angstlessk's JournalWhat I live with right now
Somehow I got hooked up with a man I tried to get away from, who threatened to kill my family if I did not stay with him.
I believed him because he walked 20 miles to confront me after I tried to leave his ass.
Now after 40 years with the creep..I am 70 and subject to his drunken horrors
What he has done to my 'what used to be my home' is unbelievable!
Every room in the house is full of boxes and clothes, some to the ceiling!
How can one live like this?
I claim to need health support...he needs it worse! But How can I force it?
I was my family's scapegoat
I don't recall when I realized that I was the family's scapegoat, maybe when I was 60 or so, or maybe after my mother died?
My family (mom, dad, sister, and me) lived with my grandmother, who also had three children by my uncle (two of which may not have been his) whose mother plopped them down with my grandma.
I was the child who was bullied by all the kids...I just recall one time I was being particularly bullied into hiding behind the couch...I recall my mother saying "that's enough' as if everything before was just fine.
I ran away from home and went to court, and my mother told the judge I was 'incorrigible' and at age 13 I was sent to reform school.
I was the family scapegoat.
There is so much more, as I am sure some of you have experienced!
"Toxic Families Who Scapegoat"
I think my mother was a narcissist?
I have two dell got stuff spilled into the keyboard
and no longer can function...the other had it's video screwed up...I want to transfer the video from the screwed up keyboard to the screwed up video
Can anyone advise?
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Norfolk VA
Current location: Detroit MI
Member since: Fri Feb 11, 2005, 02:08 AM
Number of posts: 11,862