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OneGrassRoot's Journal
OneGrassRoot's Journal
July 20, 2024

Shareable version of my STUTTERING post

We’ll be hearing from President Biden again soon. More people need to gain more insight (and media needs to stop bullying). Thx for the prompt, Sogo.


July 12, 2024

Stuttering (update with shareable blog post)

Since so many found this helpful, and since Sogo specifically asked to share it with the NYT, I created a cleaned-up version of this message with a few additions to the original message below.



It manifests differently for many but I recognize my own experience with stuttering in President Biden so I’m trying to offer people more insight since his every utterance is being dissected 24/7 since the debate.

People may know he has a stuttering problem but may not realize how it manifests. I don’t know if he has spoken about it in depth before but maybe he should.

I've been a lifelong stutterer, as is Biden. Most of you wouldn't notice it, especially in casual conversation. But public speaking is a nightmare. And even in casual conversation, I am sometimes halting. I sometimes shift things mid-sentence, with an almost imperceptible change in breath, or what may seem like mumbling, and you know why? It's because I'm searching for another word or phrase to replace the one I was going to say but I could tell I would stammer big time - like Mel Tillis - on a certain letter. A stutterer’s biggest fear. For people like Biden and myself, our brains have to work fast to constantly come up with alternate words to convey our message, words that don’t start with our problematic letters. It's fucking exhausting.

Whenever he appears to lose his train of thought and then says “look” and seems to shift away from what he was saying, I recognize that as part of his stuttering. It isn’t cognitive, it’s a speech issue. In order to avoid that nightmarish complete stop because we can’t get past a certain letter/word, and if we can’t find an alternate word, we’ll shift the conversation a bit to something that comes out more fluidly.

I’m telling you, it’s exhausting. I don’t know how he does it. Reading prepared text is the worst whereas we can employ the above tools with extemporaneous speaking. I’m sure he works with speechwriters in this regard but, still, stuttering is unpredictable and it does wax and wane, at least in my experience.

I wish more people understood what’s really going on much of the time as they criticize him.
September 25, 2015

Will The Common Good finally enter our national/global dialogue?

Five years ago my work was attacked on Glenn Beck's Fox News show precisely because I frequently use wording such as the COMMON GOOD. That verbiage was attacked as communist/socialist/fascist/Nazi talk...lol.

I haven't shied away from using that language, because those words form the basis of my personal moral compass.

I mention this again because, if you've been paying attention to the Pope's speeches the last two days, he has used the phrase "common good" A LOT. A lot, a lot. I really hope there will be a shift in perspective for the people who were previously nervous about language such as the Common Good.

Whether religious, spiritual or atheist, caring about the Common Good and embracing an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life -- all life on this Earth, home to us all -- is the way forward. It can manifest in different ways, but I believe wholeheartedly that this awareness is the only way to stop the destruction.

I would greatly appreciate you reading the following about the Coalition for Good. (I previously called it Chamber of Commons but have reverted to this name, which is more broad in scope and global, unlike the various Chamber of Commons efforts I recently discovered, and wholeheartedly support.)

It is all about The Common Good.

* * *

Before launching website, I’m sharing the following, which outlines the basic values and vision upon which I envision a values-based coalition can be built. How we can act upon these values, including connecting with those already doing commons-oriented work, will be added to the website. The Coalition is one of the “Six Degrees of Good” projects under the Our Good umbrella.

Our commitment to The Common Good begins with expanding and deepening our capacity to care.

With care comes trust;
with trust come compassion and empathy;
with compassion and empathy come justice and healing;
with justice and healing comes peace;
with peace we can create meaningful, sustainable lives and societies.

But, first, we must care.


An alliance of community-supportive, commons-oriented, caring, ethical individuals (activists, entrepreneurs, community members, organizers and leaders), businesses, enterprises and organizations committed to our Common Good. The Chamber of Commons is a membership organization connecting all who are guided and inspired by the following caring values:



To provide a truly cooperative, collaborative, international membership organization built on solidarity, with the goal of catalyzing systemic transformation toward a caring, compassionate, just, sustainable world.

The Coalition is envisioned as a galvanizing hub for the growing movements for systems change; it is also the conscience or touchstone for our stated shared values.


By working together to raise awareness of The Commons, and to cultivate and support:

– Caring Business & Commerce
– Caring Culture
– Caring Democracy
– Caring Economy
– Caring Ecosystems
– Caring Education

The Coalition for Good acts as a clearinghouse for aligned individuals, businesses, enterprises and organizations which have specific areas of focus compatible with Caring Values and the above Caring Systems.


Members of The Coalition for Good pledge to:

• CARE…care about, care for and care with others toward the goal of supporting Our Common Good. (Caregiverism)

• Recognize and support non-violent measures aimed at economic, racial, social and environmental justice and equality.

• Remember that money is a tool, not a value and not the ultimate end goal of any endeavor.

• Align with the following caring values and incorporate them into your decision-making process:

• Compassion: Decisions are made with compassion and empathy; not only for yourself, your family and your organization, or your local community but for the Common Good, which includes all life on this planet we all call home.

• Courage: Decisions are made with courage to choose more nurturing, less exploitative and destructive actions; the courage to allow for “enoughness” rather than the constant market-driven quest for growth; and the courage to defend and support economic, racial, social and environmental justice and equality. We acknowledge that we have the power to change the trajectory we’re on as a species, and how we’re impacting other humans, other species and the planet.

