Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumOther than being a safe refuge, what will we do here?
Will it be like the old ACTIVIST page?
Will we post polls to DU or LTTE to comment on and maybe enhance?
Let people know OCCUPY actions to support?

(11,700 posts)ellisonz
(27,765 posts)...is not not mirror the "Activist Headquarters" group entirely, by having a focus on Occupy, but yes, a broad range of discussion of issues, actions that can be taken both online and offline, and so forth is certainly welcome. The group is not just limited to Occupy actions, but to issues that prompted Occupy in the first place. Hope that was helpful. I think that's probably what most others are imagining too.
in it like you're a puppy dog and this is fresh cut grass!
(11,700 posts)in their area of upcoming occupy actions.
(20,234 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)I think I'll do that in the New Jersey and New York forums.
(20,234 posts)snooper2
(30,151 posts)and Hate DU3, but have a common place to go on DU3-
So ironically it's a DU3 group for DU2'ers who hate DU3
Plus, you get to post videos and can see edits and have juries and all other kind of coolness
Time for Party, time for some X
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)I would encourage you to maybe do an intermittent study group that looks at the Occupy movement itself & documents, for example, how ideas propagate and cross-pollenate across the world, carried by the Internet & allied technologies.
(21,320 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)and all that.
(16,694 posts)I'd strongly consider it a place for communicating the activities of various local efforts, especially with an eye towards successful initiatives spreading around the globe.
I also wonder if we should mimic the various movements communication strategies, obviously optimized for the forum and technology (no need to repeat what everyone says so everyone can hear). Maybe some subject line conventions for announcements, strategies, essays, manifestos.....
(20,234 posts)out.
(20,176 posts)I think that's a great idea.
There are also probably other ways we as a group can act as a facilitation-chamber and support-chamber for actions. I suggest that we query our posters in some ongoing fashion about their talents and skills and what they bring to the table. It might provide some more ideas on what else this group can be used for and what we can achieve, also provide a source talent-base for Occupy and a way for people who cannot physically Occupy space to become involved.
For just some examples of skills we bring: I know that there were at-least two encamped DUers who are also working journalists, I'd assume they'd join this group. I'm in the middle of starting a messaging/marketing firm for NPOs and have a wide range of skills I've gained through that. (I'm also a published writer.) I'm certain that there are people in this group with skills in web-design, coding, javascript. People who know people. On and on.
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)For propagating memetic artwork.
Slogans such as "The 99%" and "Occupy", while effectively crowd-sourced, did not come out of a vacuum... they were the result of clever Twitter and (online) poster-making campaigns... The key would be to figure out if it was just a miniature DUzy thread, though, or whether folks would actually attempt to spread stuff around (political posters submitted) if it was popular on an art thread here. I've seen so much great art and sloganeering that never made it off DU.
Also keeping in mind the fact that Occupy is not about voting but about street change so is not a partisan movement, this will help address the issue of criticism during an election year. Occupy Underground group is for the DU community, not an "organized Democratic group attempting to co-opt the Occupy label" so it's in keeping with the Occupy ethos that we're not targeting specific candidates for criticism when the whole system is broken and focusing on the horse race comes at a price. Folks will hopefully be aware that there's tons of Occupy supporters and supporters of fundamental change that have come thru DU over the past year and hence the site's name
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)And that is -- if Occupy's news and activities get isolated or shunted to this forum, it will accomplish LESS than if you didn't have a group or forum (whichever this is). Does that make sense? I'd like to make sure EVERYONE on DU sees all the latest about Occupy, especially since there isn't unversal "understanding" or support for it. So, I'd suggest being very careful that we not isolate ourselves or the news about Occupy.
That said, I'm all in!
(4,986 posts)I want all things Occupy to be in people's faces wherever they turn.
(11,700 posts)UnrepentantLiberal
(11,700 posts)but in this case it's only a staging area. We've got to keep taking to the streets and bringing it to the MAN.
I'm not kidding. Spring is coming and we've got to get in the wheels of, and disrupt, the machine.
