around the tarmac?
(20,035 posts)He wanders around every tarmac.
Nothing else to do.
He haunts.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)toooootally believable
(1,901 posts)He planned it! He waited for her! He was roaming outside!
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)clearly he wasn't roaming around the tarmac
(37,428 posts)Rule 2: don't go shooting with Dick Cheney when beer is on the menu.

Oh yes. That was a good one wasn't it? Those were the good old (and terrible) days.

I still remember that poor sap apologizing for getting shot the next day or so on TV. What a bunch they all were.
Press Virginia
(2,329 posts)the appearance of impropriety is what matters.
Lynch's meeting with Clinton is the same thing. It's innocent but it looks bad.
Especially with the reports that there be no video or photos.
(15,091 posts)which is why he shouldn't have fucking done it ...
Honestly, Hillary has been so sharp for a while now, there was nothing the jackasses could get ahold of, and they were LONG overdue for some trumped (sorry) up bullshit to counterbalance the real Trump stepping on his dick a couple times every day.
This was Bill serving it up on a plate for them.
(1,901 posts)Honestly, this is a familiar refrain, take something that isn't a scandal, that isn't a problem, blow it up into one, and then act as if it's a thing because people who love to complain and try to create scandals from nothing do what they always do.
Trumping up stories is what they do, they don't need to guard everything to avoid what will be happening anyway.
Bill didn't serve anything up, it's more crap they made up.
This kind of nonsense that we must all be hypervigilant about everything because desperate liars will twist things is ridiculous.
The same arguments were being used by supposed progressives and liberals to attack the doctors in those propaganda videos by that RW Planned Parenthood liars. It was all despite the fact that they did nothing wrong, and said nothing wrong, those doctors should have known how it would look to people who have twisted agenda and would be badly editing hidden camera videos of their nefarious salad eating!
This is silly, and it's boring, stop it now.
(15,091 posts)You are correct, it IS silly and boring.
I hate it just like you do.
But, sorry, the stupid is great in this country and if anyone should have known that, it was him.
Hillary has been really sharp for a few weeks, while Trump has been his moronic self.
The media has been DYING to have something to get some shots at Hillary, with the pods in this country super anxious to get a big old dose of the meme of the day against her.
Bill put it on a plate and served it up to them.
He of all people should have known better.
(10,048 posts)Hekate
(96,075 posts)...have 6 kinds of hysteria about their complicity in the Chinese plot to make us believe in global warming. Biden says, "But it is a nice day, just open a window," and the MSM and GOP roflmao that Joe's a gaffe machine going off-message again.
Meanwhile, the denizens of DU have a hand-wringing contest about how Democrats need to watch what they say and do at all times in order to avoid even the appearance of wrong-doing in the eyes of the GOP, with minor chords on how there must be something to it....
JURY: This is a parable. Thank you.