• Inclusivity: Decisions are made with all levels of community in mind: Individuals, families, neighborhoods, local community, national community, global community. We appreciate how important diversity is in sustaining healthy ecosystem-aware organizations. The desire for solidarity and harmony drives our inclusive decisions.

Cooperation & Collaboration: Decisions are made with the knowledge that robust diversity and genuine cooperation, rather than prohibitive and often detrimental competition and fragmentation that have become our norm, are necessary for lasting success which benefits The Common Good. While we may focus our energy and resources on one specific issue, we acknowledge the importance of and need for other members’ work in the realm of justice, equality and systemic transformation and support them as we are able. At the very least, we care. Caring is not a competition.

• Integrity: Decisions are made by individuals and the organization as a whole with sincere respect for The Common Good as the guiding force. We pledge to stand up and speak out against oppression and exploitation in all forms and to not be willing participants in the same. Honesty and Respect = Integrity.

• Optimism: We believe that the way things are is not how they must remain. Visionary, hopeful, community care-based thinking is supported and encouraged. We are committed to putting our optimism and awareness of The Common Good into action via practical actions and choices.

• Transparency: We pledge to be mindful of transparency and to remain open to meaningful, respectful discussion (for organizations, both internally and externally) as we strive to maintain the values of the Coalition.

• Wisdom: We pledge to do our best to make wise decisions. Wise decisions are balanced, thoughtful, mindful and sustainable, informed via critical thinking, individual intuitive wisdom and collective wisdom. Wise decisions consider the impact of our actions on different sectors of The Common Good: civic, economic, cultural, and environmental.

To work for the Common Good requires an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. True progress is achieved when members of a community, convinced of this interconnectedness, engage in actions that transcend individual interest and benefit the whole…the whole of Humanity and the whole of this planet we all call home.

What would our communities look like if Caring Values were embraced and acted upon by more individuals, enterprises, organizations and institutions, with a dedication to The Common Good? Imagine the potential transformation toward justice, equality and harmony in our culture, civic life, economic activities, and the environment.

Joining The Coalition for Good is one action which puts us on a path of solidarity, a new way of doing and being, a path which runs parallel and collaborates with many other efforts which are aligned with and supportive of Our Common Good.

For now, if you resonate with the above, please rec and keep this kicked. If you are on Facebook, please *like* the Facebook Page to show your support for the values and mission as stated above.

I'm very curious how the members here at DU feel about this.


If you would like to share this, here is the original link, with the above content: http://ourgood.org/coalition-for-good/

August 19, 2015

It's official: The Internet is Owned by White Dudes

Disclaimer: I realize I make broad-brush statements below, and I do intend to write a more fleshed-out blog post about this with specific references and links, but the gist of it all is what I'm trying to convey here. It's official to me, the fact that white guys own the Internet. This may in essence be my first draft.

EDIT TO ADD FOR CLARITY: CliffsNotes Version

My point is about CULTURE: values, priorities. Young(ish) white dudes, even though they are not a monolith as no demographic group is, in general have different values and priorities. The Internet initially was pretty much a playground for young white male geeks.

That is the culture -- the values and priorities -- upon which the Internet was built and is infused in it even now. Even though the face of IT is changing, I'm speaking to the now ingrained culture and how that will take time to turn around.

I'm not focused, in this OP at least, on where VC goes nor on who has coding skills. (Even though VC definitely goes largely to men...and then of course some will then say only white men are generating the ideas. Most people are missing the entire point of this post.)

I absolutely believe that the lack of diversity at the very core, the very root, the creation of these ventures -- which are the new institutions of this modern era -- has contributed to the increasingly overtly disrespectful, often outright bigoted, racist and misogynistic culture.

Diversity and equality must to be part of the creation -- the foundation -- or else nothing is ever going to change. Not really. Not meaningfully.

* * *

As a 52-year-old woman who has been focused on exploring funding options for my online ventures over the last few years, I've come to realize how much the Internet is -- and, more importantly, always has been -- dominated by men. Usually younger men (or at least they were when they created whatever entity has made them millions or sometimes billions of dollars).

I don't mean the Internet is dominated by men as the users, as that has become a more level playing field in the last five years with women having an equal presence online, but as those who are creating the business entities themselves and thus profiting off of them. Even when the websites or apps are created with women being the target audience, the founders are men (Pinterest).

Specifically, fairly young white men.

Now, I'm not knocking white men. Nor am I personally criticizing the individual men who created the vast majority of the most successful websites/apps. I do not know them personally and they may be wonderful souls.

What I do know is that the life experience of a white man, IN GENERAL, is different from the life experience, in general, of men with black and brown skin, and it is a life experience that is very different from women, of any color. And while youth has a a lot to offer, especially in today's rapidly changing, wired world, there is also a need for wisdom and perspective borne of life experience.

I just did another search (I was immersed in this topic earlier this year before crises intervened) of the most popular sites (top 100 or so on Alexa) and apps, with the most traffic/usage. Disregarding the more programming-oriented and country-specific sites, I made a list of 30, including Facebook, twitter, Amazon, Pinterest, Wikepedia, reddit, Paypal, instragram, kickstarter, HuffPo. I also included sites liberals tend to prefer, like DailyKos and Salon. DU is included in my list as well.

