grahamhgreen's JournalMajority in U.S. Want Wealth More Evenly Distributed
Gunman Sought After Shootout at Nuclear Power Plant in Tennessee
The shootout occurred "several hundred yards from the sites protected area, which houses the reactor and power production facilities," TVA spokesman Jim Hopson said in a press release.
A security guard on routine rounds reportedly spotted the suspect leaving his boat and walking ashore about 2 a.m. When the guard advanced to question the suspect, the lone man began shooting. The guard returned fire and called for backup. The suspect then "sped away on his boat," according to a local news report.
Authorities labeled the shootout an "unusual event," the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's lowest emergency classification.
Opened in 1996, Watts Bar is in southeastern Tennessee between Chattanooga and Knoxville. Nearly 1.2 million people live within a 50-mile radius of the plant, and population growth since 2000 has been rapid.
There was never any immediate danger to the plant's reactor, and it's not clear how much damage a lone gunner could actually do to a complex like Watts Bar. Coincidentally, federal authorities just ran their first-ever nuclear terrorism drill last Tuesday at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. In that simulation, a team of eight gunmen attempted to take over the plant; government spokesmen would only say publicly that that the plant's response was "adequate."
"There was never any immediate danger to the plant's reactor" LOL. Right, a person with a gun does not present "any" danger to the reactor.
I hope we don't have to wait until after the next nuclear disaster to eliminate this dirty, dangerous fuel from a bygone era.
"The President's budget, Among Other Things, Cuts the Home Heating Program by 14%." - Grayson. Why?
Why would you cut heat for the poor?
It's the thing that lets people stay warm in the winter.
Why is this at the top of the list?
Can one of the budget supporters explain this? 3d chess? Brilliant bargaining? Why?
George W Bush Says: Prosecute Torture!
"I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture..."
- George W. Bush, June 2003
On the heels of today's breaking story "U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Nonpartisan Review Concludes" ( ), I thiink it's important to remember GWB's own words and prosecute!
Obama: ‘Any Time Bombs Are Used to Target Innocent Civilians It Is an Act of Terror’
All in all, considering the costs to the United States versus the benefits to the United States, do you think the war in Afghanistan has been worth fighting, or not?
Worth fighting 39%
Not worth fighting 56%
Among Democrats
Worth fighting 34%
Not worth fighting 61%
Among Republicans
Worth fighting 55%
Not worth fighting 39%
Among Independents
Worth fighting 38%
Not worth fighting 58%
In this world Hate
never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.
- Buddha
Senator Sanders: Obama Budget "A Terrible Disappointment"
I couldn't agree more. Since social security does not add one nickel to the deficit, WHY WOULD A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT ATTACK IT?
The reason can only be that he is actually doing the bidding of of the hoarding class, not the American people.
Reality Check: Obama Cuts Social Security and Medicare by Much More Than the GOP
On Social Security: Ryan didn't cut Social Security by a penny. The president has proposed cutting the program's spending by $130 billion, by adopting a slower-growing measure of inflation.
On Medicare: Ryan's budget kept Obamacare's Medicare cuts and added another $127 billion. His budget projects $6.74 trillion in Medicare spending between 2014 and 2023. Obama cuts even deeper with $380 billion in cuts below his baseline, and his budget projects $6.67 trillion in Medicare spending over the same period. Upshot: Obama's ten-year Medicare budget is $70 billion below the GOP, and his announced cuts are about $250 billion deeper than the GOP. (See below for brief explainer on differences.*)
And here's the bottom line: Obama preserves federal Medicaid spending, he doesn't unwind Obamacare, and he spends much more on mandatory and non-defense discretionary programs than Ryan proposed. But his cuts to Social Security and Medicare combined are somewhere between $200 billion and $380 billion deeper than the GOP budget. On these programs there is no room to "compromise." The president is already to the right of the right.
Social Security Does Not Contribute One Nickel to the Deficit!
The only reason to propose a cut is to push a far right agenda.
Fukushima cooling system fails for second time in a month
Source: Guardian
The cooling system for a fuel storage pool at one of the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant has failed, Japanese regulators have said.
A spokesman for the Nuclear Regulation Authority said an alarm went off on Friday afternoon at reactor No 3, and that the cause of the failure was still under investigation.
A spokesman for the plant's operator said it would take two weeks before temperatures approach dangerous levels following a cooling system failure.
Last month, a power cut caused a two-day failure in a cooling system.
Read more:
Nukes: A dirty and dangerous technology from a bygone era.
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