Rocknation's JournalVery good (and very, VERY inevitable) news
especially since America's 70% fully vaccinated Covid rate brings herd immunity within our sights.
Epidemiology 101: Viruses survive by mutating; viruses fade into oblivion when they can no longer out-mutate either their naturally or medically made antibodies.
Thanks to epidemiology, any antibody can now eventually be medically made -- which is why polio, anthrax, smallpox, measles, more recently HIV, and most recently Ebola are pretty much the stuff that distant memories are made of.
Welcome to the beginning of the end, Covid.
Meghan was never invited. But they wanted Harry there so badly, they paid him and/or cut a deal
In exchange for Harry's attending solo (in order to publicly rub his face in what he will never have for refusing his royal duty banishment -- oops, I mean assignment -- in Africa with his "well-qualified" wife), and Meghan "babysitting" back home, their children got an upgrade to their previously withheld (but nonetheless still quite worthless) royal titles.
The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead when the skies of November turn gloomy.
They might have split up, or they might have capsized
They may have broke deep and took water
And all the remains is the faces and names
Of the wives and the sons and the daughters.

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