(First, I did NOT know that HuffPo was actually created by Arianna and 3 other men, including ANDREW BREITBART!!! Wow, that explains a lot, eh?)

Except for Gawker Media (created by 6 men and 4 women) IN EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE THE CREATORS|FOUNDERS ARE ALL MEN, PREDOMINANTLY WHITE MEN with a smaller percentage of the men being Asian.

Aside from the lack of diversity in general and the concentration of "new" wealth in the hands of a specific demographic...continuing what has been the norm for ages...here is why this disturbs me:

I adore the Internet. So much good has been done yet I do not believe we have even scratched the surface of the altruistic potential. We can reach critical mass toward transformation (positive or negative) much faster now. I search for the good, but the nastiness -- the culture of the Internet as a whole -- inevitably gets in the way. Look at the comment section of nearly any site and you'll see what I mean. The misogyny, racism and other forms of bigotry is STRONG.

I am not blaming the founders of any of the many websites for this culture of hate. I highly doubt any of them set out to create or contribute to a Petri dish of suck, but there is another aspect I believe is at play in this culture as well: a strong libertarian and anarchist vibe. These traits/values are embodied by many of the founders of these most successful sites (successful by Wall Street standards). The tone of a company's culture is set early on and manifests on the front end as well as the back end of the business.

Free speech, hands off, individualism.

Again, please don't get me wrong -- free speech is a core value of democracy. But what happens when the most vicious of voices are all that are heard because they live to attack and troll and drown out (and drive away) voices of reason? This nasty online culture has influenced the larger societal discourse, and we've all noticed the growing inability for people to engage in respectful discussion. Even though I respect the role twitter plays in our world, I don't consider tweets back and forth meaningful conversation. I'm talking about ongoing, meaningful, respectful discussion. And, let's face it: There is very little distinction between "online" and "IRL" now. Online IS a significant aspect of our daily lives.

Of course, financial profit is the goal and drives everything. It often encourages the "hands off" policy or perhaps encourages a cultivation of nastiness by said businesses in order to bring more eyeballs to their content which equals mo' $$$, y'all. So, there's that.

Even the so-called Sharing Economy ventures -- Airbnb, Lyft and Uber -- were founded by fairly young, white men. DUer Eridani's OP about the Sharing Economy, and how it's basically another word for capitalism, prompted this most recent search and this post.

So while I can appreciate what these innovators and entrepreneurs have offered the world, and have no animosity toward men (young men, old men, white men, men of color...it matters not), I am struck by the fact that WHO has created the foundations of the spaces which are influencing our culture is, by far, younger white men.

I absolutely believe that the lack of diversity at the very core, the very root, the creation of these ventures, which are the new institutions of this modern era, has contributed to the increasingly overtly disrespectful, often outright bigoted, racist and misogynistic culture.

Diversity and equality must to be part of the creation -- the foundation -- or else nothing is ever going to change. Not really. Not meaningfully.

That's the change I'm trying to bring to the table, so if you know anyone who wants to support such a social enterprise, please send them my way.

May 15, 2015

FINALLY, I'm following up - (edit: final update)


Well, this way of funding relaunch/expansion doesn't look promising, so it's onward to explore other avenues. I'd rather go where there is plenty of money and make it trickle down, rather than appeal to the average person, anyway. I'm going to focus on retooling/rebranding for more cohesion among the various projects/divisions. When I get things going again, I will definitely post here at DU and specifically reach out to those who have expressed interest recently, to let you know things are up and running again.

Thank you!

Saturday morning update: I also shared this on FB, but that's the only other place, as I'm trying to gauge interest within my closest networks first. Thus far, either not enough people have seen the post or there is no interest amongst those with resources to help raise significant funds. About $3000 is what the survey results show.

What I am proposing (for those who want this condensed) is restructuring Wishadoo! (a Community Good Social network, which has proof of concept having been in use for 8 years) as a member-owned cooperative, similar to NON-PARTISAN mutual aid societies of old (though more diverse), which not only connects those who need help to those who can help, and so much more, but also creates jobs.

What I'm specifically asking here, and only of those for whom $150 is not a huge sum, is would you be interested in helping to finance the seed funding so I can hire help in order to relaunch and expand?


IMPORTANT: If you don't mind, I'm a little paranoid about CC people chiming in on the survey to mislead me. They always read this stuff. If you can send me a message here if you are interested in contributing, so I know it's a legit survey vote, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


I. If you have any suggestions re: this seed funding (keeping in mind that I've already explored impact investing and foundations, as I discuss below) -- such as companies which may want to be involved or philanthropic peeps you may know -- I'm all ears.

II. If you are not familiar with me, all I can suggest is that you read either my journal here at DU or my most recent post here, or take time to read this in its entirety. My work is not "new"; the platform I created worked so well that I became overwhelmed, and I'm now trying to raise funds to hire help and relaunch and expand. Many DUers are very familiar with me and Wishadoo!; my apologies that I don't have the time or energy at this moment to prove myself to those who don't know me.

I can tell you I was dissed by Glenn Beck on his Fox Show a few years ago, so there's that.

