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Bigmack's Journal
Bigmack's Journal
December 23, 2012

Totally tasteless pro gun t-shirts....

"9 out of 10 voices in my head told me to stay home and clean the guns"

"Guns don't kill people... I do"


I wonder how many little NRA stockings will be stuffed with these during this season of Peace.

December 18, 2012

Boeing increased it's dividend another 10%....

"The planemaker’s quarterly dividend will climb to 48.5 cents a share from 44 cents and be payable March 8 to shareholders of record as of Feb. 15, Boeing said in a statement."

- - - - - - -
Good for Boeing... good for the stockholders!

One small thing. Boeing hasn't paid any US income taxes for the last 4 years.

When does the country that provides the infrastructure, workforce, legal support, and patent protection get a share of all this?

And people whine about some "welfare queen" getting a hundred bucks a month for food for her kids!

December 13, 2012

City Commissioner FB post.... Just in case you're not pissed off enough....

A Cooper City commissioner posted this on FB...

"Just wanted to let you know ... today I received my 2013 Social Security Stimulus Package. It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC, an 'Obama Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my a** and a 'Blame it on Bush' poster for the front yard. The directions were in Spanish. Yours should arrive soon."

Dunno why, but some people were pissed. Can't imagine why....


He gave the usual non-apology.... "To those of you who were genuinely offended, I offer my deepest apology..."

The teabag movement has given permission to these Neanderthals to say this shit in public... rather than just muttering it to their buddies at the bar.

December 7, 2012

Microwave oven question....

We're snowbirds. Mobile home type snowbirds.

We leave, and our little tin can gets up to 110 degrees for days at a time here in the desert.

We leave water buckets around to keep things from drying out, but my wife is worried that the high heat will hurt a microwave oven.

I tried to tell her that we have two TVs, a DVD player, radios, coffee maker... that seems to survive nicely.

Any input..? Anybody have experience..?

December 7, 2012

Microwave oven question....

We're snowbirds. Mobile home type snowbirds.

We leave, and our little tin can gets up to 110 degrees for days at a time here in the desert.

We leave water buckets around to keep things from drying out, but my wife is worried that the high heat will hurt a microwave oven.

I tried to tell her that we have two TVs, a DVD player, radios, coffee maker... that seems to survive nicely.

Any input..? Anybody have experience..?

December 7, 2012

Question about microwave ovens....

We're snowbirds. Mobile home type snowbirds.

We leave, and our little tin can gets up to 110 degrees for days at a time here in the desert.

We leave water buckets around to keep things from drying out, but my wife is worried that the high heat will hurt a microwave oven.

I tried to tell her that we have two TVs, a DVD player, radios, coffee maker... that seems to survive nicely.

Any input..? Anybody have experience..?

December 2, 2012


I posted something like this on DU a while back... somewhat tongue in cheek. And got my ass handed to me.
- - - - -

"We in the blue states hear from the talking heads on Fox News and MSNBC that many of you in the red states are so distressed about the outcome of the elections that you would like to secede from the Union......A lot of historians have argued that we would have been a whole lot better off going our separate ways in 1861. Sure, Abe Lincoln was a Republican then, but today he’d be as blue as the ocean. He tried. He thought we could transcend our differences and learn to live with one another.
Even the Lincolns of the world make mistakes. It’s time to move on. We wish you well, and let us know how it’s working out."
- - - - - -
Ok... I'm pretty convinced that divorce is out of the question, but now... seriously... how are we to survive as a country as deeply divided as we are? How do we make a country from (basically) two diametrically opposite world views? Not just politics, but economic issues, social issues, medical issues, scientific issues... hell, personal issues!

Education...? Good luck with that. Some states are actually regressing.. creationism and revisionist histories about the KKK are examples.

Time...? Just wait the old folks out..? Their thinning ranks are being replaced by the brainwashed youngsters. And how long can we wait, anyway...? Global climate change, depletion of resources, poverty and income equality are not really long-term problems anymore.

So... what's the plan? If not divorce... what do we do? Just sit around and watch things (further) turn to shit?

(please spare me the "elect good people" simplistic bullshit)

November 28, 2012

Will somebody please PM me and tell me what to do...

.. to get the replies to show up when I open a post?

I get the OP, but no supplies.

