Sherman A1
Sherman A1's JournalSuburban expansion threatens prehistoric sites near St. Louis, Mo. Mark Leach remembers the moment he discovered his passion for archaeology. Years ago, he and his sons were playing in their neighborhood creek in this outer suburb of St. Louis. They found a funny-shaped rock, which Leach thought resembled a knife.
He took it to an archaeologist, who confirmed its authenticity: It was a tool, probably about 4,000 years old. The archaeologist didnt seem fazed, but Leach was fascinated.
He told me, You cant turn over a shovel of soil in Chesterfield without finding artifacts, Leach recalled. That sparked my curiosity.
Leachs find is just one of countless artifacts that have turned up in the archaeologically rich St. Louis area over the years. Many sites were destroyed as the city grew in the 1800s. As the population has moved west into St. Louis County over the past few decades to communities like Chesterfield experts warn that another round of prehistoric sites is at risk.
Mass. supermarkets failing scanner tests: Report
A study of supermarket price scanners in Massachusetts revealed that nearly half the devices failed to work properly and that 85% of stores had failed to meet state requirements guaranteeing price accuracy.
The study was conducted at 34 supermarkets in Massachusetts earlier this month by Consumer World magazine. The study concluded that retailers were failing to do what was required of them when a 2012 state law revision allowed stores to remove item-pricing stickers. This included providing working scanners and printers for consumer use and disclosing pricing guarantees with signage in stores.
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Interesting. One wonders just what this report indicates for price scanners across all of retail across the country? It is always a good idea to check your receipt after you shop and not simply assume the price in the system is accurate.
Mayor Slay Marries Four Same-Sex Couples At City Hall
Mayor Francis Slay issued marriage licenses to four same-sex couples Wednesday night, in a direct challenge to Missouri's ban on such unions.
"St. Louis is a city that doesnt tolerate discrimination," Mayor Francis Slay said in a statement. "We are sending a message on whats right, and I cant think of anything more right than this."
The four couples are all from St. Louis. The first to receive a license, Richard Eaton and John Durnell, have been together for 39 years. City officials have no plans to marry additional couples.
"As state court after state court has deemed barring couples to marry under the law unconstitutional, it is time to make a stand," said Recorder of Deeds Sharon Carpenter, whose office issues marriage licenses. "It is time to show that the people of St. Louis support equality and will fight for it. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but it is a right that must be defended. St. Louis stands with those who stand for love."
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