* * *

I just spent 30 minutes composing this, and it went *poof* when I hit "post my thread". Ugh.

I can't recreate all that content and the links due to time constraints, so I'm asking you to please indulge me by reading my initial post to which this is a followup:

You know the pleas for help which create such tension here?


I finally composed a followup, since so many did express an interest in wanting to help me move forward and help fund the creation of several initial part-time positions, though I see much more job creation in the future; I just need the core team in order to move ahead.

The key people who have helped me all these years and who "get" what Our Community Good is all about happen to be DUers, hence my recent post asking about interest in helping provide jobs to DUers (and others). I'm initially focused on providing supplemental income to those on SS, SSDI, who are homebound caregivers, and to those who are in purgatory, having applied for SSDI but haven't yet been approved. The three DUers I would like to offer these initial core positions to are in those groups.

The blog post at the following link gives background to what I've created over the last 9 years. Many DUers are familiar with Wishadoo!, but that is only one division, and the work done here at DU is a fraction of the work that has been done over this time. I'm sure you can imagine how it became overwhelming for me.


Below I've pasted the end of the blog, which deals specifically with what I need in moving forward.

I would REALLY appreciate feedback. I know that most DUers are like me -- living paycheck-to-paycheck if we're fortunate enough to GET a paycheck. Yet I also know there are those here (and reading) who DO have resources, and I would love to get a feel for their interest and ability in what I propose, so I created a survey.

To repeat, what I am proposing (for those who want this condensed) is restructuring Wishadoo! (a Community Good Social network, which has proof of concept having been in use for 8 years) as a member-owned cooperative, similar to NON-PARTISAN mutual aid societies of old (though more diverse), which not only connects those who need help to those who can help, and so much more, but also creates jobs. What I'm specifically asking here is, of those for whom $150 is not a huge sum, would you be interested in helping to finance the seed funding so I can hire help in order to relaunch and expand?

In order to move forward with these projects, all of which are still desperately needed in our society, I must have help. While volunteers and interns can supplement this help, I need a reliable team before I can consider relaunching. As mentioned earlier, Wishadoo! is a proven model; it worked so well that it became overwhelming for me, even with volunteers.

I have always envisioned creating job opportunities, especially for those who are homebound for any number of reasons, including those on disability who need supplemental income as well as homebound caregivers who also need extra income.

Over the last year I have explored a variety of funding mechanisms and legal structures for Our Good (in order to make use of various funding mechanism)s, but I come back to where I was at the very start: Raising funds via cooperative membership. From there, with a team in place, the revenue-generating models for each endeavor can work to be implemented, making Our Good a self-sustaining social enterprise, with both member-owned and worker-owned cooperatives in place.

* Because Our Community Good is not a start-up, impact investors are nowhere to be found.

* Because I am a woman, who is over 30, impact investors are nowhere to be found.

* Philanthropic foundation funding is either unavailable because Our Good has a broad agenda, not niche, or it will take at least one year to be approved for said funding.

I envision raising the initial funding via cooperative membership for individuals. (I am also exploring business membership.)

First, please know that most of the tools at Wishadoo! will remain available to anyone who joins -- for free. Being a co-op investor would offer additional benefits (to be explained in my next communication) and a voice/vote.

While I anticipate membership being only $25/year (with funding for those who cannot afford that but wish to participate in the co-op), this initial seed funding will be for $150. The ONLY reason I am doing it this way -- $150 instead of $25 -- is to weed out anyone who may want to disrupt this caring community. (Sadly, this type of disruption exists, which is why transforming online culture, given the influence of online activity, is a key area of focus for me.)

The minimum contribution of $150 provides 6 co-op memberships; the investor can select the other 5 people to participate in growing the community, or donate the membership to the general fund offering free membership. Renewal will only be $25/year henceforth.

IDEALLY, I would like to raise at least $100k, and here is the breakdown:

$60k - (3) part-time administrative support positions, one for each project, @ $15/hr for one year

$10k - IT upgrades and support; mobile app development for the projects

$5k - Expenses for one year (web hosting, domain renewals, marketing, legal)

$25k - I have bootstrapped everything for 8 years, but have been helped by several people who have granted me personal loans, and I desperately want to pay them back. Additionally, the IT team who has helped me all these years has done so out of the kindness of their hearts. I would like to be able to offer them $5k as a token of gratitude, even though they have no doubt provided at least $20k worth of services thus far.

Even though people can invest more than $150 (to provide for even more member|owners), less than 700 people would be needed to invest $150 in order to achieve the $100k goal…or 333 people at $300…or 200 people at $500…or 100 people at $1000. Or any combination thereof. I will structure the fundraiser accordingly.

However it manifests, the end result is relaunch of a much-needed service, job creation, and exponential expansion of a new type of community, one which values a Culture of Care and puts it into action.

Before I create a fundraiser, I have created a survey to try to determine how many people may be interested in being part of this seed funding investment of the Our Community Good Co-operative. If you are someone for whom $150 (or more) is a reasonable expenditure for "funding good" -- and creating free membership/ownership for those who cannot afford this initial minimum funding amount -- please click this link to take the survey:


Please share this with anyone you feel may be interested.

