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Lint Head

Lint Head's Journal
Lint Head's Journal
January 28, 2017

It's time to get serious.

I've posted my share of Trump jokes and silly videos and pics. Political cartoons are a central form of expression in our democratic republic.
But something has has changed. There is true danger in the air. Red states are passing laws to outlaw protests. To even run over protestors with their cars without consequences. The Trump administration wants to shut down and shut up a free press and eliminate freedom and assembly an expression.

I think an attitude shift is needed. I am no longer going to make light of our countries domestic threats. I will still use parody and sarcasm when conversing with right wingnuts. But trump is not a clown. He is embodiment of tyranny. The Tea Baggers falsely believe that the 2nd Amendment is to protect us from a tyrannical government takeover. Well. That cuts both ways.
I am not calling for an armed rebellion but things are getting dangerously close to that very thing. There are extremists on both sides and the worm can turn quickly.

We need to peacefully protest until we can no longer do so. Until we are banned from peacefully assembly that the Constitution demands all sides have. At that point we must be willing to stand for something or fall. Steve Bannon is not just a political consultant. He is the enemy. The enemy of all the rights I listed. The People's enemy.

I have a family. Children. Their lives will be forever changed if these cretins are allowed to prevail. Americans have died on foreign soil for us. Are we really willing to go that far. To die "in" our country "for" our country? People in the Civil Rights movement were willing to. But somehow this is different. We have entered uncharted waters. The press has already been suppressed. The king is dealing with despots and criminal governments. The next step could be the last step for us all.

January 8, 2017

Godwin's rule is out the window with Trump and his crime family. Some think Joesph Goebbels

never existed or was irrelevant. That there is no or ever can be an equivalent.

Recall history in the 1930's when there was no internet or social media other that the radio and newspapers. The Nazis took over all media and printed and broadcast only pro Nazi propaganda. I believe that it proves propaganda works. Particularly when it covers every piece of public media or communications. So, those saying the election was not determined by propaganda should think again. That is what Trump wants. Hitler hated criticism and so does Trump. Trump is closely associated with mobsters. Particularly those in construction. Cement is mentioned often in regard to Trump's criminal friends.
Ever heard the old term, "Cement Shoes"? My opinion only. He admires mobsters, Putin and has even praised Hitler. I don't think Trump is above putting out a contract on the life of an enemy. Just wait till he has control of drones.

Unless something is done soon, I mean anything, we are going to witness the worst times our country has ever seen. I see death and devastation. Sorry to be Danny downer but hope is something we have for only the next two weeks.

January 2, 2017

Godwin's rule is out the window for the 2016 election.

The rule says when an argument or discussion goes on long enough eventually a Hitler analogy will be used.

Nazi news outlets and right wing hate groups used steady efforts to spread propaganda over many years to come to and maintain power.
Hate wing interest groups here today are using Trump to do the things they have drooled over for decades. He is a willing idiot. Do you think the bull he spouts comes from his own mind? I don't.
I'm not convinced he has an original thought in his head. Putin saw an opportunity, as did the hate wingers, when Trump came along. They then had their willing fool. An instrument.
Trump would get the accolades and pseudo power his blankly narcissistic psychotic mind desired and the hate wingers get control.
The unwitting and easily convinced populace followed television and social media right down the hate wing party's rabbit hole.

December 31, 2016

So Steve Bannon is embracing the term Deplorable. Saying 2016 was a good year for the

Deplorables and 2017 will be even more exciting. Guess his twisted mind thinks he's doing what Obama did by embracing the term Obamacare. Come on Stevie. Embrace the truth. Time to embrace the term Nazi? How about, Racist? How about, Bigot? How about, Fascist? How about Sexual Assault enabler? How about embracing that domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996 situation? How much you willing to embrace?

I think you are too cowardly to embrace the truth. I think you are an accessory to treason involving interference with an American election and attempted silent coup of the country. There is no way you have the intel detail that Obama currently has. They know you're neck deep in Putin's criminal activity along with Paul Manafort.

This is from The Guardian, July 2016. The Russian connection and the hack is mentioned.

December 15, 2016

Yes. It's like the NY/NJ mob have teamed up with the Russia mob to

rob the treasury. Putin is already mad that the US froze Russian Bank accounts because of their invasions and bombings of civilians. I think it's revenge. And Trump is infested with the disease of revenge. The love of money, which is the Biblical root of all evil, mixed with the disease of revenge is potent and dangerous when a sociopath like Trump works with a murderous psychopath like Putin.

December 15, 2016

It feels like our country has totally been taken over by the mob or the mafia.

Trump has his mob affiliations with the cement companies. Makes you wonder who's buried in that cement. New Jersey, New York. History repeating itself on a larger scale. We need a democratic Eliot Ness.

December 15, 2016

If the Emoluments clause doesn't matter then the date of certification

of the election doesn't matter. Or actually any federal law or Constitutional law doesn't matter. Trump is literally getting away with murder while weak kneed politicians stand by and watch. Right now it feels like our country has gone to shit.

Well. It has.

December 10, 2016

Krushchev bangs his shoe and shouts in Russian, "We will bury you!" Well?

Will they? is it too late to dig America out of the grave? Or should we fight to stay alive.
So many Americans have died to keep the idea of America alive. Should we just forget why they are dead?
Or should we remember?

WP:Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House

November 2, 2016

The obvious glossing over of the Comey excuse and the

Russian connection to our democratic election is extremely troubling. No. Urgently troubling! The so called
protectors of our nation and it's treasury should
have their damn troubling hair on fire.

Comey would not confirm Russian involvement in hacking the DNC because he was afraid of influencing the election. But he influenced it by sending that, well timed, well placed Republican talking point email evidence letter to right wing congressmen knowing it would be leaked.
Neither Comey nor Putin are dumb. But they're playing us for dumb. It has been verified by over a dozen security agencies that the Russians are involved in the DNC "only" hacking.
I'd bet my grandmother's new draws that Manafort
knows Comey and knows him well. Comey is a Republican, though it is reported he is now independent. Manafort worked for a Republican but left because his Russian connection was getting to hot to handle.
This is subversive and ideologically driven.
Could Comey himself not see the coincidentally circumstancial evidence of keeping the Russians safe from discovery? After the election it's too late. But Trump will help Russia bury us for free.

September 3, 2016

I love tacos but.....

Have you notice how the same propaganda that's being used against Mexico is being used used against the U.S. by the Trump campaign?

The propaganda: Mexico is a crime ridden country.

Same propaganda: The US is a crime ridden country.

Also the same message that He is the Savior. By making America great again and saving Mexico from itself by building the new Berlin Wall. (Hmmmm. Does Russia really have some influence on Trump?)

That was the main message this surrogate for 'His Majesty of Orangeness' tried to communicate before he mentioned taco trucks on every corner.
I think Tacos will mean curtains for Don the Con.

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Member since: Sun Jan 14, 2007, 04:52 AM
Number of posts: 15,064

About Lint Head

Linthead left this world today. Thank you for providing a forum.
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