Bcnu's JournalTrump: 'So many people tell us how we need to be politically correct and those
people are calling me the bully. Well look, the media is liberal biased!'
Okay, he didn't say that, not that I know of,
But think about it.
Flat tax - no such thing. A poor person pays a higher tax rate vs income on ALL goods.
Flat tax - no such thing. A poor person pays a higher tax rate vs income on ALL goods.
Example: If you make 100 bucks a day and buy a coat for 20 bucks, you're going to pay approximaely an additional 1.70 in sales taxes. = .017 % tax of income. If you make 500 bucks a day and buy the same coat = .0034 % tax of income. So the guy who makes 5 x as much is paying 1/5 of the taxes on that coat vs income = less income tax for the more you make. How are you going to work that into a "flat" tax? Eliminate all taxes but income tax? Good luck with that.
Just look at all of these USDA Socialist / "Commie" Programs that benefit CONSERVATIVE RURAL AREAS!!
Deadline to Enroll in Cotton Ginning Cost-Share Program is Aug. 5
Dairy Producers Can Enroll to Protect Milk Production Margins
FSA Unveils Monthly Webinar Series
USDA Encourages Producers to Consider Risk Protection Coverage before Crop Sales Deadlines
See more at link::
Direct Loans
Guaranteed Loan Program
Beginning Farmer Loans
Loans for Targeted Underserved Producers
Youth Loans
Borrower Training
Helium walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve
noble gases here." Helium doesn't react.
Excellent Way to Explain the Need for Public Financing of Our Elections
A true democracy needs an informed voter who knows who is funding the person that they plan to vote for and who's funding the other side as well. We need to know the political motivations of the financial backers of every candidate. Who do they actually represent? How can a voter trust a politician who owes favors to commercial / corporate / secret donors? Most common sense persons do not trust our representatives which in part, leads to the record-low approval ratings of Congress.
It is also obvious that our elections have become too long (Canada = 78 days), too expensive and politicians will write laws that are going to bring them the most election funding from large donors -that's not you or me - it is mostly oil and coal energy companies, defense contractors, insurance, banking, pharmaceutical and agri-type of conglomerates that donate the Big Bucks to national candidates. State elections have their own issues.
THE BIG PICTURE: Voters here in the U.S. must demand PUBLICLY FINANCED ELECTIONS with strict spending limits because WE ARE ALREADY PAYING for elections THROUGH THE HIGH COSTS OF insurance, education, prisons, crime, pharmaceuticals, energy, food and even war. Much of the money you spend on goods goes into the pockets of a politician who may vote on legislation that is bad for you, or worse, for the entire country.
You know the saying, "the best Congress money can buy! " - it is more truthful now than ever with the previously conservative-led SCOTUS making "Citizens United" legal. The word "Citizens" is really 'Corporations', but conservative leaders don't tell us that. Many Dem leaders have called for the end of "Citizens United" but not ONE single word coming from Republicans. Care to guess why??
We are quickly on our way to becoming a third-world country where leaders are paid-off by corporations and the "we people" are left out of the picture.
The First-Ever Brain Scans Of LSD’s Mind-Altering Effects. Drug Creates a More “Unified” Mind.
Source: HuffPo
The research, which was conducted by the Beckley/Imperial Research Programme in the U.K., showed that LSD reduces connectivity WITHIN brain networks and boosts connectivity BETWEEN brain networks that dont normally interact.
What does a more unified brain feel like? According to Carhart-Harris, it involves more fluid, flexible thinking, unusual associations and perceptions, vivid visions and perhaps enhanced creativity.
Our thinking in childhood starts out being more fluid and flexible, and tends to get more rigid and focused as we age, the researchers said. LSD, then, might help some users return to a childlike sense of wonder and imagination.
Read more:
Sounds about right... TRIPPY !!
The Origin of the Easter Bunny
The Goddess Ostara and the origin of the Easter Bunny
Feeling guilty about arriving late one spring, the Goddess Ostara saved the life of a poor bird whose wings had been frozen by the snow. She made him her pet or, as some versions have it, her lover. Filled with compassion for him since he could no longer fly (in some versions, it was because she wished to amuse a group of young children), Ostara turned him into a snow hare and gave him the gift of being able to run with incredible speed so he could protect himself from hunters.
In remembrance of his earlier form as a bird, she also gave him the ability to lay eggs (in all the colors of the rainbow, no less), but only on one day out of each year.
Eventually the hare managed to anger the goddess Ostara, and she cast him into the skies where he would remain as the constellation Lepus (The Hare) forever positioned under the feet of the constellation Orion (the Hunter). He was allowed to return to earth once each year, but only to give away his eggs to the children attending the Ostara festivals that were held each spring. The tradition of the Easter Bunny had begun.
Take your choice of sources:
Appeal for HRC as POTUS? Unofficial D.U. poll: Warren, HRC, Bernie
Poll response as such : I AM A ( select )
Thank you.
Gov. Brown on if Trump is elected POTUS: "Build a wall around California..."
"If Trump were ever elected, we'd have to build a wall around California to defend ourselves from the rest of this country," Brown was quoted as saying by the Sacramento Bee, who had video of the remarks.
GOD took Antonin Scalia from us during Obama's term so that Obama
"the Messiah", could nominate a new Supreme Court Justice at this very time in history.
Don't Republicans understand that? God works in mysterious ways, right? RIGHT?
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