~ Dena

Between the awful story last month of the couple in Ohio who killed themselves because they felt they could not afford to exist and because no one acknowledged their pleas, and the recent viral story of the 81-year-old cancer patient who called 911 because he was hungry, I know WITHOUT ANY DOUBT that what I have been doing and building for the last 9 years is still desperately needed.

(I realize most are sharing the cancer patient/911 story as an example of an act of kindness, but I'm horrified that it happened at all. It is within our collective power to ensure that these situations no longer occur.)

Now that I can breathe again with my daughter home, I would REALLY appreciate feedback about what I share at the blog link, which includes a link to a survey.

My brain still feels enveloped in cotton, so I won't be surprised if there are questions or suggestions, assuming I haven't covered all the necessary bases in this post.

But, I'm letting it fly nevertheless and hope to hear back from some of you. Thank you!

May 6, 2015

You know the pleas for help which create such tension here?

5/7/15 UPDATE: Since there is interest, I will work on the next step of feedback needed. I'll try to post a followup to this OP tomorrow, or Saturday morning. Thanks much.

* * *

(Edit to add: I'm going to be persistent about keeping this kicked to be on the front GD page for 24 hours, to give people a chance to see it and chime in, or contact me.)

I have a way to help; it's how it used to be done here. Please let me explain, especially for those of you who don't know me. If there is a pitiful response to this post, I promise to leave everyone alone after this.

(BTW, this link will explain me and my work more thoroughly as of 2015. I'll be focusing on these six sectors in moving forward with the work of creating a more Caring Society:

Caring Culture | Caring Democracy | Caring Economy | Caring Ecosystems | Caring Education | Caring Organizations

If you're interested in any of this, please let me know or follow the Caregiverism blog.)

For those who don't recognize my name, please refer to my DU journal. You'll get a better feel for me there. Older DUers can vouch for me, as they did in a recent post about my daughter being in Nepal when the earthquake hit. Thank you, old friends, for doing that. (BTW, after those 9 harrowing days, I probably should have waited a day or two to post this, as I may poop out really early and not check this as often as intended...lol.)

I recently posed a question here, asking how this community feels about the possibility of doing a fundraiser in order to create jobs for a few current and former DUers. There was little response, but having OPs seen and rec'd is a crap shoot and always has been...lol. I don't know if there is interest or not, which is why I'm trying one more time.

[font size="3"]^^^ That is still my primary question. I provide background and more info below.[/font]

Reading through Torch the Witch's latest thread is what prompts this post.

Before this current version of DU, members used to have to ask for permission to post requests that involve money. Because I had created a platform which, in part, exists to connect people who need assistance or support to those who want to connect directly to be of service, and since I had been a long-time member here at DU, such requests started to go through me and Wishadoo rather than await permission from admins.

I would then post a weekly OP listing the DUers who were asking for help after doing some behind-the-scenes due diligence to verify the veracity of the request if the person wasn't already familiar to me and the community. For people already known to the community, it's a much easier process, obviously.

Additionally, one of the first things that has always been done when someone new comes to Wishadoo and expresses need of some sort, is to search to find existing resources (which is why developing this directory is critically important), connect them to other community members who may live in the area or who may be able to help or provide insight about the situation in question, etc.

A fundraiser is a last resort; we try to find other ways to solve the problem first. Of course, as the social safety nets have disappeared over the years, the need for money to solve the problem has increased dramatically.

I quickly became overwhelmed. I did NOT want the site to become another gofundme. My intention all along has been to cultivate connection and genuine community, not simply have yet another fundraising site.

[font size="+2"]So, I put Wishadoo on hold. I knew I had to find help before I could relaunch, and I want to provide paid positions and not rely on volunteers.
There are a couple of DUers who have helped me so much over the years with Wishadoo and they totally "get" what it's all about. They are among those I want to provide part-time employment for, to supplement SS and SS Disability and to supplement income for those basically homebound due to being caregivers.

If I had help, one of the ways Wishadoo could still be of service here at DU (and other communities) is to take away the fear that you're being scammed. As I said, due diligence is done first. Unlike sites like gofundme (which serve a great purpose, I'm not knocking them) which are starting to require your gofundme page be linked with a Facebook profile, I have worked with people over the years who needed to keep their "real" names shielded from the public; their request was valid, they're who they said they were, but they were victims of domestic abuse or were searching for a job and having their name online forever would have been embarrassing, etc.

I do the behind-the-scenes work, and that's one of the types of positions I need help with in order to move forward and expand. There are satellite, synergistic projects beyond Wishadoo which also can also be relaunched, and provide both paid and volunteer/internships, when I have a core team of help in place. Volunteers and interns can then supplement helping with this enterprise, but I need reliable help and paid positions are the only way for that to happen. (http://ourgood.org is the portal site)

Plus, we need more jobs of integrity, right? Especially part-time jobs for those who are essentially homebound and/or on a fixed income.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the couple in Ohio who took their own lives, because they felt absolutely hopeless. They had created a gofundme page and online outreach on other sites, but no one replied.

That is another key difference with Wishadoo: Again, because it is about community, everyone is acknowledged. First and foremost, they are acknowledged and they know right away that someone cares.

I can tell you for a fact that has saved lives along the way. That's what I've been told repeatedly: Being acknowledged is what helps those suffering feel human again, and that in and of itself can create hope. When the pleas for help are real, it is devastating to be questioned and told you're a scammer; even worse is no response or acknowledgment at all.