I have a star, so it ain't that.

I don't remember doing anything to change any settings... which I can't find anyway.

Old... really feeling old.

Don't answer this post... I won't see it. PM please.

November 14, 2012

How about this.... ? We don't tax the churches....

... we just tax all the NON-church properties and businesses they own.

The Mormons, Catholics, and the Moonies, for example, own billions of bucks worth of businesses of all kinds.

"In 1997, Time Magazine found that current LDS assets totaled $30 billion. If LDS were a corporation, Time continued, its estimated $5.9 billion in annual revenues would have placed it midway through the Fortune 500."

"In 2006, the Boston Globe revealed that the church turned a profit of roughly $55 million on a portfolio heavily concentrated in government bonds."

"In fiscal year 2009, the Evangelical Lutheran church claims to have earned $1,698,336 from “investment income”, $2,238,629 from “bequests and trusts” and another $1,003,420 in rental income. The same report lists a separate column of “temporarily restricted” revenues, on which another $1,625,000 in investment income is reported."


February 29, 2012

I posted - on FB - the pic of the Marine kissing his boyfriend...

.. in homecoming.

I think I stole my comment from somebody here on DU...

"If you feel the joy in this, you're part of the future. If you only feel outrage, you're part of the past."

Got 20 positive comments and 18 "likes" and one guy - in the medical wing of the Army - who said ...
"Why don't we just frame every other important discussion in the nation this way? To heck with trying to build consensus, let's just use inflammatory language and create division...almost as if there were only two positions on this topic. Saul Alinsky would be proud! For a person of my faith that would be like feeling joy for those men in the picture when they lied, cheated, stole, or otherwise transgressed the laws of God. It logically follows that if I feel no joy for sin and I believe that homosexual activity is a sin, then I feel no joy for homosexual activity. And yes, it does say in the Bible that homosexual activity is a sin."

I responded: "Glad to be able to polarize the discussion.... oh... wait... I wasn't the one who polarized it, was I? Seems like the paradigm for this discussion was set by the anti-gay crusaders.... all that talk about "sin", "perversion" and "disgusting" stuff. People in favor of equality for all Americans seldom go to those lengths.

I'm so liberal that I agree with Barry Goldwater... the ultra-conservative Republican candidate for president in 1964. He famously said... "Everyone knows that gays have served honorably in the military since at least the time of Julius Caesar.... You don't have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shoot straight." Of course, Goldwater would be drummed out of the current Republican party.... and he'd be glad to go... before his death Goldwater went so far as to address establishment Republicans by saying, "Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican party much more than the Democrats have."

"Saul Alinsky... Where the hell did that come from? Conservatives and Regressives have gotten so used to framing the words... and framing the debate... that they don't seem to be able to argue without claiming Alinsky... or Rev. Wright.. are behind all thinking from the Left.

You’re in a medical unit, and in the military, you people are - literally - gods. In the Marine Corps, Navy corpsmen can do a lot of things nobody else can do. They can backtalk officers, for example. In our outfit, corpsmen couldn’t buy their own beer. They were sacred... specialists in keeping us alive and (reasonably) healthy. We never wanted them to yell “I don’t do housecalls!” when we yelled “Corpsman Up!”, so they were, as I said, gods.

OK... that was the buttering up...

You talk of sin and morality..... Unless the line infantry outfits have changed drastically, sin and morality... specifically sexual sin and morality... is not a consideration. All the heterosexual Marines I knew had sex with practically anyone - or any thing!

One only has to mention the word Olongapo, and sailors and Marines remember a town that was a cross between the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie and a New Orleans brothel on steroids. I remember one time ........ wait.... family audience.... never mind!

I remember the “joyboats” in Hong Kong, and the R&Rs in Bankok. I remember the “boom-boom” girls in Vietnam. There are bargirls in every GI bar in the world.

I know now that the gay Marines I served with must have gotten laid on leave and liberty, too. If the grunts hired child prostitutes, and married men - officers even - with kids had live-in girlfriends, why wouldn’t gay Marines indulge?

So, if the topic is the morality of homosexuality in the military, heterosexuals need to clean up their act - a LOT -before they throw stones at the gays for their sexual activities.

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Member since: Mon Apr 12, 2004, 08:50 PM
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