Crunchy Frog
Crunchy Frog's JournalMaybe we're about as interesting to them as cockroaches are to us.
And about as desirable to get to know.
I think that sounds idiotically provincial.
It's more about a failure of imagination, and maybe a sort of neo Ptolemaic desire to see humanity as the center of the Universe.
I think the greatest likelihood is that we simply don't yet even remotely have the tools to seriously search for intelligent life outside our Solar system. I think that we probably can't believe conceive of the sorts of signals that more advanced life than our own might be putting out there, and probably couldn't even register them with our current technology.
I hate human arrogance.
This is what Planet Earth does.
There's really a kind of beauty to it.
It's too bad about the houses, and the nice vacation spot, but plate tectonics and vulcanism aren't just going to stop, just because there are humans on the planet now.
I don't know why they keep referring to it as an "accident".
It was a clearly a negligent discharge. I'm not even sure there's such a thing as an accident where firearms are concerned. It's just a way to allow gun owners to not take any personal responsibility.
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Name: Debbie DownerGender: Female
Hometown: New York oblast
Home country: Outer Russia
Member since: Sun Oct 26, 2003, 04:06 AM
Number of posts: 27,181