As I emerged from my own personal crucible in early 2015, I've been exploring ways to raise funds for job creation. Foundations and grants move too slowly; impact investors only want to invest in start-ups (and younger people...ageism anyone?).

I've returned to once again give consideration to crowdfunding.

I have ways to generate revenue once I have help and can activate the social enterprise model in earnest so that the enterprise is self-sustaining (and worker-owned), including structuring Wishadoo itself as a member-owned cooperative as I have envisioned all along. Wishadoo was created eight years ago and has worked as intended; it worked too well, perhaps, as it became overwhelming without reliable, ongoing help.

So my question is:


April 22, 2015


EDIT TO ADD: I don't think what I share is of my interest at DU now, so I don't think I'll keep trying to re-engage after all. Best of luck to the handful of people who may read this.

* * *

As I create blog posts, I'm trying to remember to share with the DU community, too, and add to my journal here. It's too time-consuming to recreate the entire content here, but the full content can be found at these three locations:

LinkedIn | My personal blog | Caregiverism blog

If you want to know more about Caregiverism and what I'm working on, this post provides great background: First and Foremost, We Must Care

Within each ecosystem there is a web of connections and relationships, the proverbial "web of life. " When an ecosystem is healthy, there is a balance between the inhabitants and the resources available to them. This balance ensures the survival of the inhabitants and the environment itself.

When you stop to consider your local ecosystems and environment or the global environment, do you feel good about it? When you see images of fracking and factory farming, BP's devastating oil spill in The Gulf of Mexico, food waste contrasted with hunger and poverty, and how we as a species have literally trashed our oceans and land…doesn't it feel wrong how cruelly we treat the environment, other creatures, each other, and ourselves?

The driving force for this cruelty is the quest for control of resources.

Resources = money.

Money is meant to be a tool, not a value. Our economic and financial systems should reflect our values as a society. Instead, money has shaped our values and has itself become a value system, the primary focus and priority in our lives.

In order to get more money, we compete, seek to dominate and, quite often, exploit in this quest for more money…more, more, more of everything. This quest destroys not only the security and well-being of the global environment, but the security and well-being of individuals, families, communities and even nations.

We can, as a citizenry, do better. We can start by having a conversation about prioritizing our values as a society.

One of the fundamental elements of Caregiverism is Care over Capital.

On this Earth Day 2015, what if we were to apply Caring Values to how we approach being better stewards of the environment and find solutions to the myriad problems we face?

Compassionate, courageous, inclusive, optimistic, wise, and integrity-based values.

Full post: LinkedIn | My personal blog | Caregiverism blog

April 20, 2015

Apathy Kills: Who Cares? (Part I)

Once again, it's been a long span between my posts here on DU. I hope some of my old friends here see this, and maybe I'll make new friends as I attempt to re-engage. I was planning to share a few things here later this week, but something I read this morning instilled me with the fierce urgency of now.

I posted this originally at LinkedIn (in case you're on there and are inclined to connect and/or *like* it), as well as at my own blog, in case you prefer to share that link (as we know, many conservatives refuse to read anything with the word "democratic" in it, sadly). I've recreated it below for DU.

For those who have been wondering where I've been, I wrote a post last week which shares some of my recent journey and where it has brought me, and where I intend to go from here. Whereas I've been focused on compassion and empathy for the last 10 years, I'm now focused on CARE: caring about, in order to care for and, ultimately, caring with. I called it Caregiverism (i.e., giveashitism).

It's a long read, but if you're interested.... First and Foremost, We Must Care

I have come to believe:

I'll be focusing on these six sectors in moving forward: Caring Culture | Caring Democracy | Caring Economy
Caring Ecosystems | Caring Education | Caring Organizations

* * * * *


This wasn't the post I intended to write today.

I thought about creating a video to express what I'm thinking and feeling after reading a news story this morning, but I haven't been able to stop crying long enough to speak clearly.

I am writing this through tears of anger and frustration, but also tears of determination, perhaps belligerence, and an overwhelming sense of the fierce urgency of now. I hope you care enough to take the time to read this.

Please know that I do understand how most people today feel overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of news and information (often negative) and pleas for help swirling around as most of us are doing our best to get through each day. It becomes what I call white noise. I understand the tendency to shut down and turn away, and turn inward, feeling helpless in the face of it all.

Yet I'm asking you to not turn away.

Earlier this morning I saw a Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch article entitled: "Despondent couple found dead in their Bellefontaine home"

[blockquote]Neighbors said they seldom noticed the couple in the little house at 225 W. High Ave. Yet the two were desperately reaching out for help. In a listing on giveforward.com this year, Jodi Speidel wrote that both she and her husband, Randy, had chronic illnesses and had been living without gas heat all winter and without water for a week. With $33 in savings, she said, they were eating one meal a day and didn’t have scraps left for their two cats.

“I have turned in every direction possible and don’t know what else to do,” she wrote. “If you can help, we will be forever grateful and will even pay you back once we get back on our feet.”

No one responded on that website or a similar post on gofundme.com.

On Tuesday, the Speidels’ landlord found a pink note on the front door of the one-bedroom house warning visitors about carbon monoxide inside.

