Raine1967's JournalCNN Fires Three Staffers Who Came Into Office Unvaccinated
Link: https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/cnn-fires-unvaccinated-employees-1235035767/
The executive noted that employees were feeling unsettled as the pandemic took a new turn. I think it is fair to say that we are all feeling a mix of anticipation, anxiety, frustration, confusion, and exasperation. All of that is to be expected. We all have decisions to make that impact so many aspects of our lives. I get it. If nothing else, the resilience and perseverance you all have shown for 18 months now needs to continue a little bit longer. But we will get there, he said. Continue to take care of yourselves and each other. And I will share more updates just as soon as we have them.
More at the link, but seriously, this is about public health.
About that video from Arnold Schwarzenegger:
I can't find any of the OP with the video, so please give me a pass on not kicking it back up.
I cried when he spoke of the aftermath of nazi Germany. I had family that was among that group. I never met them, and they are not spoken of in my family. I know very little about them.
My 4 grandparents were born in Germany. To the best of my knowledge, they came to the USA before the war. I can only definitely confirm that my grandparents on my mother's side came over in the teens. IOW, before WW2. Those scars run deeper than Arnold speaks of. It became generational here on our shores as well. I'm a second-generation American.
He's right about the damage done to families. Trust me when I say the trauma is passed down until it is dealt with. The trauma stopped and healing began with the second generation in my family.
That said, we must hold people accountable before we can heal and reunite. Nixon being pardoned may have had a short term healing, but we are suffering the damage of that action. The people involved, the people that incited this need to be held to account. Accountability is not vengeance.
We need to impeach again so future generations will be given a nation that had a chance to be able to unite and heal.
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