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otohara's Journal
otohara's Journal
February 3, 2017

Sanders reopens Dem primary wounds

Of course he does ... divide and conquer

Sanders’s recent swipe against former Vice President Joe Biden has angered Democratic party officials, who are accusing the onetime Democratic presidential candidate of refighting a bitter primary season that ripped the party in two.

The independent senator from Vermont has also infuriated supporters of Tom Perez, a top contender for Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman, after an unprovoked attack against the former Labor secretary.

Sanders, who backs Perez rival Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) for DNC chairman, has shaken up a race that has until now featured few fireworks.

The DNC campaign changed this week after Biden endorsed Perez for chairman. Sanders let loose, saying that it’s time to move beyond the “failed status-quo approach” of Biden and Perez.


January 20, 2017

This Is Why Hillary Clinton Supporters Are Upset About the Womens March

I for one am not happy about this obvious deliberate omission by the organizers who are Sanders devotees.

On Thursday, the organizers of the Women's March on Washington released a list of 27 women who "paved the way for us to march." It didn't take long for people to notice that there was one big name missing from the roster: Hillary Clinton.
The omission of the first woman to run for U.S. president under the banner of a major party sparked a Change.org petition asking the organizers and sponsors to reconsider. "We urge you to include Hillary Clinton" as an honoree "who has inspired women to demonstrate," it reads.

So far, the petition, which also seeks to remind readers about Clinton's long history of fighting for women and children, has 4,658 supporters.

The hashtag #AddHerName soon appeared on Twitter and is still going strong:


January 15, 2017

When Trump Planned "Two Trump Towers" in Midtown Atlanta - John Lewis District

Long before Donald Trump was the GOP frontrunner for president, the man with a big personality and distinctive 'doo was merely a real estate mogul out to put his name on high-rises around the world. Back in the boom times before the recession, the Trump-meister set his sites on Atlanta as an excellent place to leave his mark in the form of a glassy two-tower development, reaching up to 47 stories, complete with a three-story "TRUMP" sign looming above Midtown. Hallelujah Alas, it was not to be.

The Donald's plans hatched back in 2006 when markets were high and real estate was booming. Trump billed the development as a "no risk" venture, according to the AJC, espousing just how Titanically unsinkable the Atlanta market was. Local developer Wood Partners got in on the deal, and even as the economy began to stagnate, Trump was bullish, telling the media the project would go forward because, "Atlanta is like New York." And then ... nada.

In 2010, despite around 100 pre-sales, the property was foreclosed on.

January 12, 2017

Wikileaks Offers $20,000 To Expose Obama

I found this on sites I've never heard of .... except FOX & Russia Today
Instead of posting either of those here's a British take from the UK Express...

The darling of the left is now the darling of the right.

WIKILEAKS has set it sights on outgoing US President Barack Obama with a $20,000 reward to stop the White House “destroying significant records”.

The website, which notoriously publishes private and classified information, said the reward would be issued for “information leading to the arrest or exposure of any Obama admin agent destroying significant records”.

However the whistle blowing organisation failed to release any more information which suggested the administration had inappropriately destroyed material.

The cryptic message came just minutes after WikiLeaks urged those working under Barack Obama to become whistle blowers, tweeting: “System admins: Don’t let the White House destroy US history again! Copy now, then send to WikiLeaks at your leisure.”

The whistle blowers also attached a leaked 2009 letter from the US National Archives on the missing of two terabyte hard drive disk with Hillary Clinton’s White House administration documents.

The move comes after WikiLeaks published around 28,000 files sent to or received from the Democratic National Committee staff revealing the party’s criticism over potential presidential The whistleblowers also attached a leaked 2009 letter from the US National Archives on the missing of two terabyte hard drive disk with Hillary Clinton’s White House administration documents.

The move comes after WikiLeaks published around 28,000 files sent to or received from the Democratic National Committee staff revealing the party’s criticism over potential presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/750269/Wikileaks-reward-White-House-destroying-significant-records-US-president-Barack-Obama

December 31, 2016

The Curious World of Donald Trumps Private Russian Connections

Even before the November 8 election, many leading Democrats were vociferously demanding that the FBI disclose the fruits of its investigations into Putin-backed Russian hackers. Instead FBI Director Comey decided to temporarily revive his zombie-like investigation of Hillary’s emails. That decision may well have had an important impact on the election, but it did nothing to resolve the allegations about Putin. Even now, after the CIA has disclosed an abstract of its own still-secret investigation, it is fair to say that we still lack the cyberspace equivalent of a smoking gun.

Fortunately, however, for those of us who are curious about Trump’s Russian connections, there is another readily accessible body of material that has so far received surprisingly little attention. This suggests that whatever the nature of President-elect Donald Trump’s relationship with President Putin, he has certainly managed to accumulate direct and indirect connections with a far-flung private Russian/FSU network of outright mobsters, oligarchs, fraudsters, and kleptocrats.

