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Bigmack's Journal
Bigmack's Journal
May 23, 2013

I like to think of our country as - generally - good and benevolent....

.. and that things like the atrocities of the Vietnam War and those of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are anomalies.

Then I read a little more history... and have my doubts.

Not that we don't do good... stopping Hitler has to be one of our finest hours, for example. The Marshall Plan literally saved Europe after WWII.

It's just that when we are racist, cruel, and imperialist, we never seem to learn that those things just aren't us... or I hope those things aren't us. And then we do it again.

I'm reading "Imperial Cruise" by James Bradley. He's the author of "Flags of Our Fathers"... his father raised the flag on Iwo Jima.

The major US political and educational figures around the turn of the 20th Century were incredibly racist. They used the term "Aryan" constantly, and spoke of the "manly" act of war.

The Filipino Insurrection was a nightmare, with US troops killing men, women, and children by the hundreds of thousands. The water torture was the favorite method of interrogation. Politicians, including Teddy Roosevelt, spoke casually about the "Pacific Niggers".

Substitute "ragheads" and "waterboarding", and add some high-tech weapons, and you have the current wars.

We are either a flat-out racist, imperialist nation... or we are a benevolent nation that forgets its humanity at regular intervals.

May 14, 2013

I want investigations!

I want investigations of the deaths of 62 Americans in attacks on US diplomatic facilities since 2001. I want to know why they didn't have enough security, and everything else related to those attacks... and deaths.

I'm willing to let the chips fall where they may.

I want a full Congressional investigation of those two deaths during the Obama presidency and the sixty during the Bush presidency. After all, the death of an American diplomat in 2002 is no less a tragedy than the death of an American diplomat in 2012.

I want a full investigation of the IRS situation, too. I want to know who knew what and when. I also want to know what the IRS found when they checked out the 501(c)3 & 4 status of those rightwing groups.

I'm willing to let the chips fall where they may.

I want to know how a Repub - Bush appointee - head of IRS didn't know about all the shenanigans. I want to know if the IRS was used by the Rove machine to target the loose Teabagger cannons on the Right.

I want a full investigation!

Then, of course... I'd like the fucking Congress to back to the real work of getting us out of the political septic tank we're in.

April 22, 2013

All the RW sites are claiming that the ricin...

...guy was a Democratic activist.

I can only find RW sites that mention this.

Anybody know?

April 22, 2013

Seen this little RW gem..?

I swear those fucking people are on a different planet! I'll skip the URL...
- - - - -
Dear Liberals,

I wanted to send along my condolences in regards to the rough week you guys have had.

Now that the Boston Marathon bombers have been officially identified as Muslim terrorists, I can only imagine how heartbroken you must be. Hell – I wouldn’t be surprised if Tingles Matthews is on 24-hour suicide watch. Then, you have the morbidly-obese Michael Moore, who immediately speculated that the bombers were “white right-wingers,” now pathetically claiming via Twitter that he was “right.” (Seems as if he missed the part about the killers being radicalized Chechen Muslims.)

Anyway, I can only imagine how embarrassing it must be that once again, one of your self-appointed spokesmen – er, sorry, “spokespersons” – is such a spectacularly sore loser.

Speaking of spectacularly sore losers, your president’s little temper tantrum in the Rose Garden after the Senate handed him his ass on the gun-control bill must have been embarrassing as well. To add insult to injury, it was the Democrat-controlled Senate that did the ass-handing – with five Democrats joining the ranks of the evil Republicans – or as O likes to call them, the “enemies.” I’m sure that the disappointment of being denied the opportunity to blame the bill’s defeat on John Boehner and the House Republicans was excruciating for him.

Take heart though; O’s humiliation, coming after he pulled out all the stops, including using Sandy Hook parents as props – multiple times, will only serve to motivate him to issue yet another slew of executive orders – and Congress will be circumvented again! So, see? All it not lost in your efforts to control the guns of law-abiding citizens. Besides, this is only one loss in the long march to confiscate guns; have a little patience!

I’m sure it must also be rough for you guys to read about the horrific testimony and see the grisly images coming out of the Philadelphia abortionist’s murder trial. Not very good for the cause, is it? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place; your media refuses to cover the story in its effort to protect abortion at all costs – while it continues to draw an ever-increasing amount of criticism for doing so. I mean, it’s getting so bad that even liberal commentators are pointing out the hypocrisy. Too bad Gosnell didn’t kill all those babies with an AR-15, huh? How awesome would that have been?

Anyway, chins up, dudes – it won’t be this bad forever. Besides, if the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas turns out to have been intentionally caused by a white right-winger – better yet, a white right-wing Christian – everything will be good again on Planet Looney Tunes. Keep your fingers and toes crossed.

Have a great weekend,

A Concerned Conservative

P.S. Almost forgot: So sorry that the deluded nut job Elvis impersonator who sent ricin-laced letters to O and several members of Congress turned out to not only be a Democrat – but a Democrat activist, no less. Man, when it rains, it pours, huh?

April 21, 2013

Went to a bake sale today....

... a benefit for an 9 year old girl with cancer.

The bake sale proceeds will go toward the medical bills.

The family has no health insurance.

Then I went home and watched a nuclear missile sub go out of Hood Canal. One of 8 berthed at Bangor. There are 1600 nuclear missiles at Bangor. 24 MIRVed missiles on each sub...192 warheads.

I wondered.... how many kids with cancer could be cared for with the money we are pissing away on a weapons system without a mission?

April 16, 2013

Why is gay marriage gaining acceptance in the world...?

I just read that New Zealand is close to accepting gay marriage, and France will, too. It seems the whole world is suddenly coming to its collective senses.

Gays comprise - depending on who is counting - somewhere around 5% of the population. How did they get the political clout to get anything out of a generally homophobic world?

Please don't tell me the world is becoming a more loving, accepting place....

I've read that gays are smarter and richer than straights... dunno whether it's true... but even if it is, how does that translate into a small minority getting their agenda passed? The Left is pretty damn smart. Maybe not rich, but lots of us are rich enough to support causes and candidates. How come we get nothing.. and barely hang on to what we've got?

I'm overjoyed that my gay brothers and sisters are getting the rights they deserve, but I'm wondering how it happened.... and I'm also wondering how the Left can use whatever strategy gays used to get what we need.

March 15, 2013

How will Pres. Obama sleep tonight...?

Pat Boone... yes, that Pat Boone... says Obama is a Marxist.


March 14, 2013

Too late for a pope thing...?

I knew it!

March 10, 2013


Somebody posted a thread about handgun ammo being sold out at Cabela's, and it reminded me of one of the RW viral emails going around.

It seems that Cabela's was charging the "medical device tax" for items, and of course, the RWnuts jumped on it as an example of what Obamacare will cost.

It was a mistake... and debunked.. http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/medicaldevice.asp
...but of course the RW still is bleating about it... and emailing it to their idiot friends. They want sooo badly to believe anything bad about Obamacare.

My question: Anybody have any inkling about whether it was an honest - if incredibly stupid - mistake on the part of Cabela's, or was it something Cabela's did as a protest about Obamacare.

Was it a stupid error or a political statement?

March 8, 2013

If a 12 week old fetus...

... or any fetus is determined to be - in some states - a person with rights.....

Can they be claimed as a dependent on Federal income tax returns?

Never mind all that shit about claiming a kid for his birth year onward. Claim the kid from conception!

Let the IRS sort it all out. Those people are nuthin' but understanding.

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