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LetMyPeopleVote's Journal
LetMyPeopleVote's Journal
December 18, 2012

Richard Engle is safe

He was on the Today show.

October 22, 2012

DOJ to Monitor Early Voting in Dallas and Harris County

The idiot in the Tax office in Harris county in charge of assigning election judges is a King Street Patriot and has been appointing their people as GOP Judges. The NAACP and other have complained and the DOJ is going to be monitoring early voting in Dallas and Harris county http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2012/October/12-crt-1263.html

Justice Department to Monitor Early Voting in Texas

The Justice Department announced today that it will monitor portions of the early voting period for the Nov. 6, 2012, general election in Dallas and Harris Counties, Texas, to ensure compliance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Voting Rights Act prohibits discrimination in the election process on the basis of race, color or membership in a minority language group. Early voting in Dallas and Harris Counties begins on Monday, October 22.

Justice Department personnel will monitor polling place activities during early voting in these two counties. Civil Rights Division attorneys will coordinate federal activities and maintain contact with local election officials.

Each year, the Justice Department deploys hundreds of federal observers from the Office of Personnel Management, as well as departmental staff, to monitor elections across the country. To file complaints about discriminatory voting practices, including acts of harassment or intimidation, voters may call the Voting Section of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division at 1-800-253-3931.

Visit www.justice.gov/crt/voting/index.php for more information about the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting laws.

This is good news given the number of King Street idiots who may be alternative election judges or clerks for early voting in Harris County.
October 22, 2012

Early Voting starts Tomorrow in Texas

Please get out and cast your ballot. The VAN keeps track of early voters on a daily basis and so voting early means that the the party will not be wasting time contacting you to vote.

I have been busy training poll watchers. Fort Bend County is next to Harris County and we may have some King Street types at our sites. I hope that I have enough poll watchers to cover the early voting locations.

Next weekend is the only weekend of early voting. My county is doing a Souls to the Polls program with a dozen or so African American Churches and I am lining up poll watchers for the early voting locations for this Sunday.

Please get out and vote. Voting early means that you are available for GOTV efforts and that the party will not be wasting any time trying to contact you to vote on election day

October 10, 2012

Texas GOP Candidate caught voting in two different states

Juanita Jean has a good story about the GOP candidate for a county commissioner seat in Fort Bend County having voted both in Texas and Pennsylvania in the 2006, 2008 and 2010 general elections http://juanitajean.com/2012/10/10/true-the-vote-can-kiss-my-big-blue-butt/

Bruce Fleming is the Republican nominee for County Commissioner, Precinct 1, in Fort Bend County. He won in a runoff election. Bruce was also named Precinct Chairman of the Year last year by then GOP County Chairman and thug-about-town Rick Miller. Miller then recruited Fleming to run for county commissioner which seemed like a good idea at the time since Fleming is unemployed. Here’s Bruce’s website....

In 2006, 2008, and 2010, Bruce voted in person in Fort Bend County and by mail in Pennsylvania in the same general elections. According to his financial disclosure forms, Bruce Fleming also owns a house in Pennsylvania. (He homesteaded a house in Texas and a house in Pennsylvania, but that illegality is a whole ‘nother story.) Bruce felt that owning houses in both states gave him the right to vote in the same elections in both states. That’s a third degree felony in Texas.....

So here sits True The Vote and the King Street Patriots out chasing imaginary voter fraud when real voter fraud is happening right here in their own front yard.

Ain’t that just the damnest thing you’ve ever seen?

There’s more to this story and all kinds of ugly Republican twists and splatters but I thought you’d want to chew on the glorious irony of Cathy Engelbrecht’s own Republican county commissioner candidate being a felony chronic serial voter frauder.

Richard Morrison is the Democrat who is the current County Commissioner. Richard is a good guy who ran against Tom DeLay in 2004 and showed that DeLay could be beat. Bruce Fleming is evidently unemployed and was handpicked by the former Fort Bend GOP party chair who running for a state house seat against another good Democrat Vy Nguyen.

The head of the True the Vote group lives in this district. I wonder if she is still going to vote for a crook like Fleming. It seems that the only real cases of voter fraud involve republicans
October 10, 2012

GOP Candidate voted both in Texas and Pennsylvania in 2006, 2008 and 2010 elections

Juanita Jean has a good story about the GOP candidate for a county commissioner seat in Fort Bend County having voted both in Texas and Pennsylvania in the 2006, 2008 and 2010 general elections http://juanitajean.com/2012/10/10/true-the-vote-can-kiss-my-big-blue-butt/

Bruce Fleming is the Republican nominee for County Commissioner, Precinct 1, in Fort Bend County. He won in a runoff election. Bruce was also named Precinct Chairman of the Year last year by then GOP County Chairman and thug-about-town Rick Miller. Miller then recruited Fleming to run for county commissioner which seemed like a good idea at the time since Fleming is unemployed. Here’s Bruce’s website....

