David Zephyr
David Zephyr's JournalStand Tall, President Obama! You Are Doing a Great Job!
You ended the War in Iraq.
You are ending the War in Afghanistan.
You saved the U.S. economy from another Great Depression.
You lowered the unemployment rate.
You have people all over the world investing in U.S stocks.
You won the health care debate even when I thought you couldn't do it.
You allowed gay and lesbian Americans to serve openly in the Armed Forces.
You expanded the hate crimes act.
You have encouraged green energy.
You have overseen the lowest importing of foreign energy in a very long time.
You were courageous and enacted the Dream Act all on your own.
You saved the U.S. auto industry.
You have made equal pay for women closer to reality.
You brought Osama bin Laden to justice.
You ended the murderous dictatorship in Libya.
You have done a lot with no help from Republicans and with a lot of second guessing from Democrats.
Stand tall. I support you and am proud to call you President. Don't be distracted and remember, you are the President of the United States until 2017. And I like that. A lot.
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