Crunchy Frog
Crunchy Frog's JournalLocal mother/son antivaxxers die within minutes of each other.
Syracuse, N.Y. A 64-year-old woman and her 30-year-old son - who both had Covid-19 - died a few minutes apart this week in Syracuse.
Jacqueline posted in June a photo of herself with these words around it: Im not having the vaccine. My body, My choice. In May she posted a photo of herself and the words I trust my immune system not an experimental vaccine. My DNA, My Choice.
I need to go see if it's posted at Herman Cain Awards yet.
That's pretty much how I'm seeing things at this point.
It's why I wake up in the early mornings in a heart pounding panic.
There may very well be a civil war of some sort, but I don't see any initiative for it coming from our party leadership. How many people would just keep their heads down and submit out of fear? And I count myself in that if I'm unfortunate enough to still be here.
I don't think there will be any shortage of people willing to shoot us, lock us up, torture us, or subject us to show trials for insane Q type shit. Our society has been being systematically desensitized to violence and death for decades now. We yawn at mass shootings, and we've barely blinked over a plague that's killed nearly a million of us.
And yes, I want very much to get my family out the country well before the next presidential election. Just waiting for the pandemic to hopefully die down some before getting started on that.
I honestly pray that the people who think we're being silly alarmists turn out to be right.
Profile Information
Name: Debbie DownerGender: Female
Hometown: New York oblast
Home country: Outer Russia
Member since: Sun Oct 26, 2003, 04:06 AM
Number of posts: 27,261