2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumDebbie Wasserman Schultz just had a disastrous moment at the Democratic National Convention
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/25/debbie-wasserman-schultz-just-had-a-disastrous-moment-at-the-democratic-national-committee/?k88a88a8aDebbie Wasserman Schultz just had a disastrous moment at the Democratic National Convention
By Chris Cillizza July 25 at 1
0:02 AM
When Debbie Wasserman Schultz agreed to speak at a Florida delegation breakfast on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, it looked like the ultimate home game. The Florida congresswoman is a popular figure in the state, and this week was meant to be a celebratory moment as she watched Hillary Clinton formally claim the Democratic nomination.
Then 20,000 emails from Wasserman Schultz and her top staffers were leaked, painting the congresswoman and her committee as something short of even-handed in their treatment of Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during the primaries.
This is what greeted Wasserman Schultz this morning:
Boos. Jeers. Chants of "shame."
REMINDER: This a is a Florida delegation breakfast. These are the people who should be most supportive of Wasserman Schultz!
It's hard to overstate how bad this is for Wasserman Schultz. Cable was carrying the moment live and quickly went to analysis of it. The audio and images are striking. You will see them roughly 1 million times today.
(45,251 posts)uponit7771
(92,127 posts)merrily
(45,251 posts)Not from the day Sanders announced, when the DNC tried to get money via an email making it sound as though donating to the DNC was going to help Sanders. Not from the day they announced the debate schedule, etc.
If the resignation of the chair and the apology of the vice chair to Sanders are not proof enough for you, I need to question that.
(92,127 posts)... and a couple of staffers talking shit in emails isn't proof of the DNC being impartial.
(45,251 posts)At this point, as stated in your Reply 12, I am questioning your good faith.
Also, you might stop trying to act like prosecuting attorney. No one elected or appointed you; this is not a court; and I am not on trial.
Search DU. Bernie's supporters have been pointing out this stuff on DU for a year and, since the emails, the rest of America is now saying it, too. You want to be the last one in the country to admit the emperor has no clothes, cool for you.
(92,127 posts)... Sanders.
This question STILL goes unanswered... you understand the difference between a claim and proof with a claim.
None of what you outlined is proof... the emails intimating money to the DNC will help Sanders is NOT bias against Sanders (how in the hell!?!?) neither is the debate schedule seeing we only had 3 candidates and not 234124 like the GOP did.
Come on people... lets not just make shit up to feed our own confirmations
(45,251 posts)No, the email the DNC sent the day Bernie announced is not my opinion. Neither is the debate schedule. Neither is any of the stuff DUers have been pointing out all year. Neither are emails patently showing bias. Neither is DWSs resignation. Neither is Brazile's apology to Sanders.
If you hold an opinion different from most Americans, that's your privilege, but it sure as heck doesn't mean your view is the only valid one.
Besides, the issue is not the trial of merrily, but what DWS should have expected this morning. Even your fellow strong Hillary supporters are saying she should exit gracefully.
And now, since this is clearly your attempt to be a prosecuting attorney without authority and not a good faith discussion, I'm out.
(92,127 posts)... schedule and an email not intimating at all that Sanders was sandbagged by the DNC.
The "stuff" is jsut that... stuff... not proof at all... not a document or a statement or anything along those lines showing PROOF that the DNC was set out against Sanders.
Stuff isn't proof and neither is a debate schedule
We can have our own opinions but not own facts
(45,251 posts)But again, this is not a court and, even if it were, no one appointed you to cross examine me.
And again, the issue is this morning's breakfast.
(12,530 posts)telling you what IS.
(11,814 posts)DWS does not, apparently.
Hillary should intervene. Make the tough call to ur friend, Hillary. No gaveling in!!!!!
(53,475 posts)Blue Idaho
(5,500 posts)DWS may have really done to the party - but at this point that's all mute. Once the M$M and the republican opposition get their claws into this news story it's time for her to make her exit. This is as much about "the optics" as anything else.
It must be tough on a personal level to pour your guts into a job and be told you can't go to the party - but that's all part of being the boss. The buck stops at your desk regardless.
Personally I don't want to give those ratfucker republicans any fresh ammunition.
