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Waiting For Everyman

Waiting For Everyman's Journal
Waiting For Everyman's Journal
June 2, 2016

Liking people has nothing to do with what's true.

I don't decide who to trust, and then assume that what those trusted people say is true. I evaluate what's true via my own thinking, entirely separate from who the messenger is. Source snobbery has nothing to do with validity.

It's irrelevant.

June 1, 2016

Actually now that I think about it,

I do happen to know a guy who worked for a dinky little local paper in Santa Monica years ago, I can't remember the exact name of it (but it was The Santa Monica something-or-other) and I haven't talked to him in years... but he came from a very heavy military intel/diplomat family (and so did my late husband, they were old friends from growing up together, and in those circles as adults too).

If that's his paper and he's still there, or someone like him is, it's entirely possible that someone at such a dinky little local paper might actually have very good inside sources in the FBI, directly or indirectly. And having lived there, I can safely say, a lot of people there have some odd spiritual beliefs.

The point is MADem, we don't ever know who anyone really is, or what they know.

I don't expect that to hold any weight with you, and that's fine. I'll make up my own mind though. We'll see what happens next.

June 1, 2016

Oh well!

I can't help about the shape I'm in
I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to

Oh well

Now, when I talked to God I knew he'd understand
He said, "Stick by me and I'll be your guiding hand
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to"

Oh well
May 27, 2016

Yours is the most important and interesting post I've read here in some time.

I started last night and have read the whole thread. Most of us who now oppose Hillary so strongly can empathize with how you feel now, because most of us at one time supported her and had our own turning points of disillusionment about her. It doesn't feel good at all. It feels like we have been played, because we have. She used the groundswell of support given to her as a screen, as a "get out of jail free card" to enable her to indulge her ambition in any way she chose to.

The "pay to play" between the State Dept. and the Clinton Foundation, done by both Clintons is an even worse scandal which will come out in the near future. So just letting you know, there is more and worse to come.

I am also very angry at the Dem party and her promoters in government because they knew all about this, and covered it up. That is why it wasn't reported sufficiently by media sources which grass roots Dems would have listened to long before this. The Dem party has allowed her to run under false pretenses! Voters should have been made aware of this fully, in order to make an informed decision during the election. To me, they are guilty of fraud of the worst kind, right along with her.

Thank you for being thoughtful and honest, and for sharing your thoughts with us. It is refreshing to see an act of character on this board. You have done an important thing today.

The thinking process you have gone through is what we need so many more to do and in a hurry, before this election gets caught up in the train wreck that Hillary and the Dem PTB have put us in. I suppose their thinking was that in order to save ourselves we would be forced to save her too, making us complicit in this tawdry mess (her wrongheaded behavior is like a black hole, that has sucked more and more people into it to cover it up.)

If that was the calculation that was made, it's pretty cynical.

My hat is off to you, madaboutharry! You're an outstanding DUer in my book!

p.s. I'm very sorry to see the block by Hillary Group. That mindset of blanket denial of anything negative about Hillary is how we all came to this dangerous and awful point in this election, with time running out. I hope you will post a lot in GDP, as I'm very interested in what you have to say after this point.

May 25, 2016

As FDR said of the banksters,

"I welcome their hatred".

May 24, 2016

This is the big story today -- a real wake up call.

For those who still think it's a nothingburger... She used ONLY her own private server in her home, for 4 years of State Department official communications. She didn't use her secured .gov account AT ALL. Read that a few more times. Yes, it's true.

4 years, everything to and from the Secretary of State! Want to argue that nothing in that involved national security? Then what was she doing, shopping on QVC all day? That is so grossly negligent, nothing even needs to be proved.

No one else ever did that. No thinking adult would even dream of doing that. And nobody gave her permission to do that, except herself.

It's time to pay attention.

God knows, I don't like these intel guys! But they are right this time.

Even if Clinton people don't care about this, the public WILL care when they find out about it. And they will be saying WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US ABOUT THIS? WHY HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING IT? And those questions will go directly to CAMP CLINTON. To HRC herself, her surrogates, her media pundits, and her supporters both officials at all levels and grass roots. The public is not going to be happy about this, and these Intel people just blew the lid on it.

Boom! Mic drop.

Wait and see if that isn't so. Better start getting the press releases ready. Without the lies this time, would be a good idea, if that's possible. Yes, it will take a small amount of time to sink in, but not that much time. Even Obama cannot ignore this, he will have to comment on it.

And... there's also Hillary's own interview with the FBI taking place, right about now.

May 22, 2016

If Dems were worried about Trump, they'd be voting Sanders.

Those voting for Hillary have no case to make about scary Trump. Just stop. It isn't even the slightest bit logical.

By voting for Hillary you're telling us Trump is no big deal. Don't blame us if we hear the message.

May 21, 2016

I changed my mind. Now I think it could happen.

Since the DNC just arbitrarily changed the rules for the remaining Primary state conventions to allow Clinton and the Party to make decisions behind the scenes and crush dissent, and secondly it's been announced there will be no more exit polls done (it isn't worth it because Clinton's the nominee), I wouldn't be surprised to see Sanders run on his own in some manner.

I think we're being set up for some major vote stealing, especially in California, and continued repression on through the Convention.

If that happens, on top of the outrageous way this Primary has already been conducted, and the lousy, biased treatment of Sanders by those in the party, he might see things differently than he did going into this election.

When the other side doesn't keep the deal, bets are off.



May 20, 2016

I have actually changed my mind on this.

The ONLY way I can imagine voting for HRC, is if Bernie were VP with the understood conditions that he would have access to everything that is going going, and the understanding that he would let us (the public) know if he thought anything wasn't kosher. He would also need to have free reign on what to work on.

I will say right out front, I do not believe HRC would complete a term before the email scandal blows up. If she gets elected, I think she is likely to be impeached.

I think this would be a good insurance policy, and it would be fair since he got nearly half the vote, and he could keep an eye on things in a second Clinton WH, which I am very leery of.

I doubt he would do it, and I doubt she would ask him. But lots of POTUSs and VEEPs don't get along, and they accept the ticket anyway.

I'm not wild about the idea, but I could marginally accept it with trepidation.

May 19, 2016

Wow. And then went on tv and smeared those she taunted.

She's blowing fake kisses at them as she leaves, and possibly worse at the end.

What a fake, arrogant, disgusting scumbag, she is!

Thanks for the video, very enlightening.

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Member since: Mon Jun 23, 2008, 12:17 PM
Number of posts: 9,385

About Waiting For Everyman

My namesake... http://youtu.be/GgXzWhexJh0 ... If I were asked to recommend only one political / history book it would be this one... http://www.amazon.com/Treason-America-Anton-Chaitkin/dp/0943235006 ... Treason in America: from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman, by Anton Chaitkin. I do NOT endorse all of the views by Chaitkin external to this book, nor all of his actions, nor all of his associations, but I DO highly recommend this book. It is one every US citizen and everyone interested in its history should read. It it well written, meticulously sourced, and it is eye-opening -- even for those who consider themselves already knowledgeable. If you have not read it before, you need to read it, it is need-to-know information, and what it has to say is not going to be found in many places, if anywhere, else. That is my tip for whoever is passing by.
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