2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHere is the "Roar" advertisement for Hillary some were talking about earlier

(43,104 posts)TheBlackAdder
(29,197 posts)Cha
(306,845 posts)I Love It! Thank you, Nancy~
(157,543 posts)BlueStreak
(8,377 posts)Hillary was not my first choice. She has run an excellent campaign.
And in complete fairness, there are two reasons why I preferred Bernie:
1) Bernie is a bit more direct on key progressive issues, which is not necessarily the best way to get things done.
2) Hillary's "negatives"
But on that second point, what is that? Polls say she is considered less honest than Trump? WTF?
After thinking on this, I have come to the conclusion that we have been extraordinarily unfair to this woman. Ask anybody to actually cite specific examples of how Hillary has not been honest. They cannot. All they can do is throw out buzzwords like "emails", "Whitewater", or "Benghazi". But where is the meat? Those are just vague generalities that mean nothing. When you ask for details, there isn't anything.
Kenneth Starr spent millions of dollars and 4 years trying to prove something about Whitewater and never came up with anything other than innuendo. Vince Foster? All of these things are just innuendo.
Let's understand what we are up against. There has been a continuous, intense, 25-year campaign to destroy this woman. It is character assassination that is based on practically no facts. It is just "the drumbeat" that never stops for that entire 25 years.
And here's the thing, if they can do this to Hillary, they can do it to anybody else. It is no different from the Birther attacks against Obama. We must stand up against this, and I am confident that is exactly what will happen on Tuesday.
(14,249 posts)sunweaver
(75 posts)Sucha NastyWoman
(2,965 posts)And the impeachment of Bill Clinton
I believe Obamas race drove their hatred up a few notches,
but their hatred of liberals in general
Is enough to send them over the edge, no matter who we nominate
(8,377 posts)It wasn't always this way. There was a time when it was a contest of ideas. But what solutions have you heard Trump present this time? Not a single one -- other than some vague nonsense about a wall.
They cannot talk about their ideas because the people don't like the ideas if they are able to understand them. That's why W never said a word about killing Social Security until after the election, and then he said "I have lots of political capital" that he would use to end Social Security.
Tom Rivers
(459 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,165 posts)Demsrule86
(71,038 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)

(3,226 posts)mrsv
(209 posts)

(7,927 posts)Positive and Powerful!
Brought tears to my cynical eyes...
(74,148 posts)ButSeeYa
(273 posts)IronLionZion
(47,402 posts)not for some troll who doesn't even want to be president
(80 posts)Ever since I saw Sander's America ad, which I thought was so inspiring. Okay, Perry is not Simon and Garfunkle, but I'll take it.
(85,128 posts)That Simon & Garfunkel ad was pretty significant, for sure. I'm old enough to remember when that song was current! But THIS "Roar" ad is FANTASTIC!
Her ads have been amazing this entire cycle.
(9,605 posts)brought tears to my eyes.
(14,381 posts)Thanks for posting this
Ruth Bonner
(192 posts)

C'mon America.. You can do it!
(2,654 posts)highplainsdem
(53,694 posts)lark
(24,482 posts)I love this advertisement, it really captures what this election is all about. I would love to see this running all the time on TV, so uplifting and strong and brave. I want her to be president and to have a Senate that won't block everything she does and less Repugs in House. I want America to continue moving in the right direction, not change into Nazi Germany or even worse under der orange fuhrer.
Esse Quam Videri
(685 posts)Let's finish this!
(1,779 posts)important themes!
That's a commercial I would like to see over and over!
Well done.
(7,963 posts)

(4,488 posts)That is sooo good.
(8,480 posts)Proud liberal 80
(4,363 posts)highplainsdem
(53,694 posts)The minute-long ad will run through Tuesday in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the campaign.
(3,859 posts)Would love to see it air here in Texas.
So tired of constant drumbeat of negative ads.
(92,325 posts)KALD
(128 posts)highplainsdem
(53,694 posts)KALD
(128 posts)May we be victorious on election day.
(2,949 posts)Just shared on my fb page.
(9,753 posts)Drawing horns on election posters of Donald Trump. I guess not.
(237 posts)allan01
(1,950 posts)
Rose Siding
(32,625 posts)steventh
(2,158 posts)are some of my favorite tunes to start my day.
Watching Joy, then heading to Dem HQ to see what I can do to help.
(31,170 posts)
(844 posts)We have the best celebrities
(32,029 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)
(41,832 posts)
(2,322 posts)...leaves voters with an upbeat feeling. Like seeing the finish line up ahead and everyone cheering you on.
(10,252 posts)So proud to finish the campaign with something positive to vote FOR
(11,825 posts)This sure looks a lot like the ones that Devine made for Bernie in primary.
Wonder if Hillary hired Devine to make this one.
(37,335 posts)dae
(3,396 posts)

(27,995 posts)

(10,576 posts)sheshe2
(89,319 posts)We are almost there. Finally.
(8 posts)This is why we are not wrong in voting for her. This is what makes us proud, and this is what sets us apart from the rest of the world...Vote for something, and be proud, stand tall, do not stoop to their level. Love>Hate
(80 posts)I will sleep well tonight 'cause love trumps hate and grace bats last. Love to all
(5,966 posts)
(8,178 posts)this is my favorite ad, though her team has the best ads by far
(11,816 posts)Way to end on a positive note
complain jane
(4,302 posts)FreeStateDemocrat
(2,654 posts)kydo
(2,679 posts)I am WOMAN hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore!
(11,285 posts)LostinRed
(844 posts)It is so good. I love the small clip where she is picking up some, I assume, law books.
(4,830 posts)Especially at the "I'm voting against hate" and "I'm voting for the Earth" points.