Attorney in Texas
(3,373 posts)bigwillq
(72,790 posts)Until this election is over.
(30,481 posts)The timing of an exit can be very difficult. Seems politicians all hang on for a minute too long.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)and the nominee by digging in her heels.
(92,127 posts)... inside of made up bullshit and then the bullshitters make more claims based off their made up bullshit.
AstoTurf... possibly Russian
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)[center]
Some History of Trump Operatives
Deja DU excerpts, many more at link: Bush vs. Gore, the 'Arkansas Project,' the USA firings, and the Swiftboat Admiral
44. Donald Trump, Roger Stone, Jack Abramoff, Gaming Gaming and Scalping the Tribes.
How is it that two consumate Republican insiders, both purported specialists in illegal
funding of campaigns, one a political dirty trickster who stays behind the scenes and
the other a felonious convict linked to the White House political office, each manage
to garner tens of millions of dollars from Indian tribes in the gaming rackets? By
working both sides at once, of course. And, how is it that one gets convicted and goes
to jail while the other keeps getting paid? Who is scalping whom for how much, who has
lost their scalp, who still has theirs, and will Donald Trump's hair survive the scandals?
With all the attention to Abramoff defrauding the Tribes, why isn't there more attention on
who else is involved in all of gaming's political machinations and influence peddling?
Who has lucrative contracts to receive a percentage of the gross from Indian casinos, and
how did they obtain it? Where is all that money going? How much ends up in the coffers of
politicos like Sen. John McCain, and why? Who else is scalping the Tribes?
And how much of the scalping goes to legal and illegal campaign contributions?
Questions to be answered.
"Roger J. Stone, Jr. is a long-time Republican dirty-tricks operative who led the mob that shut down the Miami-Dade County recount and helped make George W. Bush president in 2000. He was also a campaign strategist during the presidential campaigns of Presidents Nixon, Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush. .............
........ Roger Stone and the Jack Abramoff mould. Making $$millions$$ gaming gaming.
A Dirty Trickster's Bush Bonanza
The man who stopped Miami recount makes gaming millions
by Wayne Barrett
April 19th, 2004 9:30 AM
Roger Stone, the dirty-tricks hobgoblin of Republican politics, has exploited his Bush connections to become an influence-peddling force in the $13 billion Indian gaming industry. Stone's booming business in such a federally regulated enterprise makes his recent pro bono orchestration of Al Sharpton's double-edged presidential campaign an even stranger covert caper.
The longtime GOP consultant's reward for fomenting the "Brooks Brothers mob" that shut down the Miami-Dade recount in 2000 was an invitation within days of Bush's election to serve on the Department of Interior transition working grouphelping, in his own words, to staff its Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Stone has since used this unannounced perch to market himself to tribes and developers from Louisiana to California, earning fat fees and contingent percentages of future casino revenue. Just two of the five deals examined by the Voice are projected to pay him at least $8 million, and perhaps as much as $13 million.
Time, The Washington Post and The New York Times have published exposés about Bush's BIA, with a February story highlighting $45 million in payments to two GOP lobbyists from four tribes since 2001. But no one has focused on Stone's profiteering, which, unlike the payments to registered lobbyists, is not reported on any public filings. ..............
What role did Stone play in financing the Contras? .............
41. Roger Stone - "slash-and-burn Republican black-bag election tamperer"
A Prayer for Reverend Al
Let Him Buy His Soul Back from the Republicans
by Doug Ireland
February 21, 2004 - First Published in LA Weekly
Who is Roger Stone? A slash-and-burn Republican black-bag election tamperer and consultant whose mentor was the repulsive Roy Cohn the redbaiting hatchet man for Senator Joe McCarthy. Stone first made news in the Nixon Watergate scandal, when it was revealed that the 19-year-old apprentice McCarthyite had infiltrated George McGoverns 1972 presidential campaign as part of CREEPs sabotage plan. ... Stone helped Ollie North raise money for the Nicaraguan contras, and was a close associate of the notorious Lee Atwater ...
