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Rocknation's Journal
Rocknation's Journal
December 26, 2015

These cover songs are so good

I had no idea that they WERE cover songs!

Okay, that's enough -- otherwise we'll end up with a thread with so many great videos it won't load -- like this one, LOL!


December 26, 2015

Joe Cocker had an epic knack for cover songs

The Letter

Delta Lady

Darling Be Home Soon:

Cry Me A River:

With A Little Help From My Friends:

December 22, 2015

When JUSTIN BIEBER can call you a fuckup

You. Have. Fucked. Up.


...After Miss Philippines was rightfully crowned as the winner (and) the host repeatedly apologized for the flub...(s)ocial media...became flooded with memes and gifs poking fun at the situation...One such meme played off (Justin) Bieber’s hit song 'Sorry', which features the line, “Is it too late now to say sorry?”

...As it circulated on Twitter and Instagram, Bieber...re-posted it on his own Instagram page. The singer wrote in the caption, “It’s so sad but this is too funny had to post no disrespect.” The post has since amassed more than 1.2 million likes.

No, he meant no disrespect, just enough worldwide ridicule and publicity to push Sorry into the #1 hit single slot, resulting in saying goodbye to Adele's Hello. At least somebody might come out of this a big winner...

December 8, 2015

Goody -- that means we can add destroying evidence to his charges

of obstruction and abuse of power!

Christie's been screaming that there's no proof which connects him to Bridge(t)-Gate. Well, exactly how does he know that -- because HE couldn't find any, or because he's systematically destroyed it? Are we to believe that Christie has once again been victimized by rouge underlings -- that Gibson Dunn destroyed those documents just to pass the time, and WITHOUT his official knowledge or consent? Is Gibson Dunn point man Rudy Mastro willing to "run interference" for Christie all the way into a jail cell?

As for Wildstein running interference, why did he accept a plea deal instead of joining Kelly and Baroni in going to trial -- especially if he's innocent? He was in a perfect position to say, "I get immunity, you get my evidence, the evidence gets you Christie." But he traded immunity for a lighter sentence -- why? If he didn't have anything of value for Paul Fishman and His Fabulous Feds, why offer him ANY kind of deal? Could it be that the Feds don't NEED Wildstein, Kelly or Baroni to get to Christie? I think Wildstein blinked because he got a counteroffer he couldn't refuse:

"Sure, anything that you, Kelly or Baroni can give us on Christie would help us do a better job of nailing him on Bridge(t)-Gate. But we've got him dead bang on his attempts to cover it up, plus on his relationship with David Samson -- THAT is why we have no immunity deals in stock. It's no skin off our backs if you, Kelly and Baroni take the ENTIRE fall for Bridge(t)-Gate -- as far as we're concerned, it's only a matter of how much jail time each of you ends up with.

"So...do we get your evidence in exchange for a lighter sentence, or do you join your esteemed colleagues in trying your luck with a jury? Ask yourself how lucky you feel about getting acquitted -- punk!"

November 20, 2015

Fogle's Defense Trifecta

TMZ 11/13:
...Fogle is asking for 5 years, saying although it was "inexcusable" he had sex with minors, "these individuals were far older (aged 16 and 17) than many victims of this same crime..."

...(T)he bulk of the photos and videos in his possession were from a thumb drive that (was given to) him, and he notes he never requested it...

TMZ 11/19:
...(The) judge just sentenced...Fogle...to 15.6 years in prison...after his attorneys tried to blame weight loss for his "mild pedophilia..."

Jared Fogle's attorneys...had a sexual behavior expert testify that Fogle had compulsive eating disorder -- but...once he lost the pounds he developed compulsive hypersexuality disorder...

"Mild" pedopohilia -- is that anything like being "a little bit" pregnant?

November 18, 2015

You're A Scumbag, Charlie Sheen

Oh wait -- can you be considered a scumbag if you're not in the habit of using one?

From the Today Show website: The Interview with Matt Lauer

Excerpts from an open letter Charlie wrote and Lauder read:

Roughly four years ago, I suddenly found myself in the throes of a seismic and debilitating three-day cluster migraine-like headache...Following a battery of endless tests (that included a hideous spinal tap), it was sadly and shockingly revealed to me that I was, in fact, positive for HIV...Not missing a beat, a med dose, or one shred of guidance, quickly my viral loads became undetectable. Like every other challenge in my life, again, I was victorious and kicking this disease's ass...

The personal disbelief, karmic confusion, shame and anger lead to a temporary yet abysmal descent into profound substance abuse and fathomless drinking. It was a suicide run. Problem was, I'd forgotten that I'm too tough for such a cowardly departure. Yet, despite this loathsome and horrific odyssey, I was vigilant with my anti-viral program. My medical team could only shake their heads as each and every blood test returned levels revealing a state of remission. Even though I might have been trying to kill myself, one thing was radically evident: the disease was not.

Talk about being your own worst enemy: You decide to go out in a blaze of glory, but having access to the best medical care money can buy, you also decide to try saving yourself. Or was the suicide run your backup plan?

