uppityperson's JournalEgyptair flight 804 crash: Everything we know so far – and what we don’t
This is a good summary, addressing conflicting rumors
Q What are the certainties about MS804?
An Airbus A320 departed from Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris at 11.09pm, local time, on Wednesday 18 May, destination Cairo. Three hours 20 minutes later, while flying at 37,000 feet, Egyptair flight MS804 disappeared from radar screens about 150 miles north of the Egyptian coast. Sixty-six people were known to be on board: 56 passengers, seven crew and three Egyptian security officials. Wreckage and human remains from the flight has been found in the Mediterranean Sea.
Seven Acars messages relating to technical issues with the plane were sent minutes before the flight disappeared. These are messages intended for engineers, and comprise a coded explanation - but we do not know exactly what. Two of them indicating that smoke alarms had been activated.
Q What other explanation could there be?
A catastrophic mechanical failure; some have speculated that a sudden, uncommanded thrust reverser deployment could be responsible, as it was for the Lauda Air Boeing 767 crash in Thailand in 1991. On the flight deck, there could have been pilot error or deliberate human intervention. A collision with another object, whether a missile or a drone, is also possible.
Q When will we know?
Most of the aircraft is believed to be up to two miles below sea level in a particularly deep part of the Mediterranean. While this is a less daunting prospect than the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, MH370, it is still likely to take weeks rather than days.
A Hosting question regarding the phrase "Off Topic"
When I am volunteering as a Host, I regularly see people upset with that phrase. They do not understand that it is inserted automatically and take offense at the locking Host. Sometimes the locking Host replies with the reason the OP is being locked, sometimes not. Sometimes DUers will read to that reply, sometimes not. Too often do Hosts get angry messages as to why something is considered off-topic.
While the phrase makes sense sometimes, and while I understand it is meant to indicate that an OP does not meet the Statement of Purpose for a forum/group (found under the "about this forum" button over the threads), it is sometimes inaccurate and too often mistaken as being a personal opinion of a Host, not just automatically inserted by the software. For instance, duplicate threads in LBN are not "off topic", but prohibited by the SOP of LBN.
My question is is it possible to change "off topic" to something else, perhaps "does not meet the forum/group's SOP"? It would help avoid hurt feelings and Host's time spent replying. I know some will take offence at anything, but it would be appreciated to have that spelled out more clearly.
Thank you for considering this.
Happy Mt St Helens eruption day
You were such a pretty softly rounded mountain, St Helens. It was quite a time.
36 yrs ago we didn't know if our sibling who was guarding the gates going up to the mt was alive or not. They ended up having the day off and rushing to bring in the laundry from the line before the ash hit.
Oh, the ash!
Trees, mud, water washed down. Boulder filled mudflows.
Logging camp
A river
After the lahar, scientist in yellow standing on bank after the muddy river went back down.
Lots of photos
Harry Truman, coot or codger? Stubborn and decided how he wanted to die
Have you ever used a public restroom of the gender you don't identify with?
I have when the line to the women's is too long and there is none to the men's, or there's only 1 for either and the women's is in use forever.
I figure most duers are meh about it, but was curious.
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Gender: Do not displayMember since: Sat Oct 16, 2004, 10:10 PM
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