bigdarryl's JournalLooks like they got to Newt he's backing down from the film
Cenk was on Current last night and predicted this would happen. I think they threatened him in some way like his career
GOP: Huntsman has NO shot
To bad for you guys because he's your only best shot against the President of coarse he's to sane as for a rethug and this Republican Party don't like sane candidates.
Anyone want to bet this jackass ends up working at FIXED NEWS Tony Blankley dead
All I have to say is rest in peace
BREAKING!!! Joseph Kennedy to form exploritory commitee for Congressional run replacing Barney Frank
If he runs that seat is his.Personally I would rather see him in the senate but this is good also This is welcome news I think the people of that state will welcome him with open arms
Can someone explain to me where the heck Perry is getting all this money from
I mean his campaign has been a TOTAL disaster and yet he still has all this money to go on the air in these states he's already up with ads in SC Bill Kristol I hear is even calling him to quit the race after Iowa.
Tweety going after Romney for going totally negitive on Newt
Stupid ass Newt should have seen this coming when he was all high and mighty in the polls saying he wasn't going to run a negative campaign against the others and Tweety is right about the Citizens United it's gotten TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL!! with the money
Is Newt the Hillary Clinton of 2012 I mean remember when Hillary cried before New Hampshire and the women felt sorry for her and made a DRAMATIC UPSET when all the polls showed Obama was going to beat her by at least 10 points. Newt you punk ass cry baby.I know what he means when speaking about his mom though I cry when I think of my mom who left us last June 2011
What in the hell is wrong with people.A kid back from Afganistan is shot at his own party
You defend this country and come back home and you then have to face crazed Americans by being shot and paralyzed
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