Our rich field of Democratic Presidential Candidates...
in terms of experience, understanding, strength of character is a sign of strength for our American Democracy at this critical time in our history. We must celebrate that strength!
Do you recall that powerful commercial that ran during the 2018 Congressional Election?
It featured a range of candidates from around the country who were all women with diverse and impressive expertise, knowledge and understanding who were ready to step forward and run for office for the first time in their lives.
That was a video that made the hair on your arms stand up, your heart fill with love and appreciation for these
amazing women.
Could the Democratic Party bring our Presidential candidates together, right after the first debate, and do another version of that 2018 video? I believe such a video would create a UNITY among Democrats that would be so refreshing and uplifting for both our Party and our Voters. I am not alone in this belief as I have heard it expressed among my circle and with other Progressive Engaged Voters around the country.