FHR_Scout's JournalHere is my guess regarding the Douchebags Tax Returns
Those are preliminary returns, NOT the returns he will be filing on October 15th.
In the filed returns he will take the full 4 million of charitable contributions along with other adjustments.
He has never said these are his final tax returns. The fucker is pure sleaze.
I just saw Rachel cut away to Andrea Mitchell
And Andrea Mitchell did a great job reporting from the floor. Andrea Mitchell did a great job tonight.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hot with the new 'do
Almost too hot for a congresswoman!
Had to do it - Switched to Fox
Regular douchebag Chris Wallace comments.
Talking point of vision of Govt. versus private sector from all on the panel. (written before hand and the talking point of the day)
All agreed M.O. was great.
Now for the classic, the floor reporter was FUCKING ELATED at first about the speech, in fact I would bet she is voting for Obama, then when she had to use the talking point of the day to end her section she was very subdued.
Chris Matthews goes off again! This time on Andrea Greenspan
Five minute tirade ripping the pubbies a new one. Andrea tries to reign him in, stating that last week Romney did a good job at the convention, Chris responds, it was better than the previous week when he went Birther. Ends with a slam against PA for voter suppression, Andrea tries to butt in with an opinion comment and he ends with this isn't opinion, this is all, unfortunately, factual.
Edit to add link: could only find the last minute.
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