The reason I'm so heartbroken about Jodi and Randy Speidel's story is because I know that, while they likely felt alone in their struggle (which is heartbreaking in and of itself), they were not alone in what they were experiencing. I know all too well that there are thousands upon thousands of people, in the United States alone, who feel the same sense of isolation, despair and hopelessness, for countless reasons. It's an epidemic.

Many of these same people have found their way onto my path over the last eight years through my work at Wishadoo; people of all ages, backgrounds, belief systems, in every corner of the United States and even around the world. (Please note that Wishadoo is currently on hold; more on that later.) BTW, DUers, DU was the first community to use the tools at Wishadoo, years before members were allowed to post fundraisers here themselves.

The number of people who feel they cannot afford to exist in this world is growing.

It wasn't that long ago that I felt much the same. Too many find themselves contemplating the brutal reality that their loved ones may have a better chance at sheer survival if they were to leave -- and leave loved ones with life insurance funds.

In our predatory capitalistic society – a society in which money IS our value system -- money is at the root of nearly every decision made throughout each day. It's not hard for such thoughts of despair to creep in...thoughts about proceeds from our deaths may be more helpful to our loved ones than our struggles to keep a roof over our heads, if we've been able to maintain those payments, that is. (I know, I know…the mere mention of suicide brings up so many deep-seated feelings and opinions, and I'm aware suicide usually negates life insurance payouts, but if you're focused on that tidbit, you're missing the point here.)

I have persevered because I know I have worth and value in this world; more importantly, I know everyone else does as well. I'm here to remind others of this simple guiding truth:

There are thousands upon thousands of people feeling this despair, in a country where wealth and income inequality are staggering. Quite frankly, it's obscene and shameful. Such despair is not only unnecessary and avoidable, it's unconscionable.

I contend that most of our systems are FUBAR. We are increasingly criminalizing poverty and inequality, while simultaneously decreasing employment opportunities and destroying social safety nets. Quality of life is quantified by the numbers in one's bank account.

I empathize with the Speidels and the untold number of others in despair but, more importantly, I care. I recently wrote about how and why I have come to firmly believe that, first and foremost, we must CARE: care about, in order to care for, and ultimately care with.

No one should feel isolated and alone, not unless they consciously choose such a life. This is precisely why I created Wishadoo! (a Community Good Social Network) eight years ago. As I wrote in my story of how Wishadoo! was born:

I believe there is an underlying truth that remains unsaid as we turn away and struggle on our own each day: We intentionally create walls. We don't trust, we fear humiliation, we fear being taken advantage of, we fear judgment, we fear rejection. It feels as though it is easier to just "get by" on our own.

We can break down these oppressive, destructive walls – individually and systemically -- if we simply make the choice to care.

We can drill down later on the specifics which lead to tragic choices such as The Speidels' -- the healthcare system, the economic system, the social systems and the personal stories involved – but, for now, I'm asking you to simply care about their story.

I'll end this first installment by also asking you to do this: Imagine.

Imagine a community, similar to Facebook, where people are there to share and to listen; to share joyful, celebratory aspects of their lives as well as struggles; where there is a better chance of connecting and not feeling alone and hopeless. Or helpless. A community which encourages genuine, deeper connections and respectful dialogue. A community which is a catalyst for outreach with physical neighbors and others in their local community, and provides meaningful support to create these connections.

A community which can provide hope and support, perhaps even empowerment and meaning, all of which so many desperately need.

A community where people truly care.

In Part II I'll share what I offer as one solution, one avenue of care. I may even post Part II later today.

Thank you for reading…and for caring.

November 13, 2013

**Help A DUer: World Kindness Day 2013 Edition** (please K&R -- that's an act of kindness!!!)


I'm going to take my own advice and be kind to myself rather than beat myself up for not being able to follow up with everyone who has Wishlist posts to get updates, and for how long it has taken to create this OP. The site has undergone an upgrade and I'm finding glitches each day that I haven't yet had time to address. Also, no new fundraising posts will be displayed until I get help and implement a new protocol. I apologize for any convenience that causes.

I've gotten the information I need in order to transfer a few Wishlist posts into the new Fundraising Section at Wishadoo, and I'm including those links below. For anyone I'm neglecting, please send me a message w/update. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT EACH DUer WHO HAS BRAVELY ASKED FOR ASSISTANCE CAN CREATE HER/HIS OWN OP in GD (or your favorite forums/groups) AS WELL for more visibility and to give more background information, updates, interact with other DUers about your situation, etc.

Speaking of kindness, in case you didn't see the update re: sunwyn, please know you're making a huge difference in others' lives, not only with financial support and resource suggestions, but by letting people know they're not alone in this world. The simple act of acknowledging another person, even if they are in the throes of struggle and grief, may be the kindness thing each of us can do each day. You made a huge difference in sunwyn's life. Hers is merely one success story over the years due to the kindness of the DU Community.

EDIT TO ADD: A DUer who mainly frequents The Lounge bravely posted there about her situation recently, attached a link to the fundraiser at Wishadoo, and had her rather dire need taken care of literally overnight. I couldn't believe I awoke to a success without me doing a thing. That's the way it's supposed to work! So, thanks to all the Lounge peeps for helping out recently.

