BlueGreenLady's JournalWashington DC Attorney General Charging Trump BTC
Six Hours of Paralysis: Inside Trump's failure to act after a mob stormed the Capitol WaPo
Ashley Parker,
Josh Dawsey and
Philip Rucker
Jan. 11, 2021 at 10:21 p.m. CST
"Hiding from the rioters in a secret location away from the Capitol, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) appealed to Jared Kushner, President Trumps son-in-law and senior adviser. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) phoned Ivanka Trump, the presidents daughter.
And Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Trump confidante and former White House senior adviser, called an aide who she knew was standing at the presidents side.
But as senators and House members trapped inside the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday begged for immediate help during the siege, they struggled to get through to the president, who safely ensconced in the West Wing was too busy watching fiery TV images of the crisis unfolding around them to act or even bother to hear their pleas.
He was hard to reach, and you know why? Because it was live TV, said one close Trump adviser. If its TiVo, he just hits pause and takes the calls. If its live TV, he watches it, and he was just watching it all unfold."
Trump's Removal From Office Gets a Huge Boost BTC
"The Constitution isn't a suicide pact" Laurence Tribe tweet Moving On Kurt Bardella (House Oversight Committee Former Spokesman) Moving On Kurt Bardella (House Oversight Committee Former Spokesman) Revisited to this thread are hilarious.
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Name: DawnGender: Female
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