This one, my favorite, exemplifes the lengths to which these unscrupulous operatives will go just to malign a Dem candidate. This is not democracy, it is criminal conduct.
un-10-07 04:44 PM by L. Coyote
There just is no way to make this stuff up!! This is a court pleading. Unbelievable.
First get some spy files from Israel, alter them to look like Argentine spy files, make them implicate Bush and Menem in corruption, blame Gore for the forged documents. Sound familiar. Did I mention blackmailing bribed journalists and, of course, the perennial covert Republican dirty tricksters. This genre of dirty trick came to be known as "swiftboating" when done to Kerry four years later by the same players!!
Olavar (Triumph Communications International Group, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v.
Santibañes, Defendant-Appellee, and Ikon Holdings, Inc., t/a Ikon Public Affairs, Dick Morris, Roger Stone, Eileen McGann, John Does, Defendants.
Appeal from the United States District Court Decided: December 1, 2005
Triumph Communications International Group, Incorporated is a corporation that provides political consulting and public relations services and is owned and operated solely by Mattie Lolavar.
In early 2000, Miss Lolavar began discussions with defendant Dick Morris about the possibility of her working with Craig Snyder and defendant Roger Stone, who are partners in defendant IKON Holdings, Inc., another political consulting firm ... about the possibility of Triumph Communications assistance with work that IKON was doing for the government of Argentina.
These discussions lead to two contracts ... and provided that Triumph would act as a public relations consultant to "the Secretary of Intelligence of Argentina" as well as arrange various media events...
Miss Lolavar went to Argentina in August 2000 to assist de Santibañes with preparations for his testimony in Argentine congressional hearings inquiring into allegations that he and the Argentine intelligence agency, known as SIDE, were responsible for bribing various Argentine senators in exchange for political support. Morris and Stone assigned other tasks to Miss Lolavar while she was in Argentina. Among other acts, they instructed her to contact SIDE and obtain a list of journalists who accepted bribes from that organization in order to harm the credibility of those same journalists in reporting on a bribery scandal surrounding de Santibañes and President de la Rua, as well as requiring her to spread false information to the press concerning de la Ruas political opponent, Dr. Carlos Menem. The charges and counter-charges related here are from the papers in the court file, as are the other facts.
A request that occasioned controversy between Miss Lolavar and the defendants was Morris and Stones request that she serve as an intermediary in an anonymous wire transfer of funds to an official in Israel. These funds were to be paid to secure intelligence files from the Israeli government to assist de la Ruas political domestic disputes with Menem, and to imply a corrupt relationship between Menem and George W. Bush, who was then running against Albert Gore for the United States presidency. These files were to be altered by Miss Lolavar to appear to be SIDE documents.
When the defendants became concerned that this plot would be discovered and traced back to them, they ordered Miss Lolavar to orchestrate a press response to blame Vice President Gore for the dissemination of the documents, since it was known to them that the Gore campaign had been attempting to connect Menem with the Bush campaign.
(96,882 posts)Blue_Adept
(6,439 posts)A good number of folks that have been quiet or absent since things got finalized in the primary for the most part, suddenly reappear like magic.
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)bigtree
(90,397 posts)...who cares?
(43,635 posts)avaistheone1
(14,626 posts)NorthCarolina
(11,197 posts)UCmeNdc
(9,650 posts)The DNC should keep her behind closed doors.
(2,807 posts)She is in congress from Florida. And it was a fucking disgraceful display of fucknuttery by the bernies. Or were they Rump trolls?Fucking derrrrrrr.
Response to babylonsister (Original post)
Post removed
(3,284 posts)Response to sarae (Reply #30)
Post removed
(3,284 posts)Thankfully, they're a very small percentage of the party (though many of them don't seem to realize that). Unfortunately, the media is determined to make them look like they represent a large portion of the party.
(28,394 posts)Their headline is "Dems in Disarray" ---- I think she needs to be out of sight, out of mind now.
What happened to Marcia Fudge gaveling in?
(889 posts)Zero self awareness.
Not an ounce.
(22 posts)I can't imagine her putting in an appearance at 4:00 this afternoon. That cannot happen.
(40,223 posts)Sadly, this convention is going to be an ugly mess.
It's not even noon the very first day and and things are going badly.