BELOW ARE LINKS TO FUNDRAISING POSTS CREATED AT WISHADOO BY DUers, in no particular order. Click link for background information to the request.

TREE-HUGGER: http://www.wishadoo.org/fundraising/6/help-with-rent-bills-car/

ATOMIC KITTEN: http://www.wishadoo.org/fundraising/8/need-help-to-cover-rent/

PAB SUNGENIS http://www.wishadoo.org/fundraising/7/need-help-to-get-gas-reconnected/

STEWERT http://www.wishadoo.org/fundraising/4/help-paying-my-bills-for-november/

(Note: Stewert has created posts on DU over the last couple of months, updating others about his situation and asking for assistance; he's waiting for disability to kick in and a few other potential avenues for assistance but, last I heard, is still having trouble. DU helped with October's bills but his situation hasn't changed as yet. I feel compelled to include this info along with the above link to his current, active fundraiser since his is not a new request.)

When you think one act of kindness can’t possibly make a difference in a world that sometimes seems immersed in unbearable, overwhelming suffering, remember the story of the starfish:

* * * * *

[font color="blue"][font size="3"]PLEASE ALSO: [/font size][/font color]

* Recommend this thread and keep it kicked for visibility.

* Please scan the Wishlist in general on a regular basis; some posts are simply asking for information. It's not always about money.

* ACKNOWLEDGE these courageous people who have made themselves vulnerable by asking for help. Please offer whatever support you can (information, advice, well wishes, financial or other support, etc.)

* Share Wishadoo! with others (online and in person)...your friends, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, other networks and organizations; after all, the more who gather...


November 6, 2013

DUers, you are making such a big difference: THANK YOU, from Sunwyn!!!!


Please forgive typos or other mistakes here; I'm in a huge rush but I HAD to post this message.

I plan to create another post later today, with more updates about Wishadoo, about other DUers' who need our help, and about many DUers' fears of asking for help because of that other website which monitors and trolls activity here. That makes me so upset I can't even express it. (For those of you from CC reading this, Wishadoo isn't restricted to DUers, but this is a community...just as I assume yours is...and the idea of trying to destroy community rather than build it, regardless of viewpoint or ideology, is just....sad.)

For now, I wanted to make time to at least share the good news about sunwyn, and I really hope all of you kind souls who have helped in various ways see this; not only those of you who have helped with sunwyn but with others as well. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE. That's what I want you to know: Even though I don't have the time to do followups and then post them, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

In case you missed it, here is the link to the post from last week re: sunwyn's situation.

The fundraiser for sunwyn was successful in less than three days!!!!!!!!!! Whereas she assumed they would need to move to Missouri, she got a tip during the time of the fundraiser about possible housing in Dayton, which is much closer (and would be a much easier move on her mom, who is in poor health), and has been interacting with at least one other DUer about Dayton.

Here's what she wrote, Monday morning, after composing herself when the fundraiser's goal was reached so quickly:

First off let me say thank you to all of you who have supported me . Your words of encouragment have really kept me going. Yesterday was a strange day. I had spent the night before battling the stomach flu but yesterday I drug myself up from the couch and walked over to check a few things on the internet. I found I had not just reached my goal but had actually went a little over!

So I started looking through the donations and I was astounded. At first I thought I was reading the amounts wrong..maybe my head was a little off due to the stomach but no...there were some very large donations and there was one that floored me! I nearly fainted right then. I had to gather my composure and go tell my Mom. She was astounded as well...at first. And then she looked at me and said, "Honey, these are the same people that helped us before. They have good hearts the world would be a better place if it were filled with more of them. " She was so right.

I have to tell you all there were points in the last couple of weeks were my anxiety had reached full pitch and I was having full blown anxiety attacks. This was totally out of character for me as I have always been the one to trudge along, making a way through no matter what. I often felt like I couldn't go on because I was letting down my family and it was unbearable. Of all the things I needed to do, coming up with enough money to get us out of here and into another place, the money was the most insurmountable. Today, my anxiety has dissipated and while I am still dreading this move, I can now face it head on.

Today, I am heading to Dayton, Ohio to check out the area as the doctor is unsure whether my Mom can travel the thousand+ mile move to Missouri. I don't know much about the place but I know the have a large Senior Center, a public transportation system, and lots of job openings. I really don't know much about big cities or how to live in them well, but I am willing to try anything. I want to keep you all updated on how things are going so look for updates whenever I have computer access.

Thank you to all who shopped my Etsy Shop. I am almost sold out of everything and have been making more hats and gloves and such to fill the Shop back up. And to all who contributed, monetarily and otherwise - Thank you from the very bottom of my soul. You have given me back my hope and faith in humanity, and not for the first time. I love you all and feel blessed to have you in my life.

And one more huge thank you goes out to OneGrassRoot whose compassion and empathy have made this possible for not just myself, but others she has guided and helped. The world is a happier and richer place for having you in it. Thank you....

Here is the followup Tuesday morning, after going to Dayton:

Went to Dayton and wow...lots to help my Mom. I have an appointment Friday with a Social worker who may be able to help us get into a house quick as we have an eviction notice. Mom has doc Friday again for tests to see if she can travel and how far. I will try to write more later....

Thank you, DU. Thank you!!!!!

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Member since: Fri Aug 5, 2005, 08:14 AM
Number of posts: 23,216
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