(11,700 posts)Who reports on what happens on Democratic Underground?
Leopolds Ghost
(12,875 posts)And thereby feed back into physical Occupy through participation.
We can figure out the details once we've given folks a chance to review and edit the hosting guidelines.
In GA fashion, we'll probably do a two-phase process for the hosting guidelines thisweek, if ellison's comments are any guide:
1. Wikipedia-style discussion of the full and redacted drafts of the proposed guidelines. I will probably need to post the OP since I have the formatted copy of the DU2 produced version, and I promised Ellisonz I'd read his most recent draft. Elisonz offered to facilitate the discussion of the hosting guidelines, though, since he's abstaining from serving as a host, and it can be done here (of course)
2. Mic Check poll threads on occu~du2 with links posted here to utilize the poll feature, if people want to do polling consensus. This would also help fill in people who read there on what's goin' on.
(This would all be just to get the hosting guidelines put in place)
Ellisonz suggested we refrain from nominating co-hosts and such until that discussion is taken care of
(11,700 posts)Exactly what I was thinking.
(11,700 posts)I agree with posting in GD and not confining OWS to this group. As far as I know, GD hosts don't have a problem with cross-posting to both forums.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)LOL. No, I ended up getting a little lost in that subthread, esp. with the first one edited to nothing.
But no, it didn't sound sarcastic. STRONG (vehement), yes, as if you were expecting me not to agree with you or something? No, not at all. My personal tongue-in-cheek "motto" has always been: I'll join the revolution if you start it and I don't have to get my hands too dirty. IOW, I'm a support type person, but an avid and full-throated supporter still. PEACEFUL and non-violent as well, of course (couldn't be any other way).
So I'm definitely counting on big things from Occupy around the WORLD. And will be eager to support it in the ways I can.
(11,700 posts)I was just thinking that we gotta get out there and protest. I haven't done it in awhile. We gotta take it to the man!
(8,058 posts)Great project in Oakland showing the town who Occupy really is (more diverse than media stereotype of violent/homeless/vagrants) and showing that peaceful protest through art can be powerful.
See: http://insideoutoccupyoakland.wordpress.com/
The first posters (including a 25' tall one) go up this weekend.
See video at:
They really need visibility and support to make this happen, so see: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/insideoutoccupy/inside-out-occupy-oakland supporters have given 1 dollar to 250 dollars. Need more!
(20,234 posts)Congratulations!
You are now an official backer of Inside Out | Occupy Oakland.
Help Celsa Dockstader spread the word by sharing this project with your friends:
(8,058 posts)start an OP in General Discussion this weekend for them.
I contributed as well...
(20,234 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 22, 2012, 03:48 PM - Edit history (1)
(26,355 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 22, 2012, 03:28 PM - Edit history (1)
In GD, every Occupy-related thread seemed to turn into a flame-fest when the same half-dozen haters piped in to pooh-pooh the movement.
We've needed a place here where the rule is "If you won't be supportive, STFU!"
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)and give them the DU treatment. I'm sure once things get going again, all of the media outlets will be posting devise polls on their sites about the movement. 'Thumbing up' supportive comments at the same sites, could also be a collective effort too, to help influence public sentiment.
Perhaps another function would be to monitor and inform other members of where the livestream action is occurring, since somebody at DU is always awake and alert.
On edit add: clearing house for online petitions that might not otherwise be seen.
(11,700 posts)One of their favorite activities is to target local media forums and fill them with vile Freeper comments. In fact, that was used as a debating point in DU General Discussion. "See? The locals in Portland, Oregon hate the occupiers." (After all, we all know what a bastion of fanatic conservatism Portland, OR is.)
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)Here in Canada, a good chunk of our media is consolidated. The CBC is read across the country, so it's polls and comments reach a wide audience. And if the conservative posters get onto the comments page early enough, they steer it's direction and set its tone. The sun media papers, are majors papers in each main city, and full of conservative bots too. Same thing with polls. But in both cases, to you don't have to log in to approve or disapprove their posts.