Any one of these connections might have occurred at random. But the overall pattern is a veritable Star Wars bar scene of unsavory characters, with Donald Trump seated right in the middle. The analytical challenge is to map this network—a task that most journalists and law enforcement agencies, focused on individual cases, have failed to do.
Of course, to label this network “private” may be a stretch, given that in Putin’s Russia, even the toughest mobsters learn the hard way to maintain a respectful relationship with the “New Tsar.” But here the central question pertains to our new Tsar. Did the American people really know they were putting such a “well-connected” guy in the White House?

December 26, 2016

Members of Congress Want to Ban Vinpocetine Including Claire McCaskill.

Vinpocetine is made from the seeds of Periwinkle flower and is effective for Alzheimer's, dementia and it's helping me quite a bit with tinnitus.

Because it's in synthesized form McCaskill says it's no longer a supplement - she has concerns about some studies that show some brands have hardly any in it but won't say which ones. She wants big pharma to take over like in countries like Japan where a RX is needed.

This dietary supplement supports brain health and is entirely safe, yet the FDA still wants to remove it from sale
About a month ago we alerted our customers of an FDA plan to ban the sale of vinpocetine, an effective and entirely safe dietary supplement. The comment period on the Federal Register has passed, so now, we’re asking Congress to put a stop to this ludicrous plan.

Please ask your members of Congress to write to the FDA, asking the FDA where it gets the authority to remove a supplement from the market that has been approved and safely used as a dietary supplement for almost 20 years and conduct an economic analysis of this ban.

See more at: https://www.naturalgrocers.com/blog/advocacy-alerts/action-alert-protect-your-access-to-vinpocetine/#sthash.g20XkQQU.dpuf

Comment period is coming to an end, here's a link to a site that will automatically send comment - https://www.naturalgrocers.com/blog/advocacy-alerts/action-alert-protect-your-access-to-vinpocetine/

Vinpocetine is a derivative of the alkaloid vincamine. Like vincamine, it is found in small amounts in the seeds of periwinkle as well as other plants, such as voaconga and Crioceras longiflorus. Throughout the world, vincamine has been used to treat senile dementia with significant success. Studies have found vinpocetine to demonstrate many of the same functions as those of vincamine, but without the side effects. Moreover, it has been shown to be at least two times (and up to three or four times) more potent than vincamine for improving cerebral circulation, memory, and other functions in humans. No interactions with pharmaceutical drugs have been reported.

How does vinpocetine work?
Numerous scientific studies have shown vinpocetine to be of benefit for the prevention and improvement of many different kinds of ailments. It enhances cognitive functions, including those involving long- and short-term memory, and it has also been shown to be valuable in protecting heart, visual, and hearing functions, among other benefits.

If you're looking for more information about Vinpocetine, get the Vinpocetine Special Report, click here.

In broadest terms, vinpocetine is a powerful memory enhancer. It achieves this principally by facilitating cerebral metabolism and improving blood flow in the brain. It works by causing mild dilation of blood vessels, thereby allowing for increased cerebral blood flow, which results in increased oxygenation and glucose utilization.

This makes vinpocetine an ideal candidate not only for the improvement and prevention of certain disease processes in need of increased blood flow and oxygenation, but also for athletes who want to enhance their performance by increasing brain oxygenation, such as skiers, mountain climbers, and high-altitude hikers.

In addition to more efficient brain circulation, vinpocetine has been found to increase brain-cell energy through its effect on the production of ATP (the cellular energy molecule).

Since many brain disorders have been found to be caused by poor circulation or by neuronal damage due to inadequate oxygen and inadequate amounts of energy, it makes sense to consider vinpocetine in one's daily cognitive supplement program.

What benefits can I expect?
Acclaim for vinpocetine's use is widespread throughout the world - in Europe, Japan, Korea, China, and elsewhere. Unequivocally, vinpocetine has some extraordinary characteristics. There is strong evidence that vinpocetine can help:

Improve Cognition

Improve memory, long- and short-term
Enhance alertness, awareness, and preparedness
Act as a neuroprotector
Prevent or reverse ischemic (lack of oxygen) damage to brain, muscle, liver, and elsewhere
Diminish senile cerebral dysfunction
Improve Hearing Function
Prevent or relieve hearing loss due to various causes
Prevent or relieve tinnitus (ringing/buzzing in the ears)
Prevent or relieve vertigo (dizziness)
Improve Visual Function
Improve night vision
Improve wound healing of eyes due to burns
Prevent or relieve glaucoma
Prevent or improve age-related macular decline
Improve Cardiovascular Function
Diminish atherosclerotic plaque
Improve cardiac output and nutritive blood flow to various organs
Improve dilation of blood vessels
Increase the flexibility of red blood cells
Scavenge toxic metals in the body, such as aluminum and lead

November 17, 2016

Why Was Sanders ColoradoCare Rejected 80/20

To those of you who think Sanders would have trounced Trump I ask - Why did Colorado reject the plan he campaigned for and endorsed lose such huge margins?

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