In and around this perplexing and difficult time, I dazedly chose (or hired) the companionship of unsavory and insipid types. Regardless of their salt-less reputations, I always led with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition. Sadly, my truth soon became their treason, as a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage in this circus of deceit. To date, I have paid out countless millions to these desperate charlatans. Locked in a vacuum of fear, I chose to allow their threats and skullduggery to vastly deplete future assets from my children, while my 'secret' sat entombed in their hives of folly (or so I thought).

It's admirable that you remember always remembering to inform your partners of your condition despite being so abysmally descended and dazed. And I suppose it's admirable that you found a way to mix safe sex with your substance-fueled pursuit of debauchery with strangers (some of whom you hired). Unfortunately for you, some of your unsavory, insipid, disreputable companions have come forth begging to differ with your contention. But if you always supplied them with the truth about your status and with condoms, why did you agree to pay them? And more to the point, why did you trust such bottom-dwelling lowlifes to care about your keeping your confidence -- because they're IN it for money rather than love?

...I'm claiming back my freedom. The scales of justice will swiftly and righteously re-balance themselves. My partying days are behind me. My philanthropic days are ahead of me. Ernest Hemingway once wrote: "Courage is grace under pressure." I've served my time under pressure; I now embrace the courage, and the grace.

If the scales of justice are operational, they will have you serving California's six-month maximum for every person you didn't inform or use condoms with -- consecutively. A defense strategy made up of celebrity justice, "family guy" guilt tripping, the hint of big community service payments, and prostitutes screaming rape because their checks bounced might get you off the hook. But in the meantime, please keep in mind that:

As of now, there is no such thing as being HIV free
There are only two HIV statuses: HIV positive and HIV negative
If your HIV levels are so low they're undetectable, you are HIV positive
Even if your HIV levels are so low they're undetectable, you must continue with your HIV medication and treatments
If you are HIV positive, you MUST inform ALL your sexual partners even if you're paying them. It's a legality as well as a civility.

An undetectable level of HIV is like a mild case of pregnancy.

November 17, 2015

Undetectable does NOT equal asymptomatic

and it certainly doesn't equal cured.

It's just how some viruses work, and it depends on what kind of immune system you have. In most people, the HPV virus dies out; in some men over 40, it turns into cancer. Anyone who has had chicken pox is capable of getting shingles, but only one percent of Americans over 60 do (a vaccination at age 50 is highly recommended). And how soon we forget the Ebola virus.

What matters here is that you can pass on HIV even if you're not showing symptoms yourself -- and that is NOT front page news. The reason why it spread so quickly forty years ago is that nobody knew they were passing it on. Once it was figured out, the gay community was able to go about putting on the brakes.

In the absence of a cure, there is no such thing as HIV free. The only thing I'm confused about is whether Charlie is acting out of inexcusable ignorance or his trademark arrogance.


November 9, 2015

And they're complaining?

IMBD: ...(A)t (her sister) Anna's urging, Elsa...stomps her foot, covering the entire floor with ice. They create a snowman...who likes warm hugs. The girls play gleefully...until...(a) blast of (Elsa's) power...hits Anna in the head, knocking her out...Their parents...load both girls onto their horses and ride at full speed...(to)...Grand Pabbie, the leader of the trolls...

Grand Pabbie...advises the family that it might be best if Elsa doesn't use her powers around Anna...(He) alters Anna's memories...(and) warns Elsa that her powers will grow, and although they are beautiful, they will be a great risk to her if she cannot learn to control them...Her father cautions her to wear gloves to keep her icy magic in check, and to conceal her feelings, because strong emotions seem to cause her powers to manifest in unexpected ways.

(Thirteen years later)...Elsa (is) nervous during (her) coronation ceremony...The bishop has to remind her to remove her gloves before she takes up her golden orb and scepter...(T)he...orb starts to frost...(She) puts her gloves back on...Unable to contain her emotions, Elsa...caus(es) a barrier of sharp icicles to suddenly appear around her...Elsa flees with Anna in hot pursuit.

...Elsa has found her way to a high precipice...many miles from civilization. It is here she realizes that far away from what she was taught, being on her own, she can begin to control her powers (Let it Go). She constructs an elaborate ice palace, changes her confining wardrobe into a shimmering dress, and vows to stay in seclusion, where she feels she can be herself and harm no one else.

Say what? The American Taliban and the Illumi-Nutties should be praising this song -- it celebrates the "dangers" of realizing your potential if you're female. If Elsa has to exile herself in order to avoid causing any further physical or emotional harm, what has she REALLY accomplished? What Elsa ends up learning (from her heterosexual sister and her three male compatriots) is that what she thinks is indpendence and self-determination is just another form of subjugation -- straight out of the Religious Misogynist's playbook!

Warning: This video also contains a striptease and flash of lower leg:


October 13, 2015

No time to read the entire "Christie Crime Digest?"

DU-er Laxman has digested it into a video!

And here's where you can find the entire DU Christie Crime Digest:

Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4 | Vol.5


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