Bernie Sanders
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fellow bernie supporters but with MSM declaring clinton the winner before last big primary it's time to officially announce i am
leaving both DU and Democratic Party.
I may check in for till june 10 but on that day i am removing DU from my favorates on my computer.
I promised i would leave if Clinton preveiled and i wasn't kidding.
I am declaring myself a liberal independent now.I will not support any clinton.In 2020 if clinton loses i will not support any dem
for president who endorsed Clinton over bernie.
I am sitting out election In missouri.As i am stuck in right wing district my vote is useless.both the candiates for governor and senate Chris koster and jason Kinder have endorsed Clinton and there goes any chance of me voting for them.You endorsed clinton during primary and there goes any chance of me voting for you.Clinton is enemy of all we have supported and fought for in this
The republican boogy man isn't going to work this has worked in past but at same age you get smarter.I am 42 so i finally wised up.It's my own fault really for thinking we had democracy and our vote clearly doesn't.
I will continue to support bernie through convention on Social media.evne if he endorses her at convention my mind won't change.
her or trump it's not even a choice.we get screwed eather way,
I urge all other bernie supporters to leave DU before june 17 and support elsewhere what we tried to do in primary.we have no place in democratic or should i say Clinton party anymore.
(4,805 posts)Pharaoh
(8,209 posts). HRC supporters would laugh at this assertion.
If all roads are blocked by the DNC establishment I would not be surprised to see Bernie run on the green party ticket with Jill Stien as his VP. The fate of the planet rides on this election.
Shemp Howard
(889 posts)Like you, I have no interest in being a member of a party that is headed by Hillary. Hillary will say all the right things during a rally. But she is, in reality, pro-war, pro-corporation, and anti-worker. Her actions speak louder than her words.
If Bernie does not get the nomination, I will write him in come November. But I will not leave DU voluntarily. I won't be provocative, but I will not bow to Her Majesty. So I guess that eventually I will be banned.
(1,017 posts)After she loses this place will become even more toxic (is that even possible?) . As for the rest this site has been allowed to be turned into a site for political bullies to be given free reign to attack and deride any semblance of discourse through the practices of the site owner .
I am signing off forever after the CA results and moving over to JPR . I would suggest others look into it as well . A lot of good posters over there . All you can really say is we tried , however apparently trying to better the place is an offensive task for those benefitting from this new gilded age .
(7,499 posts)On both counts. My husband and I left the Democratic (isn't that a joke - "Democratic"?) Party after our state caucus. We are disgusted by the way Bernie was treated by the party and DWS, and the blatant corruption that took place during the primaries. Nope, not my party any more. After forty years of being a Dem, I am now a proud Independent.
And DU is no longer a place I want to be. I'd rather hang out with people who support honest, ethical candidates who value Main Street more than Wall Street.
Take care. Hope to see you at JPR.
Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)Going into this nomination fight, Clinton had a bigger advantage than any previous nonincumbent in either party. The commentators looked at the polls, the name recognition, the money, and the endorsements; based on all that, they said that Clinton was a lock. Only Biden was thought to have the remotest possibility of mounting an effective challenge.
I can't make fun of them because I was right there with them. I thought O'Malley had an outside shot, maybe 20% chance, of upsetting Clinton. As for Sanders, I was sure he was headed for Kucinich-type numbers, low single digits.
With all those factors stacked against him, Bernie did not put up Kucinich-type numbers. He was closer to Clinton-2008-type numbers. He took on the presumptive nominee -- for so she was in the eyes of her supporters and of many objective commentators, before even a single vote was cast -- and he totally blasted the prognostications. He won quite a few states, including some upsets. When the voting concludes, he'll probably emerge with 40-something percent of the popular vote and of the elected delegates. He shattered even Obama's eye-popping record by mobilizing millions of small-money donors. He accomplished all this despite the virtual media blackout and the DNC's heavy thumb on the scales on behalf of Clinton.
Think about all those genuine progressives who'll be going to Philadelphia because of Bernie. Our nominee will probably be a fracking champion, but, thanks to Bernie, Bill McKibben is on the Platform Committee.
My bottom line is that Rome wasn't built in a day. The progressive movement within the Democratic Party has shown astounding strength. We can go forward from here. In most elections, there won't be a conservaDem candidate with all the initial advantages that Clinton had this time around. I understand your feelings, but I think it's more constructive for those of us who supported Bernie to stay in the party and try to take it back. We shall overcome.