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PufPuf23's Journal
PufPuf23's Journal
January 28, 2012

"Entertaining" Creative Speculation website with an series about 60s music

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation
Part I

May 8, 2008

"There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear"

Join me now, if you have the time, as we take a stroll down memory lane to a time nearly four-and-a-half decades ago – a time when America last had uniformed ground troops fighting a sustained and bloody battle to impose, uhmm, ‘democracy’ on a sovereign nation.

It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

For the record, the Tonkin Gulf Incident appears to differ somewhat from other alleged provocations that have driven this country to war. This was not, as we have seen so many times before, a ‘false flag’ operation (which is to say, an operation that involves Uncle Sam attacking himself and then pointing an accusatory finger at someone else). It was also not, as we have also seen on more than one occasion, an attack that was quite deliberately provoked. No, what the Tonkin Gulf incident actually was, as it turns out, is an ‘attack’ that never took place at all. The entire incident, as has been all but officially acknowledged, was spun from whole cloth. (It is quite possible, however, that the intent was to provoke a defensive response, which could then be cast as an unprovoked attack on U.S ships. The ships in question were on an intelligence mission and were operating in a decidedly provocative manner. It is quite possible that when Vietnamese forces failed to respond as anticipated, Uncle Sam decided to just pretend as though they had.)

Nevertheless, by early February 1965, the U.S. will – without a declaration of war and with no valid reason to wage one – begin indiscriminately bombing North Vietnam. By March of that same year, the infamous “Operation Rolling Thunder” will have commenced. Over the course of the next three-and-a-half years, millions of tons of bombs, missiles, rockets, incendiary devices and chemical warfare agents will be dumped on the people of Vietnam in what can only be described as one of the worst crimes against humanity ever perpetrated on this planet.


The Laurel Canyon rock music series is up to 19 installments and at least one more is planned. The thesis is that many of the musicians that came together in Laurel Canyon were children of the MIC and the music and drug culture was to derail the anti-war movement. Lookout Mountain at the top if Laurel Canyon was a military intelligence facility for years.

Jim Morrison is the son of Admiral Morrison of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. There is one picture of Jim with his father not that many years before his fame and the transition to rock star is striking.

I saw and heard the Doors at Winterland in 1968, Janis and Big Brother at Winterland and Fillmore West, and Hendrix at Berkeley Community Theatre (on a high school field trip no less).

I also quite favor(ed) Mr. Zappa.

I post the above link for entertainment and humor value only as an example what can happen by a busy exercise in connecting the dots.

Two interesting books to read:

1. Storming Heaven - LSD and the American Dream (1987); Jay Stevens

2. Acid Dreams - The CIA, LSD, and the 60s Rebellion (1985) Martin Lee and Bruce Shlain

January 27, 2012

Wrong - The largest patch of old growth redwood forest remaining in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Ca

The Getty Photo is wrong in except for one tree that looks like 3rd growth and on corporate, most likely former Pacific Lumber lands by Scotia and not Humboldt Redwoods State Park.

That looks like one old growth (pre-European) coast redwood that was topped and limbed and used as a spar tree for railroad and steam donkey logging. Most of picture and the immediate trees are most 3rd and and some 4th growth coppice redwood forest.

The largest contiguous original growth, about 10,000 acres is the Rockefeller Forest that is part of Humboldt Redwoods State Park and located farther south.


There is close to 40,000 acres of pre-European old growth in Redwood National Park and co-managed older State Parks in northern Humboldt and southern Del Norte counties but more fragmented. My guess is that Prairie Creek Redwoods and adjacent Federal National Parks lands are the 2nd largest. Prairie Creek and Jeramiah Johnson State Park along the lower Smith River in Del Norte county are awesome as is the Redwood Creek trail to the Tall Tree Grove within Redwood National Park and the Redwood National Park expansion (about 42,000 acres post WWII clearcut or oak grassland and 6,000 acres uncut pre-european primeval forest) in the late 1970s.



There were about 2,000,000 acres of coast redwood forest. Not all was the lower elevation forests on alluvial flats that one typically sees in photos but mixed transitional zone forests on steeper slopes where redwood grew along Douglas-fir, grand fir, and other species. Lady Bird Johnson Grove in Redwood National Park provides a good example of the mixed redwood forest specifically if one gets off the nature trail and views the steeper slopes in the eastern portions of the "grove".

The Headwaters Forest was a portion of the Pacific Lumber / Maxxam ownership where old growth redwood and recently cutover lands were sold to the Feds circa 1999. Preservation of the Headwaters is the result of the demonstrations and tree sits referred to as "Redwood Summer". While focus was on the Headwaters, Maxxum concentrated on clearcutting never logged Mixed Evergreen (Doug fir-Tanoak-Madrone) on the fringes of their 230,000 acre ownership and removing residual old growth from stands that had been cutover in the booming post WWII days where California still had an ad valorum tax on timber (since 1976? yield tax on harvest) and cutting 70% of standing volume removed a parcel from taxation for 30 years prior to the 1976 changes in the CA Forest Practice Act. Simpson Timber, a private WA State corporation that is the largest owner of commercial redwood timberland and owns more of the Yurok Reservation than does the Yurok Tribe) cut most of the remainder of their own old growth and the old growth purchased from Arcata Redwood circa 1990, located in northern Humboldt and Del Norte counties.

Temperate zone rain forests are rare globally. The three largest are in order the Pacific Coast for Alaska to Northern California; southern Chile, and parts of southern Australia and Tasmania.
Australia is the home of the largest Eucalypts as noted above. The tallest and heaviest stand of hardwood (broad leaf dicots as compared to coniferous monocot species) in North America is the introduced species eucalyptus grove on the UC Berkeley campus.


In southern Chile the Alerce is another large and ancient tree of the rare temperate rainforest and largest native tree of South America.


One should also mention the Giant Sequoia of the southern Sierra Nevada of California. Individual Giant Sequoias are the largest trees in mass but cannot match the coast redwood (and some Eucalypts in height nor stand volume).


IMO the harvesting of pre-european examples and intact ecosystems of these unusual species, reminders of the last pre-ice age vegetation communities, is immoral, unenlightened, and impedes science. Science today is looking at last chance observations and preservation of DNA diversity of dominant pre-ice age mega-flora.

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