In 2006, 2008, and 2010, Bruce voted in person in Fort Bend County and by mail in Pennsylvania in the same general elections. According to his financial disclosure forms, Bruce Fleming also owns a house in Pennsylvania. (He homesteaded a house in Texas and a house in Pennsylvania, but that illegality is a whole ‘nother story.) Bruce felt that owning houses in both states gave him the right to vote in the same elections in both states. That’s a third degree felony in Texas.

Richard Morrison is the Democrat who is the current County Commissioner. Richard is a good guy who ran against Tom DeLay in 2004 and showed that DeLay could be beat. Bruce Fleming is evidently unemployed and was handpicked by the former Fort Bend GOP party chair who running for a state house seat against another good Democrat Vy Nguyen.

The head of the True the Vote group lives in this district. I wonder if she is still going to vote for a crook like Fleming.
August 2, 2012

Court enjoins enforcement of new Texas voter registration laws

Here is some great news http://txredistricting.org/post/28584005627/court-enjoins-enforcement-of-new-texas-voter

This afternoon, U.S. District Judge Gregg Costa enjoined enforcement of Texas laws passed in the 2011 legislative session which require that deputy voter registrars be Texas residents and prohibited performance-based compensation for voter registration staff.

The restrictions had been challenged by the non-profit group Voting for America and various other plaintiffs in a suit filed early this year in federal district court in Galveston.

The court rejected claims of Texas that the new restrictions were required to prevent fraud, holding that “f these practices did contribute to fraud, concrete examples of such fraud would likely exist from decades of experience … But no such evidence was introduced for the Court to weigh against the harm to Plaintiffs.”

The court also enjoined enforcement of existing provisions of Texas law which Texas interpreted as banning deputy voter registrars from “accepting or handling applications from residents of counties other than the county in which the person is appointed as a VDR,” finding the requirement unconstitutionally burdensome. ...

This decision will undo the damage done by the republicans in the state legislature as to voter registration
July 19, 2012

The Last Word-Button Design contest for "Off the Cliff"

The Last Word is doing a contest for the design for the official campaign button for the "Off the Cliff" campaign. http://thelastword.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/19/12837776-submit-designs-for-off-the-cliff-campaign?lite

This could be fun. The Off the Cliff campaign is a good idea http://www.democraticunderground.com/1002972812

July 19, 2012

Texas wants access to database for voter purging

Goodhair does not want Rick Scott to have all of the fun with respect to purging voter rolls http://www.dallasnews.com/incoming/20120718-texas-wants-access-to-federal-database-of-immigrants-to-check-voter-rolls.ece

Texas officials plan to join a growing number of states across the country seeking access to a massive immigration database to check voter rolls for possible non-citizens, officials confirmed Wednesday.

Texas Secretary of State officials were drafting a letter Wednesday formally requesting access to the Department of Homeland Security database, which contains more than 100 million immigration records, said Rich Parsons, an agency spokesman.

Texas Secretary of State Esperanza “Hope” Andrade, an appointee of Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry, is the latest GOP elections leader to request access to the database since Homeland Security officials last week granted Florida permission to use the database.
July 16, 2012

Great LATimes Op Ed on Texas Poll tax

The LA Times has a very well done piece on the Texas poll tax http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-ackerman-texas-poll-tax-20120715,0,6684651.story

In 1964, the American people enacted the 24th Amendment, to prevent the exclusion of the poor from the ballot box. In his speech last week at the NAACP convention, U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. wasn't indulging in election-year rhetoric when he condemned Texas' 2011 voter photo identification law as a poll tax that could do just that. He was speaking the hard legal truth.

The Justice Department would be right to challenge this new law as an unconstitutional poll tax. The department has temporarily blocked the Texas law under special provisions of the Voting Rights Act that prevent states with a history of discrimination from disadvantaging minority groups. But the

attorney general should go further and raise a 24th Amendment challenge against Texas and other states that are joining the effort to bar the poor from the polls. This exclusionary campaign should not be allowed to destroy a great constitutional achievement of the civil rights revolution.

The 24th Amendment forbids the imposition of "any poll tax or other tax" in federal elections. Texas' law flatly violates this provision in dealing with would-be voters who don't have a state-issued photo ID. To obtain an acceptable substitute, they must travel to a driver's license office and submit appropriate documents, along with their fingerprints, to establish their qualifications. If they don't have the required papers, they must pay $22 for a copy of their birth certificate.

If they can't come up with the money for the qualifying documents, they can't vote. But the 24th Amendment denies states the power to create such a financial barrier to the ballot box.

Texas' violation is particularly blatant. In drafting its law, the Legislature rejected a provision that would have provided free copies of the necessary documents. Rather than paying for this service out of the general revenue fund, it chose to disqualify voters who couldn't pay the fee. This is precisely the choice forbidden by the Constitution.

If the DC circuit does not find that the Texas voter suppression law violates Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, you can expect additional litigation on this issue. The Missouri State Supreme Court held that their voter